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Chapter 244 Gina offered a nonchalant nod in response. “Since it’s your first time in the cafeteria, you probably don’t know what’s good here. Let me helpyou choose.” “No need.” “Oh, come on. We’re all colleagues. Don’t be shy.” Zelda, being overly familiar, grabbed Gina’s hand, but Gina did like such physical contact and pulledaway. This left Zelda a bit embarrassed. “Oops, I forgot that you don’t like this kind of contact. I was out ofline.” She was just too eager, wanting to quickly establish a good relationship and become friends withGina. “It’s fine.” Gina said, not taking offense. Zelda led Gina to pick up some dishes that she believed tasted very good. After sitting down. Zelda had no interest in eating but tried hard to find topics of conversation. “MissMiller, you should taste this. The food here is quite delicious.” “Sure.” Zelda tried to make small talk with Gina, who quickly finished her lunch and then took her leave. “I’llget back to work now.” “Okay, Zelda replied with a smile. Zelda watched Gina leave with a beaming smile, but as soon as Gina was out of sight, herexpression changed. “A connected person pretending to work hard is really amusing.” In the afternoon, Gina spent a few minute drawing five design drafts. She presented the drafts to Alison. These are my designs for this time. I’m leaving them with you tocompile and submit.” Alison took the drafts from Gina. novelbin

The five design drafts were exquisitely designed and flawless, leaving her stunned. Alison hadthought that Gina, as a connected person, probably lacked real talent. Moreover, she had learnedfrom Michael that although Gina was a student a the prestigious Trowell University, she studiedcomputer scienceAlison was incredulous: “Did you draw all of these yourself?” “Of course” Gina smiled. “Do you need me to draw one here for you to see?” “No need “It was as if a knot in Alison’s heart had suddenly untied. It turned out that Michael had notmade an exception to insert a designer who was all name but no substance into the degndepartment. Quaria was still the company that relied on strength, not background to Alison had underestimated Cina, thinking that because she was young and had no impressiveresume, she must not have any design ability. It was a misunderstanding Alison looked at the five design drafts again and marveled once more at the talent that was truly agift from heaven, something that couldn’t be envied, as the drawings were just too good 1 11:31 Mon, May 27. Chapter 211 She was a genius. 74 Suddenly, she noticed a problem. “Miss Miller, your drawings are excellent, but your style is verysimilar to that of our mysterious chief designer at Quaria. Are you imitating her style? I wouldn’trecommend doing that. You’re so talented. You should have your own style.” Gina smiled. “Okay, thank you for the reminder. I’ll pay attention to it in the future.” Gina’s modesty and politeness once again overturned Alison’s perception of those withconnections. Perhaps it was her own stereotype. She felt that Gina must come from a prestigious family, and her upbringing must also be excellent.

Before, Alison was too suspicious. Gina came to the interview area again. Every year, for the final round of talent recruitment in the design department, Michael would bepresent. Gina did not inform Michael in advance that she would come and planned to observe thesituation on the spot. The interviewees were either nervous or calm, and Gina felt a sense of achievement looking atthese newcomers who were about to join Quaria Gina was about to enter the interview room to be a temporary interviewer when she spotted afamiliar figure in the crowd. It was Olivia. Was Olivia here for a Quaria interview? Gina raised her eyebrows. Olivia noticed that there seemed to be a gaze on her. She looked up and saw Gina’s face turn pale. Why can I run into this bi*ch everywhere? Persistent as a bad penny!’ she wondered. She suddenly remembered hearing from Nicolas that Gabriel had brought Gina to Oriata City. So Gabriel accompanied Gina to Quaria for the interview? Huh, it was quite a show. Olivia felt sour in her heart. Olivia wanted to pretend she didn’t see Gina, but the gaze had already met, and she could onlyavert her eyes. Bur Ch Gina walked straight up to her. “You should leave.” Olivia was puzzled. “Gina, can we put our grudges aside for now? Please, I beg you to give me abreak for one day, okay? I’m here to look for a job. Besides, if I don’t find a job, how can I pay youback?” Gina said indifferently. “You won’t make it into Quaria.”

Gina knew all too well what level Olivia’s designs were capable of Olivia gritted her teeth. “Whether I can get in or not is something the interview will reveal, isn’t it?” “There’s no need for an interview. Quaria won’t hire someone who entered a plagiarized work in theNational Higher Education Design League Contest” 2/3 ။ 11:31 Mon, May 27. Chapter 244 Gina noticed the Chanel bag on Olivia’s shoulder. “I see you don’t seem to be short of money, evenwithout working 74% Olivia’s heart skipped a beat, but she put on a brave face. “It’s a Eike bag. I just need something tocarry my things for the interview.” She didn’t want to confront Gina directly. “Can’t you give me a chance to make a living?” “No way.” Gina said calmly, “From the day I returned to the Miller family, you schemed against me, and latereven tried to take my life, Olivia. Now, what qualifications do you have to ask me for a chance? Olivia was furious and frustrated, hating that she had nothing and no backing, while Gina hadeverything and could do as she pleased with her. “I have to take this interview today, Gina. I know I can’t beat you, and I admit defeat, but this isOriata City, not Norwood. What is Oriata City also your territory?” Gina smiled. “Neither Oriata City nor Norwood is my territory, but if I wish, neither can tolerate you.” Olivia was completely enraged. “You’ve got quite the attitude, don’t you?”Gina’s gaze turned cold. “Leave. I don’t want to see you at Quaria “You don’t want to? Then I’ll make sure to hang around in front of you. What deliberately got inGina’s face. s the matter Is it hurting your eyes?” Olivia

Gina pushed her away. It wasn’t a strong force, but Olivia made a scene by falling to the ground.“Ah! She hit me! She’s hitting me!” Gina looked at Olivia, who was rolling around on the ground, with a calm expression. In her view, Olivia had already exhausted her tricks, resorting to such ridiculous petty tactics toannoy her, which was just laughable. Olivia’s commotion attracted a crowd, and security quickly arrived. “What’s going on here?” Olivia played the victim, pointing at Gina. I had a little dispute with this lady, and she started pushingme and wanted to hit me.” The security guard looked at Cina.

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