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Chapter 403 Seated, an elderly male expert with grey hair frowned in displeasure. “Miss Miller, you claim to beDr. Genevieve. Show us evidence, or how can we believe you? You and Shawn claim to be Dr.Genevieve, and we don’t know whom to trust.” Gina didn’t want to waste the experts” valuable time. She signaled Dylan, who took out his phoneand opened a video he had kept for years, showing it to the three experts, The video, shot three years ago at the home of Dylan’s overseas graduate advisor, captured acrucial moment. At that time, Dylan had already been pronounced to make preparations for his passing. TheThomas family, as well as Dylan’s esteemed mentor, were reluctant to see him depart this world. So both parties posted requests online, seeking the assistance of Dr. Genevieve. Gina noticed theplea because Dylan’s graduate student had written a lengthy essay expressing the hope not to losesuch an outstanding medical student. This touched Gina, and she managed to contact the mentor. Agreeing to help, but Gina did not meet the mentor in person. However, the mentor had previouslyset up surveillance equipment in the room where Dylan was accommodated. He wanted to record the entire process of Gina’s treatment, and he got his wish by recording theentire process. However, Gina discovered it. She demanded the deletion of the video, but the mentor disagreed. Heclaimed to be merely curious about how Gina would treat a dying person. He even directly put the memory card of the hidden camera into his mouth, preventing Gina fromtaking it. Gina was speechless, but the mentor repeatedly assured her that the video would not be leaked.He intended only to observe and learn. Gina was somewhat angry, but if the mentor didn’t adhere tothe agreement, she also had ways to prevent him from spreading the video. Not wanting to engage in pointless arguments, Gina left. Later, the mentor did not spread the video,but he also didn’t learn anything from the research because he couldn’t understand how Gina

managed to revive someone with just a few silver needles…. Dylan’s mentor gave the video to Dylan before his passing, and it remained on his phone eversince. Gina hadn’t expected this video to serve as proof of her identity as Dr. Genevieve. Although it didn’t show Gina’s face, her silhouette and voice were unmistakable. The experts were shocked. Shawn was stunned, realizing that Giria wasn’t just an apprentice but Dr. Genevieve herself. He had never imagined that Gina was actually Dr. Genevieve, and not just a disciple of therenowned healer. The three experts were very excited. “I thought I would never have the chance to meet the renowned healer in my lifetime, but by astroke of luck, here I am today. I never expected the healer to be so young. How fortunate I am thegrey-haired expert couldn’t help but exclaim. The other female expert, after watching the video, was deeply impressed and exclaimed repeatedly,“Miss Miller is truly extraordinary! She deserves la be the inheritor of ancient medical arts. Shemanaged to revive the dying with just therapy. It’s truly admirablel” 00:16 Mon, 10 Jun M Chapter 403 9% The remaining expert said, “I never expected that Miss Miller was Dr. Genevieve. We were so rude.The reason we turned down your invitation and accepted Shawn’s was mainly because Shawnclaimed to be acting on behalf of Dr. Genevieve. We had some acquaintance with his father, andwith his father’s assurance, we had no doubts about the authenticity. But we didn’t expect thatShawn and his father would deceive us.” At this moment, they realized that Shawn had deceived them. �་ ཇ་ ཇ་ན The experts now realized the current situation. Shawn was deliberately trying to make things difficult for Gina and was even falsely using the namenovelbin

of Dr. Genevieve. However, Shawn didn’t expect that Gina herself was Dr. Genevieve The experts began to criticize Shawn. They said. “Shawn, you and your father tricked us. Do you think we’re fools?” “Are we just to tools for you two to give Miss Miller a hard time? is our time not valuable? We put aside ourresearch projects because you claimed to represent Dr. Genevieve. If Miss Miller hadn’t come toclear things up today, how long would you have strung us along?” Shawn was speechless in the face of their reproaches. Any defense he might offer would beuseless now. Frustrated and angry, he turned to lash out at Dylan instead. He said, “You traitorous fool! I thoughtyou were sent by Gina to show weakness and seek reconciliation. It turns out you gathered peoplehere to testify for Gina, didn’t you?” “You…” Shawn pointed at Dylan, too furious to speak. Dylan frowned and retorted, “Shawn, you’ve gone too far. You know what unreasonable conditionsyou proposed to Gina. I won’t even mention them.” Shawn said, “Fine! You side with outsiders and bully your brother, is that it?” Shawn sneered, feeling humiliated. Not wanting to endure more reproach, he stormed out. After Shawn loft, the experts were extremely willing to inform Gina that they would bring the otherdozen or so experts they had initially contacted under Gina’s leadership. Gina smiled and said, “Thanks for your help” In Blue Vale Hospital Ibrahim slapped Olivia across the face, causing her to lose balance and fall to the ground. She was shocked, clutching her face as she looked up at Ibrahim, too scared to move. “Mr. Rosario, what did I do wrong?” Olivia asked, confused. ibrahim said angrily, “I told you to handle the body, and you resorted to blackmailing Ethan withhidden camera footage?” Olivia’s heart sank.

Ibrahim was here to hold her accountable on Ethan’s behalf. Seeing Ibrahim’s furious expression, Olivia was terrified and immediately knelt, begging for mercy, “Iwas wrong. It was just this once, Mr. Rosane, lo blackmailed Ethan because of past grudgesbetween us… Just this once, it won’t happen again!” UU:16 Mon, 10 Jun M J0:16 Chapter 403 €9%0 Ibrahim was still furious. Olivia’s actions had enraged Harry, who accused Ibrahim of raising abackstabbing traitor. Today, she blackmailed Ethan with hidden photos. No one knew what kind oftreachery she might commit in the future. However, Harry didn’t order to kill Olivia for the moment,as she had been useful in their operations. If she didn’t cause trouble, she was quite competent.Furthermore, Olivia seemed to be actively trying to curry favor and connect with Colin and hisassociates, which was beneficial. Harry also worried that Olivia imight have prepared contingencies with those photos. If she werekilled, the photos could be released. Mon, Jun M

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