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Chapter 66 Sensing Ethan’s reluctance, Olivia’s good mood was dampened considerably. She couldn’t vent her anger on Ethan, so she shot a glare at the sales assistant. The sales assistant’s mind was filled with curses… Just as Olivia was about to pick out a handbag, she saw Gina’s figure. Why is this bit c h here?’ she thought. Gina sensed that someone was looking at her, so she glanced toward Olivia and Ethan’s directionbefore looking away. Olivia was puzzled, but she thought C i n a was probably not working here. She thought, Othersmay not know, but I know Gina took away 600 million dollars from the Miller family! She’s probablysplurging now! Olivia gritted her teeth in anger. She greeted Gina with a fake smile and said. “Gina, are you here to buy a handbag too?” Gina gave Olivia a cold glance and ignored her. She thought, ‘Olivia is really good at pretending.We’ve already fallen out with each other, but she can still greet me as if nothing happened. Is shean Oscar nominee? Otherwise, how can she be so good at pretending? But it’s probably becauseEthan is here. After all, Olivia is a pro at pretending to be innocent and gentle in front of people. The shop fell into a strange silence. Ethan thought, ‘We took the initiative to talk to Gina. That’sshowing her respect, and she actually ignores us? There are so many other sales assistantswatching! Isn’t she intentionally making us lose face?” Ethan immediately said angrily. “Olivia asked you a question. Are you deaf or mute?” Olivia began to pretend to be a nice person with an aggrieved expression, as if she had beendeeply wronged. “Ethan, maybe Gina just doesn’t want to talk to me,” she said. “It’s okay.” “If you’re not mute, then speak up!” Ethan said. His temper as an entitled scion flared up, especiallysince he had been cheated out of 400 thousand dollars by Gina and now she was mistreating hiswoman. He thought, ‘She thinks I’m a doormat, huh?” novelbin

Sensing the escalating tension, the sales assistant attempted to defuse the situation, saying, “Sir, ifyou have anything to say, talk nicely. Could you please calm down?” Ethan immediately vented his anger at the sales assistant. This Hossen store has no sense ofaesthetics and taste at all, huh?” he said. “Letting in such a country bumpkin and h i k to shop here. Can you see any designer labels on her? Can she afford iz Ethan spoke disdainfully. “What the hell is he talking about? the sales assistant thought. She was shocked. “Sir, please watch your words,” she said. “Miss Miller is our store’s valued client,not a country bumpkin you’re talking about.” The sales assistant found the words “country bumpkin” too offensive to utter. Her impression ofEthan and Olivia had gone south. She thought, One pretentious guy and one scheming girl. Theirfoul vibe is way too extra, like an over-seasoned dish. No wonder they’re together! Birds of a featherflock together! So what if Miss Miller doesn’t have designer labels? That’s called being low-key. Bigshots are like that. They keep things under wraps. Decking yourself out in designer brands andworrying others won’t notice? That’s called vanity. Just showing off!” 1/3 Chapter 66 “Valued client? Ethan said with a disdainful expression. “I think you’re out of your mind. Wasn’t shehere before us? How many handbags did she buy? Tell me.” The sales assistant showed a professional smile and pointed at the empty shelves, saying, “Theitems on the shelves were all purchased by Miss Miller She thought, ‘Even though Mr. Jackson paid for it, I heard him say that Miss Miller is his fiancée.Doesn’t that make them a family? There’s no need to point out who bought and who paid: Olivia was in disbelief. She said, “What did you say? She bought all of them?” The sales assistant nodded solemnly and replied, “Yep.” Olivia clenched her fists hard. 17)

This was because Gina took away 600 million dollars from the Miller family, causing her quality oflife to seriously decline. She thought. I have to beg my man for ages just to buy a handbag, while Gina can splurge so freely.B i c h! Olivia tried her best to maintain her composure and asked with a forced smile, “Gina, you comehere alone, huh? How can you carry so many handbags alone? Someone has helped you arrangethings, right?” When Ethan heard Olivia say that, he suddenly felt enlightened. He sneered and said, “You boughtthem yourself? I think you have h o o e d up with a middle-aged bald man and got him to buy themfor you. Where’s the old man? He went to pay for you, right!” Gina’s expression was indifferent. She was not angered by their sarcasm and insinuations. Instead,she said calmly, “Whether I bought them myself or someone else did, what does it have to do withyou? Do I have to explain to you?” Ethan sneered and said. “You don’t dare to say it because you’re afraid that we’ll find out thatyou’ve h o o k e d up with a rich old man, right? Actually, I’m not surprised. It’s not like I don’t knowhow messy your private life is.” Although the previous rumors about Gina’s messy private life had long been clarified, Ethan did notbelieve it. Instead, he believed Olivia’s one-sided story. From Olivia, he heard that Gina had veryopen and scandalous romantic affairs. Therefore, when he had a meal with the Miller family the other day, he became lustful after knowingthat Gina had been drugged. He wanted to experience how good Gina was in bed. Unexpectedly, Olivia saw it. Because of this, Olivia even got angry and quarreled with him. He spenta lot of money to pacify her and even pinned the blame on Gina. The sales assistant could not take it anymore and spoke up for Gina. “Sir, if you continue to talknonsense and maliciously slander our valued client, I’ll get the security guards to escort you out,”she said. “Is there anything wrong with what I said?” Ethan said. “Tell me then. Did she come alone to buyhandbags? She came with a man, right?”

The sales assistant was momentarily unsure how to respond. “This is Miss Miller’s privacy,” shesaid. “No comment.” Ethan became even more smug. “No comment?” he said. “Afraid to admit it,right? I hit the nail on the head! Haha!” Ethan was in a good mood and mercilessly mocked Gina. Olivia also heaved a long sigh of relief, feeling a sense of satisfaction. But she pretended to beshocked. ‘Gina, why did you go down the wrong path?” she said. “Just for the sake of buying ahandbag? Gina could not help but find it amusing that the two drama queens had m e n a l l y created adramatic situation and even mocked her. 13:31 Wed, 22 May G Chapter 66 She said calmly. There is indeed a man who comes with me, and you all know him.” Olivia’s heart s k i pp e d a beat, thinking. We know him? Who is he?” 90% Ethan did not believe Gina. He said, “Who the hell knows those beer-bellied bald-old men? Do youthink everyone needs to trade their bodies for things like you?” Olivia slandered Gina again, saying, “Gina, you said we all know him. Could it be that he is a certainboard member of Trowell University who helped you expel Lily?” As soon as Ethan heard “board member of Trowell University, the image of bald middle-aged menimmediately came to mind. He became even more smug. “I’m going to report you to the education bureau for having aninappropriate relationship with a board member of the university,” he said. “You’re bringing negativeinfluence to the school’s culture!”

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