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Chapter 255 The next day, Gina was busy following up on the new product launch. She headed to AlisonHammond’s office to discuss some details. As she arrived, she overheard Alison’s anxious voicesaying. “What? Okay, I understand.” Alison hung up the phone and then noticed Gina standing atthe doorway. “Is there something you need, Miss Miller? I’m sorry, but can it wait until I get back?” Alison lookedanxious. “What happened?” Gina asked. Alison swallowed nervously. “Jade Arnold, whom I assigned to oversee the processing center in theneighboring city… something happened to her. She said someone broke into her place last nightand did something terrible to her. I need to go and check on her.” “I’ll go with you,” Gina said. Quaria was her company, and when something happened to one of herstaff, she couldn’t ignore it. Alison was slightly surprised, but this wasn’t the time to question why Gina wanted to come along.She nodded and said, “Alright.” The distance wasn’t far, and they arrived at Jade’s hotel an hour later. Gina and Alison went toJade’s room. Jade was huddled at the head of the bed, clutching a blanket. When she heard the noise andlooked up to see Alison, her expression showed some resistance. Jade, how are you? What exactly happened? Did you call the police?” Alison asked. However, Jadeseemed reluctant to communicate with her. Gina sensed the situation and told Alison, “You go outside. I’ll talk to her.” Alison nodded with concern and left the room. Gina patiently asked, “Can you tell me what happened?” Jade was a bit shaken. There was a power failure last night at the hotel, and someone tookadvantage of the chaos to break into my room and do something to me. I managed to defend

myself, and he failed. The power returned quickly afterward., so nothing else happened, but I’mterrified now. If I report to the police, what if I have no evidence?” “He touched you, so his fingerprints might be on your clothes. Don’t worry; they can find him,” Ginasaid. “I-I don’t want to call the police. I don’t want this; I don’t want others to know about this.” Jade wasnaturally reserved and feared that if this incident got out, it might be misinterpreted, and she wouldbecome gossip fodder. Jade timidly glanced at Gina. “Miss Miller, do you think I’m lacking in courage?”Gina shook her head. “I understand if you don’t want to call the police; it’s your choice. But wouldyou at least like to find that person and have him apologize to you?” “…1…” Jade stammered. “What’s wrong?” Gina asked gently. “I have a suspect in mind, Jade whispered. “Who is it?” Gina asked. “Alban Stone, my colleague who came with ine to the processing center, has a crush on me. Irejected him, but he didn’t give up and kept pursuing me. Also, although I couldn’t see the person’sface due to the power failure last night, I felt a ring on 1/3 If O 10:59 Tue, May 28 Chapter 255 74% his pinky Alban always wears it on his pinky and said he would take it off when he’s attached.Besides, I recognize the faint scent of cologne on him,” Jade explained. Allan certainly wouldn’t admit it based on her words alone. Jade felt upset and didn’t know what todo. It could have been avoided. Feeling overwhelmed, Jade criticized, “If Miss Alison had agreed to assign someone else to with

Alban instead of me, this wouldn’t have happened. I clearly said it would be awkward for me to workwith him, but she thought it was a minor issue. If the hotel hadn’t restored power last night, wouldn’tit have become a bigger problem?” Gina was surprised. “You’ve already brought this up with Alison before?” “Yes, and Miss Alison is usually very serious. I hardly dare to talk to her too much for fear of makingher angry,” Jade said, her voice trembling with sadness, on the verge of tears Gina wasn’t exceptionally skilled at comforting others. “Don’t worry, I can help you handle this evenif you don’t want to report it.” “Really?” Jade was somewhat skeptical. It wasn’t that she doubted Gina’s ability to handle thesituation-after all, Gina was personally recruited by Michael as a designer with a mysterious andimpressive background. It’s just that Jade hadn’t expected Gina to be willing to help her. “Yeah, I’ll talk to Allsan right now,” Gina affirmed. Jade hesitated, “Miss Miller, even though I want to confront All face to face, I don’t want to see himright now. 1-I’m scared This morning. Alban knocked on the door as if nothing had happened, asking her to continue to theprocessing center together. Jade felt her heart wrench. Why was the person who had done wrongacting as if nothing had happened while she, the victim, had to be afraid? “But… but I want to see how Allsan tries to defend hiitself, Jade said. Gina understood. “You want to listen in on the conversation, right?” Jade nodded, indicating that was pretty much what she meant. “Alright, I understand, Gina replied. Ten minutes later, Alison called Alban back to the hotel. Gina was in Jade’s room, preparing toquestion Alban. Because didn’t want to confront Alban face-to-face, she went into the bathroom. Itfelt like sticking her head in the sand, but Jade didn’t want to see Alban now. Alban sat down on the sofa. “Miss Miller, Miss Alison, did you call me to report on the supervisionsituation? The modelers are doing great, and production has been smooth…“I didn’t call you here for that,” Gina paused and asked bluntly, “Last night, did you take advantageof the hotel’s power failure to sneak into Jade’s room and attempt something inappropriate?”

Alban hesitated for a moment, then composed himself. “Miss Miller, what are you talking about? Idon’t understand.” Jade, hiding in the bathroom, silently cursed Alban for his shamelessness. Gina’s gaze fell on the ring that Alban wore on his pinky. “Jade sad she touched your ring lastnight.” Alban’s heart skipped a beat at this detail, something he hadn’t considered, but he remaineddefiant. “What the hell? I went to bed early last night. I didn’t even know the hotel had a powerfailure. Miss Miller, what’s going on here? Let’s not make baseless accusations. Just because thatperson did something inappropriate and also touched a ring, does that mean it’s me you’resuspecting? Am I the only one in the world who wears a ring on their pinky?” 2/3 5.74% Chapter 255 Gina watched Alban’s performance silently. After he finished speaking, she calmly said, “Then takeoff the ring. I’ll test it to see if Jade’s fingerprints are on it” 3/3novelbin

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