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Chapter 183 Ethan’s rage flared instantly, and he smashed the glass in his hand, bellowing at the man, “Don’tyou dare mention Night Bar to me!” Hearing anything related to Gabriel made him feel irritable. The man was startled and quickly put on a placating smile. “Mr. Jackson, don’t be angry. Just now, Iheard the manager say that a few new girls have arrived today, and they’re college students. Howabout that? Let’s have two of them come and keep us company Ethan responded with an impatient hum. The man let out a sigh of relief and contacted the manager to bring in two hostesses. Even after the hostesses entered, Ethan was still somewhat preoccupied. The man next to him noticed one of the hostesses standing by the door, hesitant to approach, andasked with some confusion, “Hey, what are you doing just standing there? Come over here!” The woman approached reluctantly. The man, noticing her head down, squinted to get a better look at her and suddenly laughed. “Oh,Mr. Jackson, this woman here, doesn’t she look a bit like someone we know?” Ethan frowned. “Who are you talking about?” “Your ex-girlfriend, your former fiancée!” the man said, not one to shy away from stirring up trouble. Ethan was puzzled, and when he looked up at the woman, he realized it wasn’t just a resemblance.She was clearly Olivia herself! Ethan was taken aback and suddenly stood up. “How the hell did you end up working here?” Olivia’s eyes dodged, and she tried to deny it, affecting a voice. “I’m sorry, sir, you you must havemistaken me for someone else.” “Are you still pretending? D**n it, weren’t you supposed to be rich? Why are you working as ahostess here then?” After yelling, Ethan suddenly realized there were others watching the spectacle, so he roared, “Getthe hell out of here!”The man and the other hostess quickly left the private room.

Ethan grabbed Olivia by the hair. “You d**n… you lied to me before, didn’t you? The two milliondollars I gave you, where is it? You squandered it all, didn’t you? You’re just a filthy b**h, alwaystricking men out of their money!” Olivia didn’t even have time to plead for mercy before Ethan struck her repeatedly across the face,venting his frustrations from the encounters Gabriel onto Olivia with He pummeled and kicked her without mercy. Olivia’s screams of agony in the private room drew the attention of the bar’s security. The guardsburst in, separating the two, but by then, Olivia was left bruised and bloodied. The manager also rushed to the scene. “Mr. Jackson, please calm down. If there’s anything unsatisfactory about her service, we canreplace her. Please don’t be angry. If this continues and something happens, it wouldn’t be good,would it?” 1/3 Sat, 25 May Chapter 183 79% “Something happens? So what if it does? I can afford to pay for any trouble!” Ethan was still tryingto break through the security and manager’s restraint to get at Olivia, but the guard’s strong gripheld him back. “Mr. Jackson, what exactly about her service has displeased you? Please tell us,” the managerpleaded, sweating profusely. Ethan wasn’t afraid of trouble, but the manager certainly didn’t wantany. “It’s a personal matter between us. It has nothing to do with anyone elsel” Ethan finally started to calm down a bit. Olivia finally managed to catch her breath. “Ethan, what the hell has gotten into you? What did I dowith the money you gave me? Do you want me to discuss it here or at the police station?” “Are you still f**g threatening me?” Ethan was furious.

Olivia wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. “You came at me like a rabid dog, Ethan. I’mtelling you. If you dare to hit me again, we can both go down together. How about it? Do you want togive it a try?” “You…” Ethan was left speechless. The manager, fearing that Olivia’s reckless words would provoke Ethan further, quickly interjected,“Miss, could you please hold your tongue?” Ethan shook off the security guard’s grip. “Let go, I’m not going to hit her anymore. Hitting her is likerisking catching a disease!”- “I’m glad to see you’re calming down, Mr. Jackson. Your bill for today will be on the house, howabout that?” the manager offered. Ethan snorted coldly, feeling much more at ease now that his anger had been vented. He glared atOlivia and threatened. “Olivia, if you don’t fulfill your promise to me, you’d better watch out. I’ll makeyou pay!” With that, Ethan strode out with a swagger. The manager gave Olivia a disgruntled look and said directly, “Don’t come in tomorrow. Your firstday on the job and this happens. It’s just bad luck.” Hearing the manager call her bad luck, Olivia instantly flared up. “D a m n it! I don’t even care aboutit!” She then strode out of the bar. Olivia, with her disheveled hair and bloodied face, s t a g g e e d down the street. She didn’t havethe money to go to the hospital, and her head was so dizzy that she couldn’t even cry. Passersby avoided Olivia as if she were a plague.Olivia gritted her teeth, knowing that her current predicament was entirely Gina’s fault. One day, shewould make Gina pay, dismembering her limb from limbl She coughed, spat up a mouthful of blood, and nearly fell to the ground, but suddenly someonenovelbin

caught her. “Miss, are you alright?” a girl asked, showing concern. Olivia looked up and saw the girl. The girl looked at her with worry. “Let me take you to the hospital” Olivia shook her head. “No need, I don’t have any money.” 12:08 Sat, 25 May Chapter 183 away and leave. As she said this, she tried to push the girl away The girl felt pity for her, “I’ll pay for your medical expenses!” Looking at Olivia’s appearance, she thought she looked so pitiful that she wanted to help her. “Why not take advantage of the offer?’ Olivia’s initial thought was such. So, Olivia followed the girl to the hospital, where her wounds were treated. The two of them sat on abench in the hospital corridor to rest. “Olivia, your name is very nice,” the girl said with a smile. Oh, Olivia replied noncommittally. The girl continued, “My name is Cathy Fowler.” “Mmm.” Olivia nodded. Cathy asked cautiously, “How did you get injured like this? Were you beaten up? Did you call thepolice? Where are your family?” Olivia was growing impatient and responded directly, “I’m an orphan.” After saying that, she gave a self-deprecating laugh. Cathy realized she had said the wrong thing. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know… Were you bullied? If youneed help, I’ll do my best to assist you.” Olivia thought she was talking too much. “I need money. Can you give me some?” She still owed Gina several million dollars, after all. Cathy was taken aback. “How… how much?”“10 dollars, for a taxi ride home,” Olivia said.

Cathy y was relieved. “Well, I do have that much.” Olivia was taken aback. “Why do I feel like you’re a bit naive? Do you even know me? And you’rewilling to help me?” “My mom says, helping others is a good virtue!” Olivia was speechless for a moment. “I’ll pay you back for the medical expenses.” “Actually, y, if you don’t have the money, you don’t have to pay me back. Let’s just consider it a way to make afriend!” 0

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