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Chapter 405 Gabriel was stunned. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Gina, but he had never expected that Dr.Genevieve, the person he’d been tirelessly searching for, was actually Gina, his future wife. “Do you think I’m joking?” Gina teased, hoping to lighten the atmosphere. She truly wasn’t inserious trouble, at least not yet. “No, I believe you. It’s just such a surprise. Gina, I once spent a fortune trying to find you!” Gabrielsaid, sitting down. “Why? Because of Neil?” Gina asked. She recalled the first time she attended Nell’s birthday party at the Jackson family. Neil had askedher about her impressive medical skills and who she had studied under, seemingly probing forinformation. When she said she was self-taught, Nell hadn’t pressed further. Gabriel shook his head and said, “No, it was for myself. I was once diagnosed with total org a ilure that would occur before I turned thirty. I wouldn’t have lived past that age. I had beenreceiving conservative treatment at Prover Hospital…” Gabriel laughed at the thought. When he first started treatment there, he didn’t know Prover Hospital was founded by Gina.“I received confidential treatment, but the medicine you provided cured me, so l stopped searchingfor Dr. Genevieve, who turned out to be you.” “The Spirit Orchid I gave you?” Gina asked, knowing that the rare herb had the ability to treat o r g an failure. “Yes,” Gabriel said. “So, you were keeping something from me as well,” Gina said. “If you had told me earlier, I wouldhave treated you right away.” Gabriel laughed and said, “True, but let’s call it even this time, Okay? From now on, let’s not keepsecrets from each other. Also, Gina, I’m really worried about you, is there anything I can do foryou?” Gabriel thought for a moment and then quickly added, “Gina, now that the virus in your body hasstarted acting up, you must need a lot of rest. You’ve been busy with the Artificial Seed Palace

project, and it’s exhausting. Let me help you, Okay?” Gina knew Gabriel was concerned for her. She wouldn’t refuse the kindness of her beloved. In thepast, she hated owing others favors, but Gabriel was different. His love for her was selfless andunconditional, and she needed to embrace and enjoy it. “Alright, I still need to purchase some medical equipment to prepare for the research before theproject starts. Once I have the list ready, could you help me buy those items?” Gina said. “Of course,” Gabriel said. Gabriel hugged Gina, letting her lean against him. “Gina, are you hungry? Do you want somewater? Or are you too tired and need to sleep? Whatever you want to do, I’m here with you” Having Gabriel by her side made Gina feel very secure.After a while, Gabriel went to the kitchen and made some food for Gina. They watched a movietogether and then went to sleep. The next day, when Gina woke up, she found Gabriel hadn’t left yet. “Why are you still here?” Gina asked, puzzled. Gabriel propped himself up and looked at her, saying, “I can’t leave you alone. I’m not going to theoffice today.” “I’m really fine. The Jackson Group can’t do without you. You should go to work,” Gina said. 1/3 Chapter 405 Gabriel was adamant and even changed the subject. “T’ll make you breakfast.” Since Gabriel insisted on staying with her, Gina didn’t urge him to go to work. He was so busy, andhe deserved to rest for a day.While they were having breakfast, Gina’s phone rang. It was a call from Dylan. “Gina, did I wake you up?” Dylan politely asked. Hearing Dylan’s voice, Gabriel frowned and thought, Why is this guy calling Gina so early in themorning?” Gabriel, annoyed, made some noise to assert his presence. “Gina, do you like the sandwich Imade?” he asked.

Gina was puzzled. She had already praised Gabriel’s cooking earlier. Nonetheless, she responded again, “It’s delicious.” “Good. I’ll make it for you every day from now on,” Gabriel said. Dylan, hearing Gabriel’s voice, was momentarily stunned. He had been working under Gina forthree years and knew she lived alone. Now, there was a man’s voice on the phone, early in themorning. Though it wasn’t strange for Gabriel, Gina’s legitimate boyfriend, to be there, it still tookDylan by surprise. After regaining his composure, Dylan cleared his throat and said, “Sorry, am 1 interrupting yourbreakfast?” He was just being polite, not expecting Gabriel to respond, “Then don’t call with trivial mattersagain.” Dylan, feeling a bit awkward, thought Gabriel seemed a bit upset. Was there somemisunderstanding? Dylan explained, “Sorry, I wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t important. Someone named Xander cameto the hospital with some police officers. He wants to check the hospital’s surveillance footagebecause his father is missing. The last footage shows his father disappearing near Prover Hospital.I found it a bit strange. That was why he had called Gina. “Xander?” Gina asked. It was Wendy’s brother. Gina was thoughtful. She had run into Xander at the police station entrance a few days ago. “Have they checked the footage?” Gina asked. “Xander and the officers are in the surveillance room now,” Dylan said. “Alright, I understand. I’ll come over and take a look soon,” Gina said. “Okay, I won’t disturb you further.” Dylan hung up, being considerate. “Rest here, I’ll handle it for you,” Gabriel said thoughtfully. He didn’t want Gina to exert herself whileshe was unwell. He could take care of it

Gina shook her head and said, “It’s my hospital, so it’s better if I go personally.” “Okay, I’ll go with you, Gabriel insisted. 00:16 Mon, 10 Jun ▼ M Chapter 405 When they arrived at Prover Hospital, Gabriel and Gina went straight to the surveillance room. €9%8 Standing in front of the surveillance monitor, reviewing the footage, Xander heard footsteps behindhim. Turning around, he saw Gina and got a bit emotional “Miss Miller.” In the two days since Gina had last seen him, Xander had transformed from a spirited, vibrant manto someone radiating exhaustion and despair. His eyes were tired with sleeplessness, his beardunkempt, and his gaze lifeless, brightening only upon seeing Gina. Xander approached Gina excitedly but hesitated, noticing Gabriel’s sharp gaze.novelbin

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