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Chapter 335 It Gina seemed that Harry was very dissatisfied with Just meeting for a while, and the tension was already to palpable Edward, not wanting to incur Gabriels enmity, smiled and tried to defuse the station was just yourjust now Im happy, and I don’t consider myself an outsider. There are ders here. Now that everyonein here, let’s at den and to have a meal and chat. We’re all quite bury apalty to it’s not to get together. What do you think.Harry? The implication was that he wanted to have a good meal and leape without causing any trouble ofHarry or anyone else m the Jackson family had many dissatisfactions with Gina, that was familybusiness an outder he did interfere or get involved. He wanted Harry not to drag him Harry temporarily calmed down wo Neil stood up to greet Gina, which surprised Edward a bit. Neil seemed to be more than just said whGta who had officially joined the family yet “Gina, please have a seat. Have you been busy lately? Are you tired: No mamer how busy you areyou should pay amen resting. If you’re too tired, you don stay alone.” Neil chuckled and said. Gina smiled. “Okay” Gabriel was taken aback. Dad, what are you doing? He barely had any date time to begin with Tm just worried that Gina is too tired Neil said with a smile. Harry’s annoyance with Gina grew with each passing moment. The sight of Gina seeminglyintegrating to the Jackson family only fueled the anger within him. Moreover, he had come to themansion knowing that Gina would be joining Nel for dinner.

It was obvious that he was here to cause trouble for Gina. Unable to hold back. Harry interjected.“Neil is right. Don’t go on too many dates and tire Miss Miller out. That wouldnt be good “Gabriel, when you’re alone, you should deal with the company’s work more and not fall behind. Like today, when a not well-known minor celebrity used you for hype, the stock price was affected.Edward went to the company to ask you about the situation, but you weren’t there, and he made atrip for nothing. The other shareholders are also very concerned about today’s events due to thestock price drop, but they couldn’t get in touch with you. As the person in charge of Jackson Group,can’t such behavior be considered dereliction of duty?” “Harry!” Neil called out to Harry in a slightly scolding tone. He didn’t expect Harry to take a wordsand say such outrageous things. He had been keeping an eye on the stock pride drop, but howcould this be blamed on Gana? Shouldn’t the blame fall on that minor celebrity who deliberately hyped up this trivial matter? “Neil, you don’t need to remind me. Am I wrong about anything?” Harry retorted. Edward also felt a bit awkward. He didn’t come back with Harry to question Gabriel and Gina, butHarry insisted on dragging him into this conflict, and he had no choice. However, he couldn’t saythat Harry was wrong about anything. What Harry said were all facts 1/3 50% Chapter 35 Now, Edward was a bit eurious about how Gina would counterattack. “Regarding the stock price drop, I haven’t ignored it. I’ve let David handle it and also received theshareholders. Mr. Benderson, do you have any other questions? Since we are face to face now, ifyou have any issues, just raise them directly.” Originally, Gabriel didn’t want to talk about work matters when he came back for the family dinner,but since Harry insisted on bringing it up, he would deal with it immediately to shut Harry up, Edward felt a wave of embarrassment. “Ah, well, I don’t have any issues at the moment.” “Then that’s settled. Let’s eat, Gabriel said. But Harry wouldn’t let go and continued to make Gina uncomfortable. “That’s it? Gabriel, as thenovelbin

person in charge, you know very well how much impact a bit of negative news can have on JacksonGroup. There has never been such a situation before. Since you started dating, you’ve been lessfocused on work, and negative news has emerged. “In fact, signs that you’ve been less focused on work were evident even before you started dating. Itcan be said that after you met Gina. Before Harry could finish his sentence, Neil lost his temper. “Harry! That’s enough! I originally didn’twant you to come to today’s family dinner, but you insisted on coming I told you in advance that ifyou came, don’t look for trouble. Our family) is sitting together to have a good meal. Did you reallytake my words as idle talk?” Harry disagreed. “Neil, where am looking for trouble? Did I make up the news that broke out today?It’s there for everyone! to see, right? Edward couldn’t find Gabriel at the company, and because ofthe stock price drop, he was worried about the company’s future. That’s true, isn’t it?” “Yes, it’s true, but what does this have to do with Ginu? It’s just a piece of trash news. Just let it cooldown. Spending time arguing over it just makes a joke out of it for netizens to see. Besides, whenhas Gabriel ever been careless about work? Are you kidding me? His abilities, are you unclearabout them? Can’t he balance love and career? Are you joking with me?” Neil argued rationally, anddue to the excitement, his breathing became rapid. Harry sulked and retorted. “Neil, I’m not doubting Gabriel’s abilities, but the fact is that JacksonGroup, which has never had any issues, is now facing problems. We must be vigilant In reality, the reason why this baseless scandal had such a significant impact on Jackson Group’sstock price was precisely that the company had always been very stable, with no negative news toexploit. Thus, when this incident emerged, it became a target for those who saw Jackson Group asa rival or were actual competitors, all contributing to the spread of the story, which escalated thesituation. er, this incident occurred because Gabriel and Miss Miller went to select a game spokesperson forStar ment Company together, which gave that minor celebrity an opportunity. Why couldn’t such a minor

task of ga spokesperson be left to David? why did you have to personally select the spokesperson? rused, so I looked into it and discovered that the owner of Star Entertainment Company is a friendof Miss Miller. er, you are quite adept at securing benefits for your friends, aren’t you?” ontinued sarcastically. “Miss Miller, are you treating Jackson Group as your own resource?” ifted her gaze and looked at Harry. E

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