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Chapter 71 Gina even wanted Hazel to compensate her 4 million dollars, After that, Olivia was afraid that Hazel would implicate her, so she simply blocked her. What h happened later? Olivia thought. ‘Did Gina send Hazel to prison?” Olivia believed Gina did not have that kind of capability. She reckoned it was probably Gabriel whohelped Gina. Olivia inexplicably shuddered. Then, she started to feel jealousy and resentment. She thought, ‘Gabriel, what exactly does he see in Gina that makes him fall for her? He lacks goodjudgment, huh?’ A b b i e suddenly entered the dressing room. The vicious expression on Olivia’s face instantlybecame docile and obedient as she said. “Abbi e” Ab b i e’s expression changed. She glanced around at Olivia’s friends and said with a displeasedexpression, “All of you, please go out for a moment. I need to talk to her. Olivia’s friends quickly left. “Don’t address me so affectionately!” Abbi e said. Olivia was silent for a moment, thinking, I’ve been putting up with this old hag for a long time Abb ie crossed her arms and said disdainfully. “If you really have no caliber, can you not let yourmom brag? Being the first in the National Higher Education Design League Contest competition?The result hasn’t even been announced yet, but your family has been bragging about it everywhere.Now that the list is out, where is your Olivia was stunned. “Wasn’t the announcement postponed?” she said. “Yeah,” Abbi e said. “The league website was updated just now. The list is out. The first place issomeone named Aria. When did you change your name from Olivia to Aria?” Olivia found it unbelievable. She took out her phone and started checking. She realized that hernovelbin

name was indeed not on the list. She was not even in third place. She felt a bit overwhelmed. “Why did it turn out like this?” she said. “Humph, I wanted to ask you the same thing,” Ab b i e said. “When people asked me what positivequalities my future daughter-in-law has, I told them about your winning the design competition. Inthe end, you and your family were just putting on a show to fool me! I’m going to feel embarrassedwhenever I meet my friends from now on! Abb ie reproached Olivia relentlessly. Olivia was in a daze and did not care what she said at all. “Mom, Olivia, the engagement ceremony is about to begin.” Ethan walked in and noticed Olivia’s troubled expression. He was certain that his mother must havesaid something to upset Olivia again. He had already gotten used to it, so he no longer found itsurprising. “Mom, what happened?” Ethan said, getting somewhat impatient. “Ask her!” Abbi e said in annoyance before turning around and leaving. Ethan comforted Olivia for a moment. Then, the two of them went out together to prepare for the engagement ceremony. 1 A b i e arrived at the hotel lobby with a sour expression. The guests congratulated her on her son’sengagement, but she didn’t even bother going through the motions with them when she responded. Clinton couldn’t stand it anymore. “Come on,” he said. “At least put on a nicer expression.” 90% Abbi e rolled her eyes at him, thinking. “My son is marrying a beautiful girl with no substance from alowly family. What’s the use? I’m really disappointed. Why are both daughters of the Miller family soinadequate? Their biological daughter is a country bumpkin, while their adopted daughter is just auseless decoration, lacking any real substance. I must have committed some grave sins. Abbi e glanced at the guests in boredom. Suddenly, her eyes lit up when she saw a familiar figure. She thought. Isn’t that Neil’s savior I saw at the hospital the other day? Is she here to attend theengagement party?”

Abbi e thought about the guests invited today, thinking. They are all influential figures. It seems thatthis girl is also part of our upper-class society. Great! I can’t help but feel displeased whenever I seeOlivia these days. I’ll first learn about this girl’s situation and see if I can replace Olivia as mydaughter-in-law. Abbi e went up to Gina excitedly and said, “Hello there, young lady.” Gina looked at Abbi e in confusion. Abbi e smiled kindly and said, “Young lady, you don’t know me, but I know you. You are the studentwho saved my father-in- law by the roadside, right?” Gina thought, “Turns out that she is a member of the Jackson family.” Gina replied indifferently, “Yes.” “By the way, young lady, how should I address you?” Abbi e asked. “I’m Miss Miller, Gina replied politely. Abbi e was left speechless for a moment. She had a premonition. After a moment of hesitation, shesaid. “Um… What’s your relationship with the Miller family, the one that owns Miller Jewels?” “I’m not related to them,” Gina said truthfully with an indifferent expression. Abb ie heaved a sigh of relief, thinking. Phew, 1 almost thought that the young lady in front of mewas Gina, the biological daughter of the Miller family. Thank goodness she isn’t. She just shares thesame surname. I knew the person in front of me couldn’t possibly be Gina. Could a country bumpkinever have such elegance as this young lady? Abbi e began to sound out Gina. “Young lady, I find you especially pleasing to the eye,” she said.“Do you have a boyfriend?” Gina was stunned. She thought, ‘Pleasing to the eye? What does that have to do with whether I have a boyfriend ornot? “Do you have a boyfriend?” Abbi e asked again anxiously. “No, but someone is pursuing me,” Gina replied truthfully, not seeing any reason to hide it. Abbi e smiled and said, “That’s for sure. You are so outstanding and beautiful. There must be manypeople pursuing you. I really like you and would like to introduce my son to you.”

“It’s okay,” Gina refused directly. “Don’t be in a hurry to refuse,” Abb ie said. “Why don’t you meet my son first? See if there’s anychemistry between you two. My son is also very handsome and outstanding.” 配90%1 Chapter 71 Gina refused again. Abbi e persisted. “Oh come on,” she said. “Just add his contact details first.” As she spoke, she handed Gina her phone with Ethan’s number saved in it. When Gina saw the twowords “Ethan Jackson, the corners of her eyes twitched“Madam, your son’s name is Ethan Jackson?” Gina asked. “Yeah, Abbi e said. “That’s right. What’s wrong?” Gina found it funny. She glanced at the stand nearby, where there was a photo standee of Ethanand Olivia together. She pointed at the standee and asked, “The one who’s getting engaged today?” “Yeah, Abbi e admitted without hesitation. “Madam, is it appropriate for you to find a partner for your son at his engagement party?” Ginaasked. She found it somewhat amusing. Abbi e cleared her throat and said, “Young lady, it’s just an engagement party. Even if they areengaged, they are not at married couple. It’s not like they are tying the knot. Isn’t it still not set instone? He’s just like a child playing around with this girl in his current relationship. His dad and Idon’t their relationship is going to last. I think you are a more suitable partner for my son.” Gina said with a half smile. “No, no, no. Olivia is more suitable.” While conversing with Gina, Abbi e bombarded Ethan with messages on WhatsApp, urging him tocome over immediately. Gina intended to bypas s b b i e, but A b bi e blocked her way and said, “Young lady, don’t go yet. I’llcall my son over. You two can get to know each other.”

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