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Chapter 188 When Gina came to her senses, tears had already fallen like beads from a broken string, and shecouldn’t control herself She had always considered herself a rational and cold person, but at this moment, she wastrembling with pain. Since Ruby’s passing, she had appeared quite calm, from the moment she witnessed Ruby’s falluntil the burial. However, the critical point to trigger an emotional outburst had not yet been reached. It had been a long time since Gina had cried so heart-wrenchingly, even struggling to catch herbreath. She picked up her phone and called Gabriel. “I’m sorry, can you come back and keep mecompany?” Hearing the s o b in Gina’s voice over the phone, Gabriel became extremely worried. Heimmediately asked David to turn the car around and rushed back to the apartment building. Gabrielhurried to Gina’s apartment door at the fastest speed he could manage. He anxiously pressed the doorbell, and Gina came forward to open the door.The moment the door opened, Gina felt as if all her strength had been drained from her body. Herlegs buckled, and she was about to collapse, but Gabriel was quick to catch her. He embraced her and looked at her with concern, then touched her hand, finding it ice-cold, whichmade him even more worried. “Gina, what’s wrong? He then closed the door behind them and held Gina, helping her to sit on the sofa, Gabriel knelt beside her, holding her hand, and said, “Gina, let me warm you up. Are you sick?What’s happened? Is there something that’s upset you? Can you talk to me about it? Don’t keep itinside.” Gina tried to calm her emotions. “Gabriel, there’s no one left in this world who can be called myfamily!”” She was heartbroken. Gabriel also realized that Gina was grieving over Ruby’s death.The death of a family member was a pain that lurked and flared up silently in the heart, somethingnovelbin

Gabriel could empathize with. He held Gina’s hand tightly. “Gina, I will always be here for you. Ifthere is such a thing as an angel watching over us from the heavens, I believe Mrs. Ruby wouldwant to see you living a happy life. I understand that emotions need to be expressed, so it’s okay, tolet it all out. Cry as much as you need to, and I will stay here with you. I won’t go anywhere, okay?” Gina nodded gratefully, wanting very much to regain control of her emotions and not to behave likea childish child. Unable to control her sobbing, Gina found it difficult to manage her emotions at the moment. Gabriel pulled her into his embrace and gently soothed her. About ten minutes passed. Gina, somewhat exhausted from crying, had swollen eyes. She took a deep breath and, lying inGabriel’s arms, asked in a murmur that seemed like a soliloquy, “Do I really always get people intotrouble? People who get close to me and treat me well riever seem to end ups > well” Gina thought back to when she was ten years old and the extermination of her adoptive parents’family. At that time, there had been whispers among the neighbors and relatives, wondering if herarrival had brought misfortune to her adoptive parents’ family. However, Gina had not paid attentionto such gossip back then. When Gabriel heard this, he was shocked because he realized that this was truly a moment of greatvulnerability for Gina, and she actually believed it was her own fault. 1/3 Chapter 188 Gabriel hurried to comfort Gina. “Of course, it’s not because of you. It’s because of those whocommitted the evil acts. It was their fault” Gina lowered her eyes, feeling that Gabriel’s embrace seemed to offer her a sense of security. Shecalmed down quite a bit but still felt somewhat guilty “if my mother hadn’t saved me, hadn’t picked

me up unconscious in the mountains, perhaps she wouldn’t have encountered Cole again andwouldn’t have been killed by him.” “But I think that if given a chance to do it all over again, Mrs. Ruby would also choose to save you.Similarly, I believe she doesn’t regret meeting Cole again, To die together with the person who killedher hushand and son might have been what Mrs. Ruby wished for Gina remembered the words Ruby said before she died. Perhaps Ruby really thought as Gabrielsuggested. “Mes. Ruby had a very hard life, G Gina. Have you ever thought that maybe you were the light in her life? Gabriel asked. Ruby had previously suffered from stomach cancer, which was also related to her personal negativeemotions. The loss of her husband and son was a blow that could destroy a person’s will to live. Gina recalled that Ruby had said she felt very happy to have a daughter like her, which gave herhope to continue living It was just a pity that Ruby was not able to see the day she got married, Gabriel held Gina tightly. “Gina, don’t think such things. You never get people into trouble. Never.” “Are you hu hungry? Would you like me to have something delivered for you to eat?” Gina shook her head and said, “I’m tired.” “Then rest, and I’ll stay with you, okay? “Okay,” Gina nodded. Unconsciously, Gina felt drowsy, and she slowly closed her eyes, falling into sleep. The next day, when Gina woke u use his leg as a pillow. up, she found that she had been resting her head on Gabriel’s thigh, and Gabriel had been sittingupright, allowing her to Had she been using his leg as a pillow the entire night? Gina sat up and tried to help Gabriel lie down, but Gabriel was a light sleeper and slowly opened hiseyes. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?” Gina asked.

The moment he opened his eyes, Gabriel could see Gina’s face, close and right beside him. Hecouldn’t count how many times he had fantasized about such a scene. Now that it was a reality, he felt incredibly happy. He smiled. “No, I’m just a light sleeper.” “I used your leg as a pillow all night. You must be very tired,” Gina said, “No, I’m not tired,” Gabriel said, playing it off, even though his legs were numb. He was concernedthat any movement would wake Gina, so he only dared to let her rest on his leg. Because he hadpromised Gina he wouldn’t leave, he maintained this awkward position and slept through the night,which was quite uncomfortable. 2/3 SEND GIFT Chapter 188 But it was all worth it for the peaceful night’s sleep Gina had. Gina looked puzzled. “Why didn’t you put me on the bed?” Gabriel coughed a little, embarrassed. “Your room, I feel that it’s not quite appropriate for me toenter before you’ve given me a proper title.” Gina chuckled and teased him. “I didn’t realize you were such a traditional man?” 0


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