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Chapter 60 Okay, Gina replied. She saw it as a visit to the Jackson family’s villa. She thought this might be theJackson family’s way of treating guests. In the photo gallery room, Isaac brought over a thick photo album. They were all family portraits of the Jackson family. The Jackson family was a big family. Neil sat in the most conspicuous middle seat. On his right side was Gabriel, and on his left side…. Gina turned around and asked Isaac, “This is Emily Jackson, right?” The woman in the photo had delicate and gentle features. Although there were many traces ofaging on her face, it was not difficult to tell that she was a beauty when she was young. “Yes,” Isaac said as he nodded vigorously. “That’s right.” Suddenly, he sighed and said. “Time flies indeed. In the blink of an eye, it has been three yearssince Mrs. Emily passed away. “Why did she pass away?” Gina asked involuntarily. “Cancer,” Isaac replied Isaac sighed continuously before he continued, “Mrs. Emily had checkups every year, and there hadalways been no problem. But her health suddenly went south. After numerous examinations, cancerwas discovered, but it’s already in the to see. Mr. Neil wanted to take advanced stage. When she passed away, she was extremely skinny.It was really heartbreak a photo of her, but she refused. She said she looked too terrible at that time and didn’t want to bephotographed. I’m sorry, Miss Miller. Once I start talking about it, I find it hard to stop. I’m sorry.” Isaac quickly stopped talking. As people aged, they liked to reminisce about the past. “It’s okay,” Gina said. She found it a little strange. “She had check-ups every year, but the docs never found any issues?”novelbin

she asked. “Yeah, Isaac said. “Life is unpredictable.” Gina lowered her eyes, thinking. If Mrs. Emily had left behind a photo at that time, I might havebeen able to see some clues. What a pity. Gina took a closer look and noticed that Neil was holding Emily’s hand tightly. The smiles the two ofthem revealed to the camera made people involuntarily feel that they must be a loving couple. Gina glanced at the family portrait again. There were two more people she knew, which were Ethanand Harry. Isaac brought Gabriel’s personal photo album and showed Gina photos of Gabriel from childhood toadulthood. He had been handsome since he was young. However, it seemed that he had never been one to smile much. “When Mrs. Emily was around, she would take a photo of Mr. Gabriel every year and put it in thephoto album to document 13:30 Wed, 22 MayG. Chapter 60 his growth, Isaac explained. Gina casually flipped through the album and saw a photo of Gabriel with Emily. Finally, she saw aslight smile appearing on his face. Gina flipped to the end. “There are no photos of him when he was twenty-three years old?” shesaid. “Was it because he didn’t want to take photos after Emily passed away?” “Well…” Isaac pondered for a moment. Considering that Neil and Gabriel were so close to Gina andwanted her to become a part of the Jackson family, Isaac thought it should not be a problem tomake things clear to Gina. If it were an outsider, Isaac would surely not say anything. Actually, Mr. Gabriel went missing for a year when he was twenty-three years old,” he said. “At thattime, Mr. Neil was frantic. He couldn’t find him anywhere. Coupled with the fact that Mrs. Emily hadjust passed away, Mr. Neil nearly…. followed suit. Fortunately, he managed to pull through after

recuperating at Prover Hospital for some time. Back then, Mrs. Emily’s cancer was diagnosed atProver Hospital.” Prover Hospital had just been established three years ago, but at that time, it had already gatheredtop-notch international medical resources. Gina suddenly lifted her eyes and said, “Is that so? It was diagnosed at Prover Hospital?” “Yeah.” Isaac said. “What’s wrong. Miss Miller?” He did not understand why Gina was asking again. He thought. Did she not hear clearly just now?’ “Nothing’s wrong.” Gina said. “Gabriel went missing for a year. Was he kidnapped?” “Nope, Isaac replied. “Mr. Neil asked many times. Mr. Gabriel didn’t say anything, but he definitelywasn’t kidnapped. After all, the Jackson family didn’t receive any calls demanding ransom thatyear.” “Right,” Gina said. “Gina Gabriel called out. He came over after dealing with the company’s urgent matters. “Mr. Gabriel is here,” Isaac said cheerfully. “Miss Miller, you guys chat, I won’t bother you.” The more he looked at them, the more he felt that the two of them were a perfect match- He thought, ‘If only Mrs. Emily were still around. Her regret before she passed away was not beingable to see her youngest son get married’ Looking at the photo albums and the various photos hanging on the wall, Gabriel said to Gina, “Ihope that in the future, there will be photos of you in this room as well.” Gina, being quite straightforward, asked, “Why?” Gabriel was left speechless. ‘Must I say things so directly?’ he thought. That feeling seemed less romantic, but Gabriel still explained further, “That is, become my girlfriend,fiancée, wife, and a member of the Jackson family.” He would definitely document all the processes and treasure them. “A member of the Jackson family? Gina said as she frowned slightly. “I mean, hypothetically, if Iwere to get married to you,

13:30 Wed, 22 May G Chapter 60 I’d be a member of the Jackson family, and I’d lose my individual identity, huh?” In societal norms, when a woman got married, it was as if she became a member of her husband’sfamily. Gina did not agree. with this viewpoint. Even if she got married in the future, she would notwant others to address her as “Mrs. So-and-so Gabriel could understand what Gina meant. “Of course, you’re still yourself,” he said. “You can beyourself forever, Gina. It’s just that you’ll have an additional identity.” Gabriel’s words did not sound unpleasant to Gina, but she involuntarily emphasized, “I was justspeaking hypothetically.” Gabriel acknowledged readily, saying, “Yeah. I know.” “Can I ask you something?” Gina suddenly said seriously. “If you feel offended, you don’t have toanswer.” Gabriel forced a smile and said, “Gina, why are you still being so polite to me?” This made Gabriel feel rather defeated. “Ask whatever you want,” he said. Tll definitely tell youeverything I know.” “I heard from Isaac that Emily passed away from cancer,” she said. “Her health was fine before, butshe suddenly had cancer. Could there be something suspicious about it?” The implication was whether someone had deliberately harmed his mother. Gabriel’s expression changed slightly, as if he had thought of something unpleasant. Sensing the change in Gabriel’s expression, Gina realized that it might be a little offensive for anoutsider like her to bring up such a private matter. “It’s my conspiracy theory,” she said. I’m sorry. Ishouldn’t have spoken out of turn “No.” Gabriel said. “Gina, you misunderstood. I’m not upset. You’re right. Someone did intentionallywant to harm my mother. I’ve been investigating this matter all along. It’s just that I haven’t found themastermind.” He thought, ‘But I’ve gotten rid of some minions. “Hope you’ll find the mastermind as soon as possible,” Gina said.

Gina was deep in thought. When she met Harry at the hospital, she had a premonition. Although theJackson family was harmonious on the day of Neil’s birthday party, in reality, there wereundercurrents brewing within the Jackson family.

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