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Chapter 291 Moreover, she had slept with Noal that night purely because that the jerk Noah forced her. But she needed Ella to have a good impression of her for now, therefore she couldn’t talk back toElla. Olivia lowered her head and said obediently, “Alright, I get it, Mrs. Miller” Olivia’s gentle attitude made Ella’s heart soften. However, she resisted the urge to continue chattingwith Olivia and turned. to leave. Olivia rolled her eyes as she watched Ella leave. She was sure that sooner or later, Ella would begher to return to the Miller family. When Noah returned home, he saw Ella sitting on the sofa with a cold expression. “Was the escort you mentioned Olivia?” Ella asked angrily. Noah was a little impatient. “Mom, do you have to be so mean to Olivia? No matter what, we havelived together for over 20 years. Don’t be too cruel Ella was angry and also amused. She said, “What did you say? Did you call me mean? If it weren’tfor Olivia, how could there be so many misunderstandings between us and Gina? And how wouldour family have been torn apart? Also, don’t forget. that your father was killed by Cole. He’s Olivia’sfather. She’s our enemy!”Noah was impatient. “Yes, but she is not Cole. If she was also guilty of my Dad’s death, she’d havebeen in jail now. Mom, please. Forget about bringing Gina home. She is an ungrateful person. It’sOlivia who’s always been treating you like her real mom.” “Shut up! Also, stop seeing her from now on!” Ella said angrily. “Mom! That’s enough. Why can’t I see Olivia?” Ella took a deep breath. “What do you want to do? Marry her? You guys are shameless, but I stillcare about our reputation. don’t want to see the Miller family become the laughingstock ofNorwood!” novelbin

Noah was stunned for a moment before he realized that his mother was worried that he and Oliviawould continue to sleep. together. Noah looked a little embarrassed. “Mom, you’re thinking too much. The thing you worried is nothappening.” Ella was speechless. “Who knows what you guys do when you meet? It’s not like I can watch you allthe time.” If one day Olivia showed up in front of her with a big belly and told her that she was carrying Noah’schild, Ella would faint due to anger. Noah broke down a little. “Mom, I told you it’s not the case. We can’t do anything of that sortbecause Olivia is currently… Um… Noah did not know how to continue. “What? What’s going on with her?” Ella asked. “Do you remember Mr. Barnes? He is a very important client. And Olivia is currently his girlfriend.You’d better be nicer to Olivia because Mr. Barnes pretty much controls the future of Miller Jewels. Chapter 291 May 28 Ella’s eyes widened. She could not believe her ears. 72% She immediately began to think of her conversation with Olivia today. Fortunately, she did not sayanything too mean. Ella patted her chest in fear. She reprimanded Noah and said, “That’s soimportant. Why didn’t you tell me?” Noah probed, “If I’ve told you, would you stop hating Olivia and allow her to come back to the Millerfamily?” Ella shook her head firmly. “She’s just Mr. Barnes’ girlfriend, not wife. He’ll find someone else whenhe’s tired of her one day.” Ella didn’t think Mr. Barnes would marry Olivia, Noah was speechless. “No matter what, she’s now Mr. Barnes’s lover and we can’t afford to offend

her.” Ella did not say anything this time. The next day. Gina received a call from Neil. “Hello, Neil. “Hey, Gina, are you busy?” Neil asked. Not really. I’m chilling at home.” “I was afraid that I’d disturb you. Well, have you made any plans for next weekend?” Gina realized what Neil wanted to say. “Neil, do you want me to attend Ashley’s birthday banquet?” “Yes, yes, I know. You rejected Ashley. She doesn’t respect you. I can understand that you don’twant to participate. Actually, want to invite you because I want her to apologize to you in person.”He wanted Ashley to know that he valued Gina, his future daughter-in-law so that Ashley wouldn’tdare to be rude to Gina in the future. “Apologize?” Cina was a little surprised. She actually did not care about Ashley’s attitude towards her becauseshe didn’t think she woul have a lot of interaction with Ashley “Forget it. I don’t need her apology” Gina did not want to cause any more trouble. After all, Ashleywas kind of annoying. “Gina, I don’t want to make things difficult for you. My niece has a bad temper… Sometimes, she’svery stubborn. If she doesn’t learn her lesson, she might even come to offend you in the future… Neil was afraid that Ashley would destroy the image of the Jackson family in Gina’s heart. Gabriel and Gina were finally together, Neil wouldn’t allow anyone to ruin their relationship! Neil coughed. “Actually, there’s another reason why I want you to attend Ashley’s birthday banquet.Many young ladies from noble families will be there, you know. “Their families send those young ladies there for Gabrie. Gina, that’s why I think you should comeand show everyone that Gabric is yours. They won’t give up otherwise.” Gina smiled. “Oh. Really?” “Yes,” Neil said happily.

2/3 r Tue, May 28 Chapter 291 “Okay, then” Gina agreed. She felt that sometimes it was not a good thing to have too many suitors. Jasmine hadbeen annoying enough. It would be good if her presence would make some give up. “Okay, see you then! Neil said happily. The two of them chatted for a while longer. Then they hang up. Gina started to think of what gifts to bring to Ashley. She couldnt go there empty-handed. When Ella received the call from Blue Vale Hospital, she was a little nervous. “Hello?” The nurse on the other end of the line said. “Mrs. Miller, we got your physical examination results.You have to be mentally prepared.” Ella’s heart skipped a beat. After the nurse said that, she was so afraid that she did not dare tocontinue listening. “Mrs. Miller, are you ready?” Ella was a little flustered. However, she managed to comfort herself in her heart. She had beenhaving physical examinations every year. If she had some serious health issue, it would have beenfound out. “Go ahead, Ella said. “The results show that you’re suffering from kidney failure. We suggest that you come to thehospital for treatment as soon as possible. Your condition isn’t very optimistic. If you don’t gettreated now, you might end up with uremia, the nurse said. Ella was stunned, and couldn’t believe her ears, 3/3

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