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Chapter 172 “Sure,” Gina said calmly, Olivia was a little surprised that Gina would agree. She felt that Gina was triggered by her, whichwas why she agreed to come. Nevertheless, this was exactly what Olivia wanted. After hanging up the phone, Olivia saw that Ella’s expression was not quite right. She was a littleunhappy, but she still pretended to say nicely, “Mom, I’m introducing the opportunity for you tointeract with Gina, I hope the two of you can reconcile.” Ella smiled awkwardly. “You’ve put in a lot of effort.” “I just hope that our family can unite again,” Olivia said with a fake smile. Even Ella felt that it was fake. She knew that Olivia was not telling the truth, it was just that Oliviawas not pretending anymore. Half an hour later, Gina arrived at Grand Restaurant. Olivia happened to call again to ask if she had arrived. “I am here.” “Gina, I’ll come to pick you up,” Olivia said in a strange tone. Gina did not answer. She did not care what Olivia was up to or what she wanted to do. When Olivia said that she would pick up Gina, she stood at the door of the room and watched asGina walked towards her. Olivia watched as Gina slowly approached. When she saw the waiter guarding nearby stop Gina,Olivia smiled smugly. “Miss Miller, hello. Are you here for an invite or to host? Or are you eating with Mr. Neil and theothers?” Olivia was stunned when she heard what the waiter said. Memories surfaced in her mind. The last time she ate with Ethan’s parents, she met Neil near thisroom. At that time, she wanted to know who Neil was treating. Now, she knew that Neil was treating Ginato a meal in this room. Olivia originally thought that the waiter would stop Gina like how he stopped her previously. She did

not allow the waiter to chat with Gina. She was infuriated, Olivia said, “Isn’t the rule of entering the first Phoenix room to check the funds?Although she came here before, I’ve already brought my companions. If she wants to go in, shecan’t be considered as my companion. Am I right?” The waiter looked at Olivia with a strange expression. He thought, “Good lord, since she invitedGina, why did she bring a companion?” However, Olivia was right. The person understand what Olivia was doing, person who ate with Neil and Gabriel would not be much worse than them in terms of finances. The waiter did not The waiter said to Gina, “Miss Miller, Mr. Neil treated you to a meal last time so we didn’t check yournet worth. Please cooperate with me this time.” “Okay,” Gina agreed. Olivia had called Gina over for another purpose. That was to test Gina’s bank balance. After all,Gina had transferred a billion dollars to her. She was very curious about Gina’s current net worth. Of course, she had no way of knowing the exact humber of assets Gina had, but this test wouldgive her an idea. 12:03 Sat, 25 May Chapter 172 After checking, the waiter gestured to Gina to enter the room. Gina directly walked past Olivia and entered the private room. Olivia was a little indignant. She asked the waiter, “What’s her net worth? What assets does shehave under her name?” The waiter was speechless. “This is Miss Gina’s privacy. I’m sorry, but I can’t comment” Olivia gritted her teeth and asked, “Then let me ask you, is my net worth higher or hers?” The waiter felt that Olivia was overestimating herself by asking this question. He smiled faintly andsaid, “It’s Miss Gina.” Olivia clenched her fists. She thought, ‘After Gina gave me a billion dollars, she still has a lot of money. How rich is she?’ novelbin

She now felt that Cole had negotiated a bad deal. Instead, he should have asked for two billiondollars. 宽80%0 After Gina entered the private room, she saw Ella. Ella stood up as if she was sitting on pins andneedles. She revealed a fawning smile and said, “Gina….” Gina’s expression was cold as she ignored Ella. Ella was disappointed. She remembered what he ther son had said and thought, ‘Gina just can never be close to us…. Olivia then walked into the private room. She was very unhappy and pretended to be generous asshe placed the menu in front of Gina. “Gina, let’s eat first. You can order the dishes. Anyway, I canafford it.” After all, she was spending Gina’s money. Olivia always tried to anger Gina with this idea. However, Gina did not react. She opened the menu and looked at it. The more Olivia thought about it, the angrier she became. She wasn’t sure whether Gina actuallycared about the a billion dollars that she took. Olivia thought, “If she doesn’t care, why does she want the money back? if she cares, why is shenot upset when she sees me spending it?” She sat down unwillingly. When she saw that Gina had ordered a few very expensive dishes, shesneered and thought, “She is not being polite at all!” Olivia cleared her throat and said, “Gina, I hope that you can reconcile with Mom. Let bygones bebygones. In the future, our family will love each other. What do you think” Olivia said this purely to disgust Gina. Gina smiled instead of getting angry. “That’s thoughtful of you.” Olivia sneered. “That’s right. After all, I’m not like you, Gina. I don’t have any feelings for my ownmother. I’ve been in the Miller family for more than 20 years. The Miller family has always been myhome. The Miller family will always be my family. I’m someone who is loyal to my home. Gina,you’ve probably been an orphan for too long and can’t understand it.” Ella’s face turned pale. She could not sit still anymore. Olivia was not creating an opportunity for

them to reconcile. She was simply adding fuel to the fire. Ella couldn’t take it anymore. “Olivia, you’re going too far. It’s my fault and Phillip’s fault that Ginabecame an orphan. How can you say that about her!” Olivia was surprised that Ella would side with Gha Sat, 25 May M Chaple 15) She Perucht, ‘Ella has surely changed. However, I have just invested 200 million dollars on MillerJewels!” hold Gina’s hand. “Gina, don’t be angry. We’re not eating anymore. Let’s go.” MONA VANA, UNINOved. “I’m not leaving. I still have something to do.” The matter?” E tter?” Ella was suddenly worried that they would start fighting Shops with definitely Befinitely not Gina’s match. If they really fought, Ella decided to help her biological daughter. Herent gaze landed on Olivia. “I need to ask her to return the money.” stunned for a moment before she laughed. It turned out that Gina still cared about the money. 80% lesale proudly. “Don’t tell me you think that I’ll return the money to you just because you asked meto, Gina, didn’t you say that you would make me hom the money willingly? Is this how you plan todo it? Do you plan to just ask for it?”

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