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Chapter 486

Chapter 486 His Instincts

As Charles sat on the guest room’s bed, a sense of worry gnawed his heart.

He knew Craig far too well. The man was paranoid and an overthinker. He knew that Craig was not

going to believe him so easily

With that thought in mind, he sent Cedrick a message.

The next morning, at the Newton residence’s dining room, everyone was silently having their


Only the sounds of cutlery against crockery filled the huge dining room.

After what seemed like forever, Craig said, “Charles, since you’re back, I’ll be announcing to the public

that you’re still alive. I’ll hold a welcome party for you.”

Charles furrowed his brows and replied, “But Craig, if Cedrick finds out about this, he’ll surely try to

capture me and send me back to the secret interrogation room to torture me.”

Upon noticing Charles’ nervousness, Craig let down his guard a little.

“Don’t leave the Newton residence before the welcome party. I’ll guarantee your safety.”

“But, Craig…”

“No.” Craig firmly said. “You told me that you were going to heed my orders. Have you already

forgotten about that?”

At that, Charles had no choice but to reply, “All right.”

“Come to the study two hours later. I have something I want you to do.”


Silence returned to the dining room.

After the meal, Jasmine went back to the Jenson family’s Harrick Villa. She was forced to go and check

on Jennifer.

Meanwhile, Lucas bitterly went to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to work. He had been the errand

boy for the past two days, and he was about to collapse from exhaustion. His grudge against Craig only

became even more intense.

Meanwhile, Craig felt better, and he could somewhat walk on his own, albeit slowly.

Thus, he went to the study to deal with Newton Group’s quarterly financial statement.

A few minutes later, the bodyguard knocked on the room door.

“Mr. Craig, we’ve done our investigation. Mr. Charles went to Angle yesterday in an attempt to meet

Mrs. Jenson.”

Craig put down his pen and icily asked, “Did he manage to see her?”

“No. I think he was discreetly kicked out of the place.”

Craig pondered the answer for a while. “Then did he meet Cedrick?”


Craig’s solemn look slowly returned to a peaceful expression. “You’re dismissed.”

With a respectful bow, the bodyguard turned and left.

A few moments later, Charles came into the study.

“Craig, have you come up with a plan? Is that why you want to meet me?”

Craig lifted his head to smile at Charles. “Yes, I’ll be assigning you a task during your welcome party,

and you have to complete it.”

A few minutes later, when Craig was done giving his instructions to Charles, Charles had a somber

expression on his face.

“Craig, you want me to poison him?”

Craig calmly lit a cigarette and said, “Why do you sound surprised? Didn’t you say that you’d do

anything so that I can become the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation?”


Charles analyzed, “The welcome party will be held in the Newton residence. If anything happens to

Cedrick at the Newton residence, not only would I be caught on the spot, but Newton Group’s shares

will be affected too. The Newton family won’t be able to escape this, so Craig, you have to think about


Craig scoffed, not at all afraid. “Don’t worry. No one knows about this drug. It’s a prohibited drug I

purchased from overseas, and it’s colorless and odorless. It’ll only take effect a week after he’s

poisoned, so no one will suspect you.”

“If it’s a tough drug to be detected, why do you want me to do this?”

Craig took a puff of his cigarette before glancing at him.

“You’re different to Gwendolyn. She shot you, so she must be feeling guilty. If you do this, you’ll be able

to get Gwendolyn to pass the wine to Cedrick. This plan will be flawless then.”

Charles kept his hands behind his back as he stood with a stiff back. His eyes were lowered as he

mulled over the matter.

Craig had to rap on the table to snap Charles back to the present. “You made me a promise yesterday,

but are you now saying that you were only bluffing about your pledge of loyalty?”

“No, I’ll do as you say. I’ll make sure everything goes smoothly, Craig.”


Craig lazily leaned back on the chair as he continued smoking.

As he tilted his head back, he gazed at the rising smoke with cold eyes.

To ensure your safety in the Newton residence before the party, you’ll have to hand in all of your

communication devices. Can you do that?”

Charles stiffened a little, but he only hesitated for two seconds before fishing out the old phone model

from his pocket and putting it on Craig’s table.

“I don’t have much money, so this is the only phone I have. If you don’t believe me, you can send the

bodyguards to check my room.”

Craig gave him an amicable smile and said. “Of course I trust you.”

That night, news of Charles being alive and having only gone abroad to study was published on

Newton Group’s website.

Gwendolyn was still under suspicion for Charles’ murder. However, the chaos was kept minimal

because of Treyton’s control over the internet.

Now that Charles was alive, those rumors would be cleared.

Gwendolyn was on the couch, watching the news of the Newton family.

As Cedrick put the washed strawberries into her mouth, he glanced at her iPad.

“I never thought that he’d use the identity of Charles Newton and take back his old life after coming

back a year later. Gwenny, why do you think he’s back?”

Gwendolyn’s cheeks were puffed from the strawberries in them.

She pondered Cedrick’s question but did not answer.

Cedrick went on. “Darling, I feel that his unannounced return has a reason. I think he has a secret.”

Perhaps it was a man’s instinct toward another man.

When Charles asked to leave Chanaea and Erihal back then, he had expressed utter desolation toward

his identity as the illegitimate son. He neither wanted to continue living as Charles Newton nor Vidar


Cedrick thought that Charles would remain under the radar forever.

In the end, Charles only left the scene for a year before returning suddenly. It was almost as if Charles

had only gone for a holiday.

Patting Cedrick’s arm that was around her, Gwendolyn whispered, “Do you still hate him?”

“No. It’s been a year since then. I’m healthy and happy, so I won’t hold him accountable anymore.”

Gwendolyn lovingly caressed his cheek. “That’s good. Now that he’s willing to help us out, we might as

well have some trust in him. As long as his plans have nothing against us, it’s fine.”

“You’re right, Gwenny.”

He then gave an approving kiss on her cheek before reaching out to the table to feed her more

As Gwendolyn merrily ate the strawberries, she continued, “By the way, news of Charles being alive

has been published. Craig’s a paranoid man, so you should make some trips to the Newton residence

to make the show more realistic.”


It had been three days since Charles went back to the Newton residence.

Charles could not sleep at night. Sometimes, in the dead of the night, he would walk to the window tonovelbin

look at the top floor.

He had been paying much attention to the people on the top floor.

Jasmine, Lucas, and all housekeepers and bodyguards were not allowed on the top floor. The butler

was the one to serve the meals of the day himself.

For the past two days. Craig had not gone upstairs because of his sore body, but when he recovered,

he would take a trip there every day.

Craig and the butler were the only ones with the keys-the security was tight.

Thus, Charles deduced that he would not have a chance to head upstairs and investigate the situation

at the moment.

Maybe the welcome party will be a good chance.

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