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Chapter 106 Although Jasmine was bossy, she was not brainless enough to think that Caleb was lying in public. She quickly thought of something and changed the topic. “Gina, so you’re the judge. I waswondering why my family found out that I was ranked second. In the end, when I received theaward, I was third. It’s because you have a good relationship with Aria. She was originally third, butyou actually raised her to first place. Do you think a person like you who plays favorites is worthy ofbeing a judge?” Aria was stunned. She did not expect Jasmine to be able to sow discord. “Jasmine, stop spoutingnonsense. Before this, I didn’t even know Gina was a judge. She didn’t reveal her identity to meeither. There’s no such thing as covering up for personal gain!” “She didn’t reveal her identity, so she didn’t play favorites? Perhaps she did this for you silently?After all, you two are good friends, right?” Jasmine deliberately emphasized the word ‘good friend. “So you think I played favorites and gave Aria the first place that should have been yours?” “Yes,” Jasmine replied confidently. Gina sneered contemptuously. “If I want to be biased, do you think you can still get an award? I’lljust remove you from the list. You won’t even get third place. For Aria’s designs, public opinion issuperior to yours in terms of completion, creativity, and design concept. Getting first place is theresult she deserves. Especially when it comes to creativity. You don’t have Aria’s bold innovation.You’re following the established trends of the fashion industry, and that’s where you’re losing. After Gina finished speaking, the judges who had gathered around to watch the show chimed in.Indeed, Aria’s work is more creative!” Jasmine felt extremely embarrassed. No one was on her side. “Miss Bush, if the Bush family wants to withdraw their sponsorship, you’re welcome anytime!” Calebsaid coldly. “There’s no such thing. The Bush family won’t withdraw the sponsorship. I’m sorry, my insensiblenovelbin

sister made a fool of herself and made a fool of herself” Jabari appeared in everyone’s line of sight. Hannah was the one who asked Jabari to pick up Jasmine, who had just received her award, andbring her home. Jabari did not expect to see his younger sister causing trouble after he arrived. Healso had a headache. “Jabari.” Jasmine hid behind Jabari, feeling wronged. Jabari looked at Gina. “Miss Miller, I’m sorry. My sister has offended you. I apologize on her behalf.” Jabari, don’t apologize to her!” Jasmine was unconvinced “Shut up. Haven’t you embarrassed yourself enough?” Jabari frowned and said to Jasmine. Seeing that Jabari was not biased towards her, Jasmine stomped her feet in anger. Apologize to Miss Miller, Jabari demanded. 1/3 Chapter 106 Twon’t, I refuse! If I don’t apologize, what can you do to me?” Jasmine was determined to bestubborn. Jabari was also furious. Gina said coldly. “An insincere apology is unnecessary and useless. I only hope that Mr. Bush candiscipline your sister well- and let her not provoke me. If Mr. Bush or an elder of the Bush familycan’t educate Miss Bush well, I don’t mind helping.” When Jabari heard Gina’s words, he felt a little uncomfortable and frowned slightly. However, it washis sister who had offended Gina first, so he could not say anything to refute. “Alright, I’ll discipline my sister well.” Jabari, what are you afraid of? You should teach her a lesson! You should stand up for me.Otherwise, what’s the use of having a brother like you?” Jasmine gave up. Jabari was speechless. He grabbed Jasmine’s arm and said, “The award ceremony is over. Comehome with me!”

“Gina, just you wait. I won’t apologise!” Jabari covered Jasmine’s mouth in disgust and used the simplest and crudest method to shut herup. After Jasmine was taken away, the venue returned to normal. The award ceremony was also announced to be over half an hour later. After dispersing, Gina and Aria walked out of the venue. Aria was a little excited. “Can I ask you aquestion?” Gina nodded. “Go ahead: Aria said, “Actually, you’re the mysterious chief designer of Quaria, right?” It was rumored that Quaria’s designer would be participating in the selection of the league. No oneknew the true identity of the chief designer. Aria had always wanted to meet her idol. Hence, Aria had previously studied the information of the judges of this league. According to the public information of the judges, Aris ruled out all possibilities. None of thesepeople was the chief designer. The only thing left was that the undisclosed final selection might be Quaria’s chief designer “You’re investigating me?” Gina was a little surprised Aria quickly explained. “No, I’m not investigating you behind your back!” Aria explained how she had gathered clues and deduced that Gina was her idol! When Gina heard Arish 112057 Thu, 23 May Chapter 106 Gina had always concealed her other identities very well. Naturally, her identity could not be easily exposed because it was very likely to attract trouble. “Idol! You’re my idol! Oh my g*d, I’ve become good friends with my idol! I’m so happy. I’m evenhappier than getting first place. Gina, can you write your signature on this trophy?” Aria had wanted it for a long time! Gina was naturally happy to help with such a small matter. “Okay!

Then, she signed her name on the trophy. “Whether I’m a judge or a designer, I hope you can keep it a secret. Aria nodded vigorously. “Alright, alright, I will Aria used to look at Gina and feel that she had a clear temperament. She felt that Gina wasdefinitely extraordinary. Aria was taken home by the Torres family to celebrate. Gina was also preparing to return to herapartment to rest. Halfway through, she received a call from Gabriel. Gabriel said, “Dr. Leonrelented. He admitted that he was working for someone. He had an accomplice. Moreover, theirgroup formed an industrial chain specializing in swindling. Moreover, their goal is basically middle-aged rural women who want to give birth to a boy. This is because such women are uncultured andsuperstitious. They are easy to deceive.” Then why did Dr. Leon target Yolanda back then?” Gina was curious. “Yolanda is also from the countryside. However, after getting together with Felix, her temperamentand image changed. The fact that her mind is empty and she’s easily deceived can’t be changed.It’s also because of Dr. Leon’s insufficient greed. He wants to earn, or rather, he wants to cheat a lotof money.”

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