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Chapter 190 She carefully tugged on Gina’s sleeve. “Miss… can you please not argue with him?” Gina looked at Cathy. “Don’t be afraid. I’m here. He doesn’t have the ability to get you fired.” The old man laughed. “You little brat, quite the big talker, aren’t you? It seems like you’re in overyour head, yet you’re still putting on airs. Miss, don’t you believe her?” Cathy didn’t feel like Gina was just putting on airs because she knew the close relationship betweenGina and Gabriel. Gina had the capital to be proud, but she didn’t. Cathy couldn’t help but worryabout what would happen if the old man sought revenge on her or caused trouble for her behind the scenes. They both had power and influence, while she was just an ordinary person. She didn’t dare to expect that Gina would always protect her. She just wanted to make peace. Footsteps were heard outside the door as the old man’s attending physician arrived for his rounds.The old man became more animated. “Doctor, I want to make a complaint. Your nurse here hasbeen neglectful in her care, causing my wounds to hurt severely. Also, what’s the situation with yourhospital’s security? Can just any Tom, D**k, or Harry enter a VIP ward? “I’m telling you. If you don’t handle this matter properly today, I will complain to your director andhave you both fired, along with this nurse.” The doctor was a bit flustered, not knowing the situation in the ward, only catching a glimpse ofGina’s back. Since Gina wasn’t wearing a patient’s gown or a nurse’s uniform, she was likely afamily member of another patient. The attending physician wanted to first calm the old man’s emotions. “I’m sorry, Mr. Quinn. Pleasecalm down. “Miss, may I ask why you. The attending physician approached and stopped mid-sentence, taken aback. The old man was impatient. “Doctor, what’s the matter? I’m telling you. If you’re dragging your feetbecause you think this girl is good-looking and you’re going to show favoritism and defend her,

there will be no good outcome for you if I complain to the dean. I’m very angry right now, and I wantto see the dean immediately! “Your hospital’s security is terrible for letting any riffraff in and allowing them to hit me. I will not letthis matter go easily!” Upon recognizing Gina, the attending physician looked at the old fan speechlessly. “There’s noneed to contact our dean, as the dean is right here.” The attending physician finished speaking and flashed a smile at Gina. “Miss Miller.” The old man was taken aback, unable to believe that the young and beautiful woman standingbefore him was the dean of Prover Hospital. Cathy was also astonished. “Could she…could she really be the dean? Impossible!” the old man exclaimed in disbelief. The attending physician was speechless. “Mr. Quinn, what benefit would I have in deceiving you?” The old man was momentarily at a loss for words./Seeing the attending physician’s respectfuldemeanor towards Gina, his intuition told him that the doctor would not joke about such a matter. Gina spoke softly, addressing the attending physician, “Please inform me. Who exactly is Mr Quinn?I’m quite curious about his identity and status, given that he has threatened to do away with me.” 1/3 12:10 Sat, 25 May Chapter 190 2 78% The attending physician was shocked by the old man’s audacity. He replied to Gina, “Miss Miller, Eamon Quinn is the owner of the largest furniture factory inNorwood.” His factory’s furniture was sold all over the country, and the business was quite substantial. He was indeed considered a person of some standing. However, compared to their dean, Gina, he was truly a minor figure. The attending physician hadjust been fawning over Eamon in the WIP ward, but now, with Gina’s presence, he stood much

straighter. Eamon was rigid, cold sweat breaking out on his back, As he calmed down, he suddenlyremembered. He had seen a news report before, stating that the dean of Prover Hospital had aclose relationship with Gabriel, the CEO of Jackson Group. The dean of Prover Hospital was someone he could not afford to offend, and Gabriel was evenmore so. Eamon immediately became submissive. “Oh…. so you are Miss Miller. Nice to meet you.We really are meeting for the first time in a rather unusual way. I’ve had an incident these past fewdays that has left me bedridden. Otherwise, I would have certainly risen to my feet, Lying downwhile speaking with you is far too disrespectful. I truly apologize for the rudeness. Cathy watched as the old man made a complete 180-degree turn, no longer speaking in a slickmanner but instead showing utmost respect. She couldn’t help but marvel at the power of status, apower she lacked. For her, there was nothing but the bitterness of life. The attending physician couldn’t help but chuckle at Eamon’s sycophantic behavior. Eamon wasnotorious for stirring up trouble for no reason. doctor then looked at the two very noticeable markson Eamon’s face, caused by the backscratcher, and found it even more amusing. Gina spoke coldly. “I don’t want to hear any nonsense. Do you have a poor memory? What did I justtell you to do?” Apologizing to Cathy? The Eamon snapped out of it and quickly said to Cathy, “Miss Fowler, I’m sorry for the offense I causedearlier. It was a moment of lustful foolishness on my part. I deserve to die. I sincerely apologize.” Cathy wanted to let the matter rest, but she just couldn’t bring herself to say it was okay. Looking at Eamon for even a moment longer made her feel utterly disgusted. She didn’t want toforgive him, which was, in a way, her last act of defiance as an ordinary person. Cathy lowered her head and remained silent. Gina discerned Cathy’s thoughts and said to Eamon, “The psychological trauma you’ve inflicted on

her can’t be erased with a simple apology.” Eamon, wary of Gina’s status, nervously swallowed. “Then, what should I do? Do you wantcompensation for emotional distress?” In his heart, Eamon was contemptuous of Cathy, thinking to himself, ‘What’s with the act? If it’sabout money, just say so. I’m not incapable of paying. Cathy’s reaction was strong. “I don’t want your money!” Eamon suppressed his anger. “Then how do you propose we resolve this?” Cathy bit her lip. “You must promise not to harass other girls like this in the future. You need tochange.” Cathy was well aware that it was naive to expect a lecherous old man to listen to her, but that washow she felt. Even if she couldn’t change him, she wanted to express her true feelings. 12:10 Sat, 25 May M Chapter 190 785 Eamon almost laughed at the absurdity. Was this young nurse trying to discipline him? If it weren’tfor Gina being present, he would have shown her who’s boss: Gina glanced at the information card by Eamon’s bedside, noting that he was already 54 years old.An old man at such an age preying on young girls was truly disgusting. Gina looked at Eamon with a cold face and said, “She’s talking to you. Don’t you hear her?” 12:10 Sat, 25 Maynovelbin

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