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Chapter 393

An hour later, all trending topics related to Joaquin had been scrubbed from the internet.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a penalty notice. It cleared Joaquin’s name, explaining he

was drunk when someone took pictures of him for money.

His fans were relieved upon seeing the notice and commented online.

One of them wrote: I told you all there’s no way he’d do such a thing! Those people are just jealous of

his popularity!

Another chimed in: I’m grateful that Joaquin’s name is cleared. Those keyboard warriors who slandered

him should apologize to him!

During the car ride back to Harrick Villa, Gwendolyn browsed the new trending topics on her phone.

She was satisfied with how the incident concluded.

The next day, just as she arrived at Angle, she thought about Patrick and called him.

With the excuse of being Angle’s manager, she told the old man that Joaquin’s schedule was full, so he

couldn’t return to Fairlake for the time being.

Since Fairlake was a long distance away and Patrick couldn’t possibly give Joaquin a beating, the

former had no choice but to give up.

After handling that tricky issue, she reclined in her office chair and sighed in relief.

However, she only relaxed for two seconds before growing tense again.

I don’t know what trap awaits me when I return to the Harris residence tomorrow. I need to be

prepared. When her train of thought ended there, she called Kieran.

The call swiftly connected, and she cut straight to the chase. “I forgot some things that happened

fifteen years ago, Kieran. Do you have any drugs that can help me recall those memories?”

Kieran was usually apathetic and composed, but when he heard her request, he reprimanded, “You’re

carrying two babies right now, yet you’re asking me for drugs? Did you even consider how that’ll affect

your children?”

“Erm…” Embarrassed, Gwendolyn replied, “I was just asking, you know? You always have something

up your sleeve.”

“Not this time. Drugs or treatments that affect your psyche aren’t suitable for your current condition. It’ll

cause massive harm.” After a brief moment of contemplation, he found it odd because his sister was

usually careful. She never did things recklessly. “Did you forget something important?”

“Yes, very.” Gwendolyn nodded. It’s related to the endless harm and backstabbing I’ve suffered over

the years.

A sigh escaped Kieran’s lips. “There’s nothing more important than your babies right now, Kiddo.”

Caressing her abdomen, she sighed gently. Just as she was about to share her suspicions with Kieran,

someone knocked on the door urgently.

Outside the room, Elven shouted in an anxious and tearful voice, “Something bad has happened, Ms.

Gwendolyn! Mr. Marcus suddenly fell down the stairs this noon! You need to return to the Harris

residence with me right away!”

The moment Elven ended his sentence, Kieran abruptly hung up the call.

Looks like Kieran has just received the news as well. Without hesitation, Gwendolyn packed her things

and expeditiously returned to Marcus’ villa on Mount Tranquil.

Leif was expecting her arrival, so he was already waiting for her at the entrance. His eyes were red

from crying.

Frowning, Gwendolyn questioned him while stepping into the building. “Dad has been wheelchair-

bound all this while and needs someone to push him around. How did he suddenly fall down the


Leif began tearing up again. “I don’t know. Mr. Asher arrived around ten minutes ago and is

investigating the matter. Mr. Treyton is on his way back, and Mr. Kieran has examined Mr. Marcus’


Pausing for a moment, he sobbed sadly and choked back on tears. “He said Mr. Marcus is in a bad

condition. There’s a blockage in his brain caused by a blood clot. He’s old, so his physical condition is

poor. The risk of him turning into a vegetable after surgery is great, according to Mr. Kieran. There’s no

telling whether Mr. Marcus will wake up again…”

Gwendolyn felt her heart clench. “How did this happen…”

Leif had worked for Marcus his entire life, which was why he was bawling loudly. He truly cared for


Gwendolyn began tearing up, too. Though, out of concern for her babies, she resisted the urge to cry

and headed upstairs.

She had just arrived upstairs when she saw a figure leaving Marcus’ room.

It turned out to be Evelyn, whose eyes were similarly reddened. There were tear stains on her

countenance, and she resembled a frightened little bunny. Anyone would feel sorry for her upon seeing

how heartbroken she looked.

Gwendolyn wasn’t surprised by Evelyn’s presence as something dawned upon her. She sneered, “You

were the one who made me lower my guard fifteen years ago, and you were also the person who

appeared in my dreams. Your full name is Evelyn Harris, isn’t it?” I’ve always been suspicious about

Evelyn’s identity. Not only did she give me an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but she also knew about

everything that happened to me in Fairlake and seemingly paid much attention to me. It was just a

guess at first, but when she appeared at the villa’s entrance on New Year’s Eve, I started suspecting

her. And now that she’s here after Dad got injured, I can finally connect the dots.

Evelyn was stunned for a moment as she raised her eyebrow. A mocking look flashed past her eyes

before she once again put on an innocent pretense. “I don’t understand what you mean, Ms. Harris. Mr.

Marcus saved me in the past, and I owe him one. That’s why I came to visit him when I heard

something had happened to him. That’s all.”

Upon shooting Evelyn a frosty glare, Gwendolyn made to enter the room, but when she brushed past

the former, she stopped in her tracks and confronted, “How long are you going to keep this act up? Are

you going to wait until tomorrow, when I’m supposed to sign the right to inheritance, before springing a

surprise on me? I already know the truth, though. So, I’m afraid you won’t be able to see me shocked

and in disbelief.”

Evelyn arched her eyebrow. With a confident look, she replied, “There’s no need to wait until tomorrow,

Ms. Harris. Although, I think you’ll still be surprised.”

There was clearly an underlying meaning behind her words. Upon ending her sentence, she

descended the stairs in her high heels.

Gwendolyn watched Evelyn’s figure vanish at the corner of the staircase before entering the room to

see her father.

Inside the room, Marcus was lying motionless in bed while wearing an oxygen mask. A heart rate

monitor was sitting on the bedside table, and a needle was jabbed into the back of his hand while his

head was wrapped in white bandages.

Even though the oxygen mask covered half of his weathered face, it couldn’t hide the wrinkles on his

countenance that indicated how much he had aged.

Lorelai was sitting on a nearby chair. When she saw Gwendolyn entering the room, she rolled her eyes


Gwendolyn sat next to the bed and held her father’s hand. While gently caressing his coarse skin with

her thumb, she turned to Lorelai and requested, “Leave. I want to spend some time alone with my dad.”

Scoffing, Lorelai exited the room wordlessly.novelbin

Once Lorelai was gone, Gwendolyn said, “While I argued with you about your decision to marry Lorelai

in the past, I never resented you. I understand you want someone to keep you company after Mom

passed away so long ago. However, Lorelai isn’t a good woman. She has always been the one pushing

your wheelchair, so how did you suddenly fall? Is she responsible for what happened to you, Dad?”

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