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Chapter 467

Chapter 467 Secret Savings

Without thinking, she rushed to hold Cedrick’s hand to stop him from taking the ring.

“It has a different meaning to me. Besides, it’s small. What if it really goes missing? Give it back to


It had always been a gift she valued the most.

The time when she was being set up by Evelyn and distrusted by the entire Harris family was the

lowest point in her life.

During those days, it was Cedrick who supported her.

The valuable engagement ring gave her the faith to persist in finding out the truth.

Looking back at it, she still thought that the ring was like the only hope during those dark days.

She took the ring decisively and put it back in the jewelry box.

Seeing that she cared so much about the ruby diamond ring, Cedrick was gratified and rubbed his face

against her. “Actually, I can still buy you another one if it’s really missing.”

“Even if you buy twenty more, they can’t replace this ring. It’s different to me.”

The moment she finished speaking, she keenly detected another meaning in Cedrick’s words.

Therefore, she narrowed her eyes and shot him a glare. “Since you have handed over all your assets,

where did you get the money to buy such an expensive ring? Did you have money stashed away

somewhere I don’t know?”

Cedrick was stumped. Sh*t. I forgot about this.

Seeing that he was in a daze, Gwendolyn pinched his earlobe. “Tell me honestly, is there something

else you are hiding from me?”

Aggrieved, Cedrick knew that the best way was to apologize first.

“Darling. I’m sorry. I’m content with having you and the kids. Why would I hide money from you?

Besides, you have never restricted my spending. If I have secret savings, wouldn’t it give you a reason

to straighten me out? How could I be that stupid?”

Gwendolyn did not let go of his carlobe, but her pinch became gentler. She deliberately teased, “How

can you be stupid? You’re so smart. You’re even an expert in fooling me.”

Meeting her gaze, Cedrick gave her a pitiful look. “Gwenny, you have wronged me. You pay great

attention to detail, so I dare not fool you.”

“Is that so I’m going to verify it, then.”

She let go of his earlobe and slid her fingers down his jaw, Adam’s apple, and continued further below.

Her teasing made Cedrick’s heart flutter, and they continued to mess around for a while.

In the end, Gwendolyn selected a pair of expensive crystal earrings as the lucky ones for the project.

When it was teatime, almost all the socialites from wealthy families in Salinsburgh, including Triss and

Jasmine, had arrived.

The sky garden of the hotel was decorated in an exquisite and elegant manner.

On the long table, there were fruit tea, honey lemon tea, and tea sets, which were all discontinued

porcelains brought by Gwendolyn from Harrick Villa.

There were also a variety of exquisite and delicate desserts, which attracted the attention of many

socialites. They took photos and posted them online with the caption: Attending a tea party held by

Mrs. Jenson on this sunny afternoon. All the girls are so gorgeous.

All the young ladies had a great time except Jasmine. The carefree girl actually did not smile that day.

which was rare. novelbin

Gwendolyn had been focusing her attention on Jasmine. After sensing the latter’s unhappiness, she

immediately took a plate of exquisite desserts and walked up to her.

“What’s wrong, Jasmine? It’s rare to see you look so glum.”

“Hi, Gwendolyn.” Jasmine greeted in a sorrowful voice without saying anything further.

Smiling, Gwendolyn pretended to tease, “You aren’t afraid that these desserts will make you gain

weight, are you? Don’t worry. I asked the five-star pastry chef to make them using xylitol so they are all

not greasy and taste refreshing. They’re also not very high in calories.”

Jasmine looked at the desserts Gwendolyn handed over and took the plate, but she did not eat.

Instead, she lamented, “I was scolded by Craig yesterday, and I almost got grounded today. This is

making me a little upset.”

Gwendolyn’s expression changed slightly. “Why does he want to ground you? Does he have a

problem. with me and not want you to attend the tea party I’m holding?”

Jasmine hurriedly shook her head. “No, that’s not it. I was the one at fault.”

Lowering her head in dejection, she leaned closer to Gwendolyn and continued in a low and mysterious

voice, “Gwendolyn, let me tell you a secret. This is just between us. Don’t tell others.”

Gwendolyn nodded solemnly. “I won’t. Don’t worry.”

Jasmine, who naturally trusted her, went on, “I still couldn’t hold back my curiosity yesterday and went

to Jennifer’s room to have a look. Guess what I found.”

Gwendolyn’s expression suddenly became serious. “What is it?”

“There is no one in Jennifer’s room!”

Knitting her brows hard, Gwendolyn asked in a low voice, “Why is there no one in the room when Craig

said that she’s sick and has been recuperating at home? Did you see him take Jennifer out?”

However, Jasmine replied with certainty, “It’s impossible for her to leave the Newton residence. I keep

an eye on her every day, and I never see her go out. She must still be in the villa!”

Looking around, she leaned in and added softly, “Craig stationed a few bodyguards on the top floor

these two days. I suspect that Jennifer is locked up by Craig for making a mistake or that she has

contracted some rare or infectious disease that requires her to be quarantined.”

Gwendolyn listened to her quietly, feeling even more worried about Jennifer’s situation.

Originally, she planned to quietly stuff the crystal earrings into Jasmine’s bag.

But the latter had regarded her as an elder sister and a friend. If she stuck to her original plan, their

relationship would completely break down once the matter was made public.

Gwendolyn was caught in a dilemma.

Jasmine tilted her head to look at her. “Gwendolyn, what are you thinking about?”

Half a minute later, Gwendolyn looked up to meet Jasmine’s eyes as she decided to take a risk.

She proposed, “Jasmine, I guess you’re also curious about what happened to Jennifer. I have a way to

let you see her.”

Stunned, Jasmine blinked innocently as if she thought it sounded fun.


Gwendolyn leaned in and whispered into her ear. Soon, Jasmine’s face changed. “Gwendolyn, I can’t

do this. If Craig finds out, he’ll skin me alive!”

Gwendolyn patted her on the hand to comfort her. “Don’t be afraid. I will guide you. When the time

comes, you just need to put all the blame on me.”

Yet, Jasmine was still nervous and scared.

Gwendolyn continued to persuade her for a while until she finally convinced her.

Meanwhile, the news about Abbot Group’s food safety issue had been creating its own momentum

online for two days.

Abbot Group was hit hard in just two days. Its hotels and restaurants were boycotted while its stock

price kept falling, causing heavy losses.

Remus tried everything he could but still failed to suppress the news.

Unable to stand it anymore, he took the initiative to meet with Treyton, wanting to ask him to help

remove the trending topic about his company.

Remus rubbed his hands nervously and waited silently in the private VIP room of the restaurant. He

was wary as he needed to ask for a favor.

After he had waited for five minutes in anxiety, the door was opened.

With an expressionless face, Treyton walked in with a gloomy look in his eyes.

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