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Chapter 391 Gabriel looked coldly at Ethan, who had spouted nonsense and was instantly terrified. “And then?” Ethan lowered his head and pretended to be dumb. “What?” “Do you think you can defeat me with that medical project in your hands?” Gabriel asked coldly. Ethan broke out in a cold sweat. He was worried that Gabriel would teach him a lesson in front of somany entrepreneurs. That would be embarrassing. Ethan gritted his teeth. He was too lazy to arque and simply admitted his mistake. “I’m “I’m sorry, Gabriel. I was being rude.” Gabriel sneered. “If you can keep your word and not brag, I can think more highly of you.” Gabriel did not want to waste any more time on Ethan. He turned around and continued looking forGina’s earrings. Seeing Gabriel walk away, Ethan felt relieved. However, his expression turned ugly, and he ventedhis anger on the innocent woman. “Get lost.” The woman was angry but did not dare to say anything. She left quietly. Staring at Gabriel’s back, Ethan cursed in his heart. Gabriel almost strangled him to death for awoman, Gina. Ethan swore that he would definitely make Gabriel pay the price! The waiters at the restaurant responded to the call to help find Gina’s earrings. “Miss Barnes, please make way. The waiter carefully negotiated with Elaine. Barnes glanced at the waiter and asked unhappily, “Make way for what? You want me to make wayfor you?” The waiter broke out in a cold sweat. Before the banquet started, the manager had already toldthem that Miss Barnes was here to attend the banquet on behalf of her brother. Of course, that wasnot the main point. The main point was that Elaine had a strange temper. If Colin was a smilingtiger, Elaine was a bomb that would explode at the slightest touch. The manager told them to bemore careful not to provoke this time bomb.The waiter was also helpless. Now that he had to help Gabriel’s future wife find earrings, he had nonovelbin

choice but to deal with Elaine. He hurriedly explained, “No, no, Miss Barnes, you’ve misunderstood. It’s just that a young lady’searring fell to the ground. We’re helping her find it, so we want to trouble you to move your positionand see if there are any earrings near your feet.” “Who?” Elaine was a little curious. The waiter replied, “Gina Miller, Jackson Group’s CEO, Gabriel Jackson’s fiancée.” He thought that his answer would make Elaine understand that he was helping Mr. Jackson andmake things easier for him in order not to offend Mr. Jackson. However, Elaine was not afraid of offending Gabriel. At the thought of Gabriel and Gina, sheremembered that they had caused her and her brother unhappiness, so she wanted to tear themapart. However, she still needed to think about it carefully before dealing with the two of them Elaine snorted. “There’s nothing near my feet.” The waiter was helpless. He could not force Elaine to move aside. The champagne tower table wasbeside Elaine, and the tablecloth was almost stuck to her dress. The waiter was worried that theearrings would fall in her area, but Elaine deliberately refused to move aside. There was nothing hecould do He could only pray in his heart that the earring, did not fall under her dress. He said politely, “Alright, Miss Barnes. Sorry to disturb you, I’ll look elsewhere” If it were anywhere else, Elaine would have started to make trouble for no reason. However, on thisoccasion, all the CEOs present might be her brother’s 1/3 Chapter 391 future partners. She wanted to represent her brother and leave a good impression on everyone.Some superficial skills were still necessary. Although her brother did not ask her to act elegant andnoble, Elaine lunew very well that she could not be too reckless However, Elaine felt very uncomfortable letting this waiter leave just like that. She endured it andtried her best to suppress the unhappiness in her heart. She looked down at her feet and suddenly

saw something shiny under the tablecloth. It was also covered by her dress just now, so the waiterdid. not see it. Elaine pushed aside the tablecloth and took a closer look. It was really a diamond pendant earring.She sneered. From the corner of her eye, she noticed that the waiter had returned. It was obviousthat he had discovered this diamond earring and wanted to come back to pick it up. Elaine rolled her eyes and kicked the diamond earring out. Then, she stepped on it. The waiter hadjust bent down when he saw Elaine stepping on the earring. He could not help but exclam, “MissBarnes?” Elaine smiled smugly. “What’s wrong now? What’s the matter? Don’t bother me if there’s nothing!” The waiter was not blind or s t p d. He could tell that Elaine had deliberately stepped on the carring.He was a little devastated and almost begged, “Miss Bames, you accidentally stepped on MissMiller’s earring. Please move. I’ll pick it up and send it to Miss Miller, Elaine was also direct. “I won’t” The waiter could not say anything. He did not understand what was wrong with Elaine. Why did shehave to go against a waiter like him? Did she think that teasing him was fun? She was really evil! Elaine continued, “Let Gina pick it up herself.” “What?” The waiter was stunned, He looked up at Elaine, his eyes filled with helplessness andconfusion. He understood that Elaine was deliberately Causing trouble! “Are you deaf? Go call Gina over and let her pick it up!” Elaine demanded.Seeing Elaine’s expression change, the waiter was worried that he would suffer. He did not dare toneglect Elaine’s request and turned around to look for Gabriel and the others. The waiter came to Gina. “Miss Miller, I found the earring Gina stretched out her hand. “Really? Thank you. You’ve worked hard.” The waiter was embarrassed. “Miss Miller. I’m sorry, I did find the earring, but it’s not in my hand. It’sunder Miss Barnes feet. She said that she wants you to pick it up personally. Miss Miller, do youknow Miss Bames?” The waiter wanted to introduce Gina ina to Elaine.

“I know her,” Gina interrupted. At this moment, the waiter also understood. It seemed that these two people had a grudge. He wasreally unlucky to be sandwiched between the two of them. He was just a worker He did not want tooffend either party! The waiter did not dare to say his thoughts out loud. He thought to himself, “Miss Miller, hurry upand ask Miss Barnes for your earring. It would make me look very unprofessional. If things wentwrong, Miss Miller might despise me for not being able to do a small thing well and fire me. Whatshould I do? The salary of being a waiter here is quite high and the benefits are good. I don’t wantto lose my job!” He gave Gina an idea. “Miss Miller, how about this? I’ll go look for our manager and talk to MissBarnes to ask her to return the earrings to you.” “No need. I’ll go look for her,” Gina said. Elaine just wanted to find trouble with Gina. No matter who it was, it was useless. Elaine would onlymake things more difficult for them. Gina did not want innocent workers to be made difficult. The waiter was stunned.

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