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Chapter 160 Ruby was shocked by the scene just now. She tried to calm down, but upon seeing the source ofblood flowing down Gabriel’s arm, she raised her eyes to Cole. “You animal!” Cole laughed out loud. “I’m an animal. What’s wrong with that? Are you going to kill me now?” He then said to Gina, “Gina, are you going to hide behind Gabriel? Jackson family let you go?” If Gabriel gets hurt because of you, or worse, if Gabriel dies because of you, will the “You need to go and get your wound treated. Cole wouldn’t dare do anything to you,” Gina said toGabriel. Gabriel shook his head. “Gina, I’m not leaving. There’s no way I’m letting you face danger alone.” Gina looked at David. “David, take him to leave here.” David also said Gabriel, “Mr. Jackson, you need to get to the hospital and get it taken care of. If itgets infected, the consequences will be unimaginable!” “I’m not going” Gabriel still shook his head. Gina had no choice but to push Gabriel away and stand in front of Cole, saying, “I’m standing infront of you now. Don’t you you dare.” u want to kill me? Shoot me if Cole sneered. “I know you’re very agile and will likely dodge, so get over here. I’m going to put agun to your head before I shoot you. And I’m warning you, don’t try any tricks, or I’ll shoot one of thethree of them at random.” Gina said with a resolute expression. “I won’t.” Cole, of course, didn’t take Gina’s word for it. “Let them tie you up.” gun at the rope on the floor. He pointed his g Gina signaled David to do as Cole said, but David hesitated. Gina frowned. “David, don’t wastetime.” David had no choice but to tie Gina up.

Gina calmly and submissively walked over to Cole. Cole raised his hand and aimed the gun at Gina’s head with a deranged smile. “Farewell, Ginal” Just as Cole pulled the trigger, he suddenly felt a paralyzing sensation in his limbs, and his armsand legs became uncontrollable. Feeling a little strange, he raised his eyes to meet Gina’s calm gaze. He suddenly realizedsomething and asked, “What have yourdone to me?” Gina sneered. “Didn’t you feel it?” She raised her leg and kicked Cole in the knee. Cole winced in pain. Cole instantly knelt on the ground. Gina turned around and shouted, “David, come and help!” David Immediately rushed forward to try to subdue Colo, but Cole was also adept at defendinghimself, making it difficult for David to overpower him. Eventually, David began to grab the gun fromCole’s hand. During the process, the gun fell to the ground. David attempted to retrieve it, but Cole preemptedhim, kicking David down on the ground. Just as Cola 12.03 Fri, 24 May Chapter 160 Creached for the gun, Ruby surged forward, shoving him to the ground, causing Cole to tumble aswell. 86% Reacting swiftly, Cole rose and seized Ruby by the hair. “You’re courting death, aren’t you? Iunderstand you’re eager to reunite with your husband and son in hell but there’s no need to rush.Nevertheless, since you’re in such a hurry, I’ll gladly oblige and send you there first!” Cole then yanked Ruby’s hair, aiming to retrieve the gun and shoot her. Despite the pain, David struggled to intervene. Behind Gina, Gabriel, with an injured arm, was unable to assist effectively. Enduring the agony, hehelped to untle Gina. However, by this point, Cole had already reached for the fallen gun. Ruby cast a tender glance at Gina before summoning all her strength to drag Cole towards theunguarded edge.

Realizing her intent, Cole panicked slightly. He didn’t know what Gina had done to render his limbs more and more feeble as time went by.When he had exerted himself just now, he felt no strength In his limbs. And he found himselfpowerless against Ruby, a middle-aged woman. “Let go, d a m n it!” Cole struck at Ruby’s head, but she clenched her teeth and persisted. Tearsstreamed down her face as she laughed. “Cole, you’re right. I’ve longed to reunite with my son andhusband. But before that, I must avenge them. Today, I’ll end you with my own hands, then I’ll bereunited with them. I believe that they will be proud of what I’ve done! Cole, I’ve dreamt of thismoment, of killing you. I never thought it would come so soon!” With a determined pull, Ruby dragged Cole over the edge Without hesitation, she jumped down from the building, taking him with her. It all happened too quickly. Gina watched in disbelief as Ruby jumped down from the building withCole. They were on the tenth floor of a unfinished building, with a gravel-covered ground belowstrewn with broken stones. It was certain that a fall from such a height would be fatal. Feeling as though the world was collapsing around her, Gina cried out, “Mom!” She sprinted to the edge and witnessed the blood quickly staining the ground where the two hadfallen. It was truly unacceptable for her! She couldn’t couldn’t bear it at all. Her eyes trembled with disbelief. At this moment, only one thought lingered in Gina’s mind, and it was that she had to dashdownstairs now and save her mom’s life. She quickly ran downstairs. Gabriel attempted to keep pace with Gina, understanding Ruby’ssignificance to her. He dreaded the devastation Gina would endure if Ruby didn’t survive. However, Gabriel was shot and bled profusely, weakening him and impeding his ability to matchGina’s speed. Despite David’s willingness to assist, Gabriel pushed him away and hurried after Gina, leavingDavid trailing behind. Gina ran downstairs as fast as she could.

Each step Gina took felt burdensome, as if weighed down by the gravity of the situation. Conflictingvoices echoed in her mind. One insisted that a fall from the 10th floor would inevitably be fatal,leaving her without a mother, while the other asserted that her knowledge of traditional healing artscould save Ruby.When Gina reached Ruby’s side, Ruby was still conscious but in excruciating pain from hernumerous broken bones. Despite her suffering, Ruby managed a feeble smile at Gina’s arrival,attempting to reach out to touch her face but failing. “Gina, don’t cry, she whispered.

Determined and with tears welling in her eyes, Gina said, “Mom, you’ll be okay. I’ll find a way tosave you.” As she gingerly examined Ruby’s body, her face drained of color. Ruby was hemorrhaginginternally, beyond Gina’s ability to save.novelbin

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