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Chapter 344 41%7 Elaine orchestrated a rescue operation. She planned for her team to attack Princess Lisa atSunshine Lane, only to heroically intervene and save the princess just in time. It would makePrincess Lisa indebted to her, thereby forging a connection with the royal family. It wasn’t aparticularly sophisticated plan, but it was effective. Gina’s role was to intercept and take credit forthe rescue. Elaine had already arranged the åttackers; Gina’s part was to play the savior. After being awakened by the noise, Gina couldn’t go back to sleep. She freshened up and got readyto head out. ***** Dressed in her finest attire, Lisa sat in the car, feeling utterly bored as she watched the sceneryoutside. She noticed the crowds on the street, cheering and celebrating, but as the main lead of thebanquet, Lisa felt no inclination to join in the festivities; instead, she found it all quite dull. Gradually,she let her mind wander and drifted into a daze. Suddenly, the car jolted, causing Lisa to frown. The driver quickly got out to check the situation and discovered that one of the tires had somehowgone flat. He tapped on the car window to report the unfortunate news to Lisa. She was puzzled bysuch a basic mishap occurring with her parade car. “Didn’t you check the car before we left thecastle?” she asked, slightly annoyed. The driver promptly replied, “Your Highness, we did inspect the car before departure, andeverything seemed fine. We wouldn’t dismiss the possibility that a nail or other object caused theflat tire. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. Please rest assured I’ve already informed thecastle to send a replacement vehicle. It will arrive shortly. Thank you for your understanding andpatience.” Lisa responded with a faint sound of agreement and continued to sit quietly. As the pedestrians on the street noticed the princess’s car coming to a halt, some were eager toapproach and greet her. However, to ensure her safety, the guards stationed along the streetprevented anyone from getting too close. Suddenly, amid the bustling crowd, a gunshot rang out.

Bullets whizzed through the air, hitting the door of Lisa’s car. The driver gasped in shock, and evenLisa, calm until then, was startled by the unexpected attack. The gunfire continued to ring out one after another, and it was at this moment that Lisa realized theywere under deliberate attack. The driver, intent on protecting her, urged Lisa to seek safety first.“Protect the Princess! Would it be safer for Your Highness to stay in the car?” he asked urgently. “This vehicle isn’t bulletproof!” Lisa exclaimed. “It’s not safe in the car at all!” The driver began to feel flustered. Lisa opened the door and intended to find a safe hiding place.“Your Highness, please careful!” the driver exclaimed anxiously. At that moment, a Maybach pulled up nearby. Gina slowly opened the car door. “Miss Lisa, get in.My car is bulletproof ar safer,” she said calmly. Lisa looked at the unfamiliar face with surprise. “You’re not from the royal family,” she saidcautiously, eyeing Gina defensively. Gina nodded calmly. “That’s correct. However, I’m here to rescue you,” she said. “Why should I trust you?” Lisa asked warily. Before Gina could say anything, she suddenly acted swiftly, grabbing Lisa and pulling her to theside. The driver, thinking Gina intended to harm Lisa, immediately drew his gun to aim at her. Lisaheard the sound of bullets whizzing past her ear. Lisa initially felt nothing but a sharp pain a fewseconds later. As she reached to touch her ear, Lisa realized she was injured. Looking at the bulletmarks on the door of Gina’s car, she understood that Gina had just saved her life. 1/3 CALTEX Havoline WIN YOUR WHEELS WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF CALTEX HAVOLINE MOTORCYCLE OIL LEARN MORE 10X800-

10:24 Thu, May 30 Chapter 344 “Get in the car quickly, I’m not exaggerating. If you want to stay alive, you should listen to me,” Ginaurged. 41% Since Gina had helped her dodge the bullets earlier, Lisa felt Gina was extraordinary. Furthermore,her intuition told her that Gina meant no harm and wouldn’t endanger her. Therefore Lisa quicklydecided to get into Gina’s car. The driver still felt uneasy. “Your Highness?” he called out anxiously. “After she is tended to her wounds, I’ll take her back to Windsor Castle,” Gina stated firmly beforedriving away. Lisa cowered in the car, listening to the barrage of bullets hitting the vehicle, feeling frightened.Anger welled up inside her. “What have I done to deserve this treatment?” she exclaimed infrustration. Gina glanced at Lisa through the rearview mirror but said nothing more. After calming down, Lisa realized that Gina had brought her back to Windsor Castle; which easedher mind considerably. It seemed her intuition had been correct. Lisa asked curiously, “Who areyou?” “Gina Miller,” Gina replied straightforwardly, stating her name. “I don’t know you. Why did you save me?” Lisa inquired. “I just happened to save you. Also, since I saved your life, I hope you can do me a favor,” Gina said. ***** On the other side, Elaine drove to Sunshine Lane with her team amidst the ongoing gunfire. Sheconfirmed they had arrived before the royal reinforcements, but she couldn’t spot Lisa. Elaine waspuzzled. What happened, and where did the Princess go? With all the plans thrown into disarray, Elaine gritted her teeth and ordered her men to cease fire.However, the group leader seemed to be enjoying himself, speaking insolently, “Miss Barnes,although you’re our employer, you still don’t have the authority to order us to retreat. We’re having anovelbin

blast, and it’s been ages since we’ve had this much fun.” Elaine looked at the scattered bodies of innocent people on the street, feeling frightened. She didn’twant things to escalate any further. However, the group Elaine had contacted to make the scenemore convincing in the play wouldn’t listen to her At that moment, Elaine realized she might havelost control of the situation. “You b*stards, stop it! D*mn it!” Elaine shouted, frustrated. The leader burst into laughter, accompanied by continuous gunfire. He said, “Miss Barnes, we’rethe ones you hired. We might be *astards, but what does that make you? Alright, don’t ask for toomuch. We’ve had our fun, and we’ll naturally sto By the way, I’ll do you a favor and let you know thatPrincess Lisa has been rescued. I thought you weren’t coming. I even fired a shot at her just now,”the leader said casually. When Elaine heard those words, a chill ran down her spine. Her hands trembled, and she almostdropped her phone. “What did you say?” she exclaimed. Is Lisa injured and taken to the hospital? Ifthat’s the case, she’s in serious trouble! If the royal family got furious and decides to investigate thoroughly, tracing it back to her, Elaine andthe Barnes family would be doomed. Elaine felt desperate; her attempt to gain an advantage hadbackfired terribly. “D*mn it! I’ll make my brother send men to blast you all to pieces!” The leader remained c*cky. “Sure, Miss Barnes, I can’t wait to see if your brother can turn me intopieces. If he’s up to it, then bring it on. Oh, by the way, I will remind you again: the princess hasalready been rescued. You’re too late, isn’t it ironic? You planned everything, prepared to rescueher, but someone else beat you to it. The credit goes to someone else now. Save your energy, don’tbe mad at me. Think about what you’re going to do next!” He chuckled playfully. 2/3 CALTEX Havoline WIN YOUR WHEELS WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF CALTEX HAVOLINE MOTORCYCLE OIL


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