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Chapter 345

Chapter 345 Do Not Anger Me

“Maybe. It’s my first time. I don’t have any experience,” Gwendolyn muttered nonchalantly as if unfazed

by his fury. She then stood up and took a seat on the couch.

Taking in a deep breath to calm himself, Charles ordered Jonah to bring in the doctor on duty to

examine Gwendolyn.

After giving her a brief examination, the doctor bowed and congratulated Charles, “Congratulations, Mr.

Vidar. Ms. Harris is two weeks pregnant. You’re going to be a father!”

I’m going to be a father? Hah!

Charles glared daggers at the doctor, his eyes blazing with murderous intent as if he wanted to

annihilate everything on earth.

A loud smash echoed in the room as Charles swung the coffee table to the ground. “Get out! All of

you!” Charles’ sudden burst of anger gave the doctor a scare, and Jonah quickly brought the latter


When Charles and Gwendolyn were finally alone in the lounge, he stepped forward and gripped her

chin. “Is it Cedrick’s?” he asked, refusing to believe his suspicions.

“If not?” Gwendolyn scoffed. “Do you think it’s yours, then?”

Charles clenched his jaw, and his gaze turned horrifyingly dark.

“Abort this child tomorrow!”

“Why should I?” Gwendolyn slapped his hand away and continued indignantly, “Charles Newton, this is

my child. You have no right to determine his fate!”

With bloodshot eyes, Charles bellowed, “But he’s Cedrick’s child! We’re getting married soon! That

makes you my woman! I won’t let this child come into this world!”

Gwendolyn refused to give in. She returned the man’s glares and warned, “I won’t let you touch this

child! Everyone in the palace knows I’m pregnant now, and they think it’s yours. Besides, you even

fooled the crowd into thinking that we’re deeply in love. What would they think if something happened

to me now? Do you want to be criticized by everyone?”

“So, you’re saying you set me up tonight?”

Realization finally dawned on Charles. Unable to swallow his anger, he grabbed her neck and pinned

her on the couch.

“Gwendolyn, why are you doing this to me? I only gave up on you seven years ago for my future, but

I’ve regretted my actions and am doing my best to make it up to you. Why can’t you give me another

chance?” asked Charles.

He continued glowering at her, even if tears streamed down uncontrollably.

“You’ve been treating me well these days. You even accepted my flowers when we left the house

tonight. I thought you were beginning to notice my efforts and trying to accept me, but you’re telling me

now that my wishful thinking is a joke?”

more disheartening than to be given hope and then pulled back into the abyss with a hit of


Chapter 345 Do Not Anger Me


Enduring the suffocating and oppressing feeling he was giving her Gwendolyn smirked evilly “You keep

saying I set you up but have you counted the times you did it to me? You said you’d never be to me

oner we come to Erihal Did you even keep your word?”

Taken aback, Charles immediately loosened his grip by a fraction.

He avoided her gaze awkwardly, not knowing how to respond to her confrontation.

However, Gwendolyn kept glaring at him.

When she brought up the antidote to Gerhardt, the latter responded with unexpected news Apparently,

Kylie had given the antidote to Charles two weeks ago. Hence, it was currently in Charles possession.

However, Charles lied, saying the antidote was still in the palace’s storehouse. That way, the former

could keep Gwendolyn by his side while wasting the time Cedrick had left.

Things would be set in stone once Cedrick’s body succumbed to the disease. Not only would Charles

get to keep the Super Antiviral, but he could also get Gwendolyn to marry him. In the end, Cedrick

would die a pathetic death without getting anything.

Charles had planned out everything perfectly.

“Charles, you’re a heartless monster! You’re worse than an animal!”

Her insults stoked Charles’ anger, and his rationality was thrown out of the window.

He exerted more force, choking her neck harder as he hissed into her ears, “You’re right. I’m a

monster. So, don’t you dare anger me!”

Gwendolyn could feel the oxygen level depleting in her lungs, but she was too weak to fight.

Moreover, she had not been eating well due to her morning sickness. The amount of strength she had

was not enough for her to fight Charles.

Charles guffawed uproariously when he saw the struggling look on her face.

As he laughed, tears began to roll down his cheeks again.

In the next second, he retracted his arm and ripped his shirt apart as if he had gone mad.

As fresh air rushed into her lungs, Gwendolyn coughed desperately while clutching her throat. Noting

Charles’ actions, she asked in a panic, “What are you doing?”

Ignoring her, Charles removed his shirt and pants and tossed them aside, exposing his naked bodynovelbin



Instinctively, Gwendolyn looked away, but he grabbed her chin again and made her stare.

“What are you afraid of, Gwendolyn? I want you to get a clear look!”

His healthy honey-colored skin was covered in vicious scabs, turning his once amazing-looking body

into a gruesome sight.

Some scars were so deep that his bone was exposed. The skin could never return to its original state,



Chapter 345 Do Not Anger Me

with the scabs that had formed.

“Do you see this? This is all Cedrick’s doing! I was hit with a heavy whip coated in salt water and

burned by cigarette butts and iron rods. Not only that, Cedrick poured two whole bottles of acid onto my

back and even slashed it four hundred and four times with a knife. Not to mention my ribs were broken

so many times that I’ve lost count. During those six months in the high-security prison, I could only

survive on others leftovers. When night came, I had to either sleep in smelly toilets or get locked up in

cold and damp confinement cells. I’d even get beaten for making a tiny mistake. Those hellish days

have already. turned me into a madman. So, yes. You’re right. I’m a monster. Only monsters will attack

people. So if my life gets miserable, I’ll kill Cedrick and make him go to hell with me.”

Gwendolyn’s eyes had turned red as she stared at his scars in shock. Indeed, they were horrifying.

Each scar told her what kind of inhumane punishment he had been through.”

Still, she did not pity him.

It’s his fault for using the S404 RNA virus to harm Cedrick. He deserves it!

“Cedrick has been sick for six months because of you. His life isn’t any better than yours!” Gwendolyn


Holding back her tears, she suggested, “If you give me the Super Antiviral with no conditions, I’ll call it

even between you two. I promise you’ll never hear from each other ever again.”

Charles laughed menacingly.

“Call it even? Never hear from each other?” he sneered, removing his hand from her chin.

“Gwen, I hate him to the bone, just like how he hates me. The grudge between us can only be resolved

when one of us dies. There can never be peace. I planned to marry you so I could get the pleasure of

revenge by torturing you. I wanted to make Cedrick watch the woman he would sacrifice his life for

suffering under my wrath. But when I saw you, I gave up on the idea. I really love you, Gwen. My love

is no less than Cedrick’s love for you. So, why can’t you spare me your love for him? Even just a little

bit?” he raved.

He was irritated and depressed, and he could not stop crying.

At that moment, he looked like a desperate beast that had lost its rationale.

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