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Chapter 281 Spencer swallowed. It was obvious that Mr. Barnes was interested. He had to seize this rareopportunity to get associated with the Barnes family. He quickly said, “I’ve asked around. Gina is not just the founder of Quaria. She’s also…” Colin wanted to put down the stick and sit down, but he suddenly felt light-headed and fell to theground. Spencer was shocked by his sudden fainting. He stood rooted to the ground for a while. When he came back to his senses, he rushed forward tosupport Colin. Colin fell face-first to the ground. His forehead hit the ground heavily and instantly swelled up withblood flowing out of his nose. Spencer carefully helped Colin sit down. “Mr. Barnes, you… what’s wrong?” Spencer hurriedly took a piece of tissue to wipe Colin’s nose. Colin’s face turned very cold. Why did he suddenly feel that his body was out of control? It was toostrange. This had never happened before and he had always been in good health. Was it Gina’s doing? Colin sneered. If that was the case, it was impressive. He didn’t even know how Gina did it. After sitting for a while, he did not feel any abnormalities. However, to be safe, Colin called hisprivate doctor to check his body. “Mr. Barnes, you took the roofie by mistake, but the dosage was safe. After you fell, the painstimulated you, so you woke up very quickly.” ‘Roofie?” And just now, when he saw Gina, he suddenly felt his nose itch. Colin sneered. Now, he was sure that it was Gina who had done this trick. She gave him a taste ofhis own medicine. As he thought about it, Colin gnashed his teeth and laughed out loud. Spencer and the privatedoctor didn’t know what he was laughing about, but they were terrified when they heard it.

Colin raised his hand, indicating that the private doctor could leave. Then, he rubbed his eyebrows and said to Spencer, “Repeat what you wanted to say just now. Ididn’t hear you clearly.” “Gina is not just the chairman of Quaria. She’s also a shareholder of Miller Jewels. She has 20percent shares” “So?” Colin asked. “Quaria is an established giant. It won’t be able to undermine its foundation and status for the timebeing, but Miller Jewels is different. Although Gina is a shareholder, she doesn’t seem to care aboutthis company at all. The revenue of Miller Jewels plummeted a few months ago. Now, it’s on thebrink of bankruptcy. It’s still very easy to destroy Miller Jewels.” “That’s it?” Colin was not satisfied with Spencer’s plan. “It’s just destroying a company that earnsextra money for her. I thought you had some better ideas.” Spencer felt guilty. Tm sorry, Mr. Barnes. My ability is limited and I’m not very smart. This is the onlyway I can think of.” However, Gina was not that easy to deal with. 1/3 11:04 Tue, May 28 M Chapter 281 Colin was deep in thought Spencer continued, “Mr. Barnes, you might not know that Gina has cut ties with the Miller family.When Miller Group becomes bankrupt, their family will believe that they have been implicated byGina. They will definitely make things difficult for Gina!” “To create an internal conflict?” Colin asked nonchalantly. Gina Had the guts to retaliate against him,which made things interesting. Moreover, Gina was Gabriel’s fiancée, which was also a direction todestroy Gabriel. “Yes!” Spencer nodded vigorously, “Alright, I’ll help you.” Colin said. In the near future, he would make Jackson Group and Quaria become the Barnes family’s assets.

After leaving the golf course, Gina went to Prover Hospital to look for Dylan and check on thehospital’s operations. “Gina, there’s something I need to tell you,” Dylan said.“Say it,” Gina said nonchalantly as she flipped through the financial statements. “Since Jame’s received treatment here, they have been spreading that you are the director of thehospital and their family. They used your name to expand the connections or something.” Dylanfrowned. Prover Hospital patients were all rich and noble. The Miller family people did not spend any effort onthe patient’s recovery and only wanted to take advantage of her. They were really shameless. What was even more despicable was that Ella asked the medical staff for priority in taking care ofthem. Of course, Dylan ordered that there was no need to give them preferential treatment. They were juststaying in ordinary wards. If they wanted preferential treatment, they had to pay more, and not relyon their shameful speeches to build connections. Dylan said helplessly, “I tried to stop them, but they said that it’s not my place to meddle in theirfamily matters. They told me to get lost. If I’m not leaving. Ella will make a scene. A trace of displeasure appeared in Gina’s cold eyes. She nodded and said, “I understand. I’ll go talkto them.” Leaving Dylan’s office, Gina went to James’s ward. Jat When she was almost there, Ella walked out of the ward. The moment she turned around and sawGina, she froze in disbelief. She knew that Gina had a close relationship with Dylan. From time to time, she would go to Dylan’soffice and wait for her to show up. However, she did not expect Gina to take the initiative to look forthem! ‘Is she here for us?’ Ella was uncertain. novelbin

She was very excited, but she was also afraid that she would be too agitated and push Gina away.Ella said carefully, “Gina, are you here to visit James? James recovered very quickly under yourtreatment. Now, he can even walk with a walking stick. Gina, thank you. If you hadn’t arranged foryour brother to…” Cina frowned and denied it again, “I told you, I didn’t.” Even though Ella was interrupted by Gina, she was still immersed in her own world. “Gina, I knowyou’re just stubborn on the surface but kind inside. You’re… Gina sneered and broke Ella’s fantasy without hesitation. “You’re overthinking. I won’t be soft-hearted towards you guys.” 2/3 O 11:04 Tue, May 28 Chapter 281 Ella choked. She did not know what to say. She was about to ask Gina if she wanted to go in andvisit James. When James heard the sounds outside the ward, he walked out of the ward with thestick “Mom, who are you 自 James looked up and saw Gina. At that moment, his eyes were filled with resentment and anger. Hestill remembered the day Olivia came to look for him and told him the truth about his car accident. It was Gabriel who had deliberately tamperell with his car to avenge Gina! Gina did not pay much attention to Jameco resentfui gaze 田

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