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Chapter 164 “Gina, you accepted it?” Abble could not believe it. “Yes,” Gina said calmly. Abble thought, ‘How could she accept it?! pt it? It was 600 million dollars! If it was a small amount, I would shut up. After all, Gabriel is rich.However, 600 million dollars is a lot of money.’ A b b i e said sarcastically, “It’s quite impressive that you can accept a gift worth 600 million dollarsso calmly.” Gabriel’s face darkened. “Gina has given me something in return, Also, Harry, how did you knowthat I went to Eldoria to buy a diamond mine? Why didn’t I realize before that you were soconcerned about my private life?” Harry felt a little guilty. “I have a friend who saw you at the auction!” He changed the topic and said, “So, what gift did Miss Miller return? I’m quite curious. What kind ofgift can compare to the diamond mine that was bought for 600 million dollars.” Gina replied in a neither servile nor overbearing manner, “I gifted Gabriel with the medicinal herb Iplanted.” Harry was stunned for a moment before he laughed mockingly. “Miss Miller, are you joking with me?What medicinal herb is worth 600 million dollars? Could it be some miracle plant that can revive aperson?” “That’s enough, Harry. Don’t go too far.” Gabriel did not get angry at him because Harry was hiselder, but at this moment, Gabriel’s patience had reached its limit. “Gina’s medicinal herbs areusually provided solely to the Treasure Fund in Oriata City. They are very expensive. It’s not up toyou to decide if it’s worth it” Harry was completely humiliated. His face darkened and he snorted coldly. “Alright. I’ll stop before Igo too far! I just don’t want you to be deceived by others and not be rewarded for your efforts. Now,it seems like I’m being a busybody. Fil leave, alright?”

Harry turned around and strode away. Neil did not stop him. Instead, he said to the others, “All of you, get out.” A b b i e looked at Gina with disdain and turned to leave. Only the three of them were left in the ward. Neil looked at Gina with heartache. “Gina, I know about your godmother’s death. Mycondolences…” Gina had already tried her best to control her emotions. In order to visit Gabriel, she tried her best toappear calm, but after hearing Neil’s words, her eyes could not help but turn red. Thank you for your concern.” Her voice was filled with uncontrollable b s. After spending some time together with Gina, both Neil and Gabriel knew that Gina was anextremely calm and disciplined girl. In this situation, she was devastated. Neil had also heard fromDavid that although Gina was not injured, she fainted on the spot. “Gina, from now on, we are your family,” Neil held Gina’s hand and said, “Don’t worry, I have nointention of forcing you to be with Gabriel. I like you from the bottom of my heart. Even if you can’tbe his wife, you can still be my g**er. You can even treat Gabriel as your brother!” Gabriel panicked, “Dad, what are you talking about?” 12:01 Sat, 25 May M Chapter 164 If his father acknowledged Gina as his g**r, it would be inappropriate for Gabriel to be with Gina Gabriel coughed. “I won’t agree to that!” 80% Neil glared at Gabriel. “Rascal, you have no right to speak! You’d better treat Gina well and not bullyher. If you dare to bully her, I’ll acknowledge her as my g**r and make you no longer have the rightto pursue Gina. I’ll even help Gina beat you up!” Gabriel laughed helplessly. “Dad, you don’t have to worry about that. I’ve been treating her verywell.” Gina nodded in agreement. “Neil Gabriel…. He’s very good to me.” novelbin

“That’s good, that’s good. It’s only right that he treats you well.” Neil originally wanted to ask Ginahow she was going to handle her godmother’s funeral. However, he thought that Gina definitelycould not accept Ruby’s death yet. It was better to talk about this matter in a few days. Gina asked about Gabriel’s injuries. “The medicinal herb I gave you can be put to use now.” Gabriel was deep in thought. “Didn’t you say that we should use it when our lives are in danger? Ifeel good now. Why don’t we keep it for now?” Actually, he didn’t want to use it because it was something that Gina had gifted him. Gina said, “Your wound has been infected. There will be hidden dangers. Now is the best time touse it. Don’t wait. After taking it, I’ll plant it again and send another one to you.” “Gina, the Spirit Orchid is very difficult to grow, right?” Gabric asked, “You were going to keep it foryourself, right?” Gina was a little surprised. “How did you know?” Gabriel smiled. “Because I know you.” The reason why she only gave him one stalk was not because Gina was stingy, but because it wasscarce. After Gina told him that the Spirit Orchid was so useful, Gabriel felt that this was how things shouldbe. Gina was stunned and changed the topic. She was really not in the mood to flirt with Gabriel now.“After I’m done with the matters at hand, I’ll find a suitable piece of medicine land to plant it again. Itcan’t wait any longer. I’m also in a hurry to make the potion for Neil.” Gabriel said, “I’ll help you find the right land.” “Okay” Gina did not decline. She felt that she was familiar with Gayriel now. If he was willing to helpher, her repeated refusals would make him sad. Neil looked at the two of them talking with relief. He felt like a third wheel. At Prover Hospital’s door. “600 million dollars is too much! Gabriel is so… A**e clutched her chost and did not say the secondhalf of the sentence because the money was ultimately Gabriel’s. Ethan walked beside A**e with an ugly expression. He could not forget that in the ward, Gabriel

refused to let him manage Jackson Group and let him start from the bottom. He was infuriated. “That s**t Gina definitely can’t enter the Jackson family. Perhaps Gina had asked Gabriel for thediamond mine. You, Gabriel must have lost his mind 2/3 12:01 Sat, 25 May Chapter 164 M 气:80%1 actually to buy it for her.” When A b i e said this, she subconsciously felt a little jealous because noman had ever spent this much money on her. Abbi e patted Ethan’s shoulder hard. “Son, you have to think of a way to stop Gina from marryinginto the family! What if Gina has even more outrageous requests after that? What if the Gabrielemptied out all our assets?” Ethan was annoyed. “What can I do?!” Abbi e was furious. “Can’t you think of a way? Look at you. If you had listened to me and studiedabroad to do business, you would have had a management position in Jackson Group already!”

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