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Chapter 451

Under the moonlight, the handsome man’s face darkened, emanating a terrifying chill.

“C-Craig…” Jennifer composed herself, gripping onto an eyebrow trimmer, preparing herself for any

potential attack.

With an indifferent expression, Craig asked again, “Why aren’t you sleeping at this late hour? What are

you doing on the top floor? Didn’t I tell you to follow the rules?”

“I… I couldn’t sleep. I heard some noise here, so I came up to check. I was just about to go back when

you arrived.” She swallowed nervously, trying to change the topic. “What are you doing here at this

hour? And you’re still in your military uniform…”

Without the slightest change in his expression, Craig responded, “I just got off work. Tomorrow is your

homecoming feast, which will be held at the Newton residence. That’s why I came back to rest tonight.”

“Oh, okay. Thank you for your hard work.” She lowered her head, displaying a submissive attitude.

Craig’s expression remained deadpan, and he said icily, “Go back to your room and rest.”

“All right.” Jennifer nodded. However, the persistent sound of chains she had heard earlier compelled

her to inquire further. “Craig, is Mother really staying on the top floor? I heard the sound of chains being

dragged on the floor. Is that her?”

“Mother is already asleep. You must have misheard.” His face remained emotionless.

“But… I heard it clearly. I really heard the sound of chains. If only Mother is staying on the rooftop, does

that mean you locked her up?”

Craig’s eyes narrowed, his gaze intense as he stared at her and maintained an ominous silence.

“Craig, I’ll soon be a part of the family, and I hope we can be more open with each other. I have the

right to know the secrets of the Newton family.”

“You’re overthinking. There are no dark secrets in our family. Go back and get some sleep. Don’t make

me repeat myself.”

Jennifer stood still. “I’m not sleepy. Can you please unlock the door, Craig? I would like to check on


Craig responded without hesitation, “No. Mother is asleep now. Don’t disturb her.”

Her effort was futile. Craig remained unyielding no matter what she said.

Jennifer was speechless.

“Tomorrow is your homecoming celebration, and you’ll have many things to attend to. Go and get some

sleep.” He softened his tone, coaxing her, and took the eyebrow trimmer from her hand.

“All right…”

With Craig around, it was impossible for her to secretly investigate the top floor. She would have to wait

for another opportunity.

She bypassed Craig and was prepared to descend the stairs when her head was struck from behind.

A wave of intense pain washed over her, and her awareness swiftly faded as she descended into


In the elongated and unsettling corridor of the top floor, a chilling gust of wind swept through.

Craig held up her body, his face taking on a menacing look despite his noble military attire. “How can I

not fulfill your curiosity since you’re so curious about the top floor?”

The next day was the day of the homecoming feast.

Before dinner, Gwendolyn and Cedrick called Nico and Summer over to Harrick Villa to help Zoey look

after the babies as they would be attending the celebration.

Gwendolyn and Cedrick then went to meet up with Treyton before leaving for the Newton residence.

As they traveled, Treyton sat in the extended luxury car, appearing visibly troubled.

Sensing his anxiety, Gwendolyn said, “Relax, Treyton. Today is a day of celebration for Jennifer. From

now on, you two can finally be together.”

“You’re right.”

Having waited for this moment for a long time, Treyton knew no one would dare to question his and

Jennifer’s compatibility anymore.

They would embark on a journey of marriage, building a life together, having children, and living happily

ever after, embraced by the blessings and well-wishes of everyone around them.

The thought filled Treyton’s heart with excitement.

Soon, they arrived at the Newton residence.

The evening sky painted a picturesque scene with a beautiful sunset, and the number of guests

present was still relatively few.

The three of them were among the guests who arrived early.

Jasmine, who was busy welcoming the guests, was elated when she saw Gwendolyn.

She reached out to hold her hand. “I couldn’t attend the welcome baby party you organized for your

babies last time, and I truly regretted it! Luckily, you’re here today, Gwendolyn. It’s been so long since I

last saw you. Did you miss me?”

Gwendolyn chuckled. “You’re a grown-up now, yet you’re as mischievous as a child. I think in another

year or two, Craig will be planning an engagement party for you, huh?”

Jasmine was annoyed by the topic of engagement. “Being single is so much better. I have no interest in

dating. Although many people have shown interest in me, Craig has directed all of them to Ms.

Fortune’s Favorite.”

At the end of her statements, she covered her mouth and let out a mischievous, arrogant chuckle.

Gwendolyn froze for a moment when she noticed her choice of words. “You call her Ms. Fortune’s

Favorite? It seems you don’t like her.”

Jasmine uttered frankly, “Yes, I don’t like her. She has been missing for years, and all of a sudden,

Craig found her. I was the only daughter in the family for so many years, and all my brothers doted on

me. Now that she’s here, I have to share everything with her.”

Gwendolyn withdrew her hand from her affectionate grip. “Where’s Craig? Take me to him.”

“All right.” Jasmine brought them to the villa entrance.

Craig was in the living room, overseeing the preparations for the event.

After leaving Cedrick in the garden, Gwendolyn and Treyton went in to look for Craig.

Upon seeing them from a distance, Craig greeted them with a smile, “Mr. Treyton, Gwen, you’re here

early. How about enjoying some dessert in the garden?”

Gwendolyn took a seat on the couch. “We’ll have it later. Mr. Craig, I brought Treyton over to meet you.”

Treyton, with a rare hint of a smile, joined her on the couch.

“Oh?” Craig raised his brows. “How can I help you?”

Gwendolyn beamed with excitement and replied, “Well, isn’t it obvious? We’re here to discuss Treyton

and Jennifer’s engagement! Tonight, as we gather for Jennifer’s homecoming feast, I couldn’t think of a

more perfect moment to make the official announcement. It will definitely add an extra layer of joy to

the celebration. Don’t you agree?”

Craig did not respond immediately, his full attention focusing on the task of pouring tea.

After a brief silence, he said, “I wonder if Mr. Treyton is ready with the engagement gift?”

Treyton smiled and replied earnestly, “I have made arrangements to transfer the ownership of Citrine

Entertainment and Harmony Pictures to Jennifer. Once she acquires the shares, she’ll be releasednovelbin

from her contract with Angle and become a self-standing artist. A dedicated team will manage her, and

the studio will be solely dedicated to her.”

The entertainment and film companies possessed substantial market capitalization, totaling two

hundred million in value. Additionally, Treyton’s plan to establish a top-tier team would greatly

contribute to Jennifer’s success in the industry.

The gifting of the shares of the entertainment and film companies as part of the engagement was a

sincere gesture.

However, Craig’s expression subtly shifted. “Treyton, while your thoughtfulness toward our sister is

commendable, in order to meet the proper etiquette, the gifts should be presented to the entire family,

rather than exclusively to her.”

Upon hearing that, Gwendolyn knitted her brows.

Even Treyton was stunned for a moment.

Treyton’s engagement with Jennifer clearly reflected his commitment to prioritizing her well-being.

However, it raised concerns about the Newton family’s sudden interest in benefiting from her despite

their lack of care and support in the past. Are they trying to take advantage of Jennifer?

Despite feeling a growing sense of displeasure, Treyton remained patient. “So tell me what I should do,

Mr. Craig.”

Craig lifted his cup and raised it in a toast to both Gwendolyn and Treyton before placing it on the table.

“We just want a small token of appreciation—fifteen percent of Harris Group’s share to the Newton


Treyton and Gwendolyn exchanged glances, their expressions simultaneously changing.

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