When Left

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When she left. He went crazy

Chapter 130 Carrots and Sticks

After speaking, the apartment fell silent, so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

Christophers blue eyes lived on me, filled with an emotion that seemed impossible to dissolve. The nonchalant demeanor he usually wore cracked ever so slightly, and the air between us grew dense and oppressive.

It was unclear how much time had passed before Christopher finally stood up, meticulously folding the blanket before picking up his coat from the single sofa and draping it over his arm. His voice was a low murmur. “Sorry for troubling you last night. I’ll be on my way now.”

I unconsciously picked at my fingers, the impending departure making me ask once more. The divorce…”

“We’ll talk about it later. Christopher avoided my gaze, his long lashes lowered to conceal his emotions. “You heard Donald’s call. I need to get back to the company for a meeting.”

With that, he almost didn’t give me a chance to respond before striding away on his long legs, as if he feared I might say something to protest.

I lowered my eyes to the floor, vaguely hearing the sound of the elevator arriving outside, and bitterly tugged at the corners of my mouth.

The sudden ringing of my phone pulled me back to reality.

Elissa sounded in good spirits. “Hope, do you remember that office we liked a few days ago? They just contacted me. The owner’s in Jacquar today, and we can meet her in person.”

“I remember,” I answered while tossing clothes into the washing machake. “Have you set a time? I’m free whenever

Elissa confirmed, “Yeah, I did. I’ll pick you up on the way.”

After hanging up, I changed clothes and applied some light makeup. As got downstairs, Elissa’s Audi arrived just in time,

When we arrived at the prime office building, the agent was waiting in the lobby. “Ms. Royston, Miss. Wilson, the owner will shortly. Shall we wait for her to arrive before going up?”


Neither Elissa nor I had any objections.

The owner indeed arrived quickly, but when I saw that it was Kimberly’s mother, Skylar, I was taken aback. I wasn’t sure if it was a coincidence or something more deliberate, but the encounter felt off.

Skylar, exuding elegance and clutching a rare Hermes bag, looked at me without a trace of surprise. Her attitude was distant and cold. “Are you the one looking to rent the 16th floor?” ·

“Yes,” I replied, maintaining a balance between humility and firmness.

As we toured the office space, the agent was enthusiastically detailing its features when Skylar interjected indifferently. “No need for introductions. I know more about her than you do,”

Her simple, cold statement, devoid of any harshness, felt like a stinging slap across my face. An indescribable discomfort settled over me.

Elissa initially thought Skylar was just being condescending, but now she sensed something more subtle and gave me a questioning look.

I shook my head. Skylar stopped at the door of a conference room, her gaze sharp as she looked at me. “Shall we talk alone?”

Clearly, she wanted to discuss more than just the office rental


Chapter 130 Carrots and Sticks

1 agreed and followed Skylar into the conference room.

As soon as

the glass door closed, Skylar snapped, “Ms. Royston, you truly are a two–faced person,

I frowned, “What?”

Skylar, her face almost untouched by time, was filled with disgust. “You said you will divorce Christopher Valence, but then you put on a pitiful act in front of us. Christopher Valence gave up a three to four billion dollar deal for you. Quite the tactic.”


Hearing this, I was stunned. Christopher had given up such a significant deal for me?

“Ms. Royston, to be honest, it’s best to know your own worth.” Skylar said as pulled out a chair and sat down, her chin lifted, fully displaying the affluent poise of old money.

She continued, “The Valence Group’s current predicament would naturally be resolved if the news of a collaboration with us

us got out. But by interfering, you’re only holding Christopher back. Yes, he is indeed an exceptional man. In terms of looks, family background, ability, and character, not just in Jacquar but nationwide, few can compare with him. It’s normal for you to cling to him. However, one must always consider whether they are worthy. You, without parents or a notable background, what do you have to secure the position of Mrs.

is it dis

Skylar spoke as

discussing something trivial, yet each word pierced my heart like a knife.

I clenched my fists and spoke calmly. “Mrs. Harris, I respect you out of courtesy, but if you are so biased and distort the truth for your daughter’s sake, don’t blame me for being impolite,”

To her, the absence of a family pedigree, parents, or societal standing meant I deserved to be trampled underfoot.

Skylar sneered, as if she had heard a particularly amusing joke. “I’d like to see how you can be impolite to me.”

I met

et her gaze steadily. “Whether I divorce Christopher Valence, or when I do, is entirely my decision

As Skylar’s expression grew increasingly sour, I pressed on coldly. “Is it your business to pressure me about my marriage every single day?”

Skylar’s brows furrowed tightly, and she gave a sarcastic smile. “You change your tune quickly. A few days ago, you were a little rabbit, and now you re baring your fangs? Go on, say whatever Tou have to say!

There’s nothing more to say,” I shrugged, my voice icy. “It’s just rare to see a mother who condones her daughter being a mistress and then both pressuring the original wife. I’ve learned a lot about the Harris family’s values.”

With a furious glare, Skylar slammed her hand on the table. “No wonder Kimberly told me you’re an orphan with no manners!”

I suppressed the anger simmering in my chest and smirked. “But I’m already better than your daughter, who is a product of a corrupt


With that parting shot, I resolved not to engage with Skylar further and turned to leave.

“Stop,” Skylar hissed through gritted teeth. I own a building in Maple Valley, and its location rivals this one. If you want to start a -company, you can have any floor you like, rent–free.”

“And the catch?” I smiled knowingly. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

Skylar stood up, clutching her bag with a steely resolve. “You must never return to Jacquar! Otherwise, no one will dare to rent you office space, and your venture will inevitably fail!”

She was leveraging both carrots and sticks.

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Chapter 130 Carrots and Sticks

This moment starkly brought to mind Evelyn’s words from yesterday–ordinary people are like ants in the face of true power. I had no illusions about the Harris family’s capability to obliterate my dreams effortlessly.

But I refused to capitulate. “Never return? Mrs. Harris, let’s not forget, haven’t finalized the divorce yet.”

“That’s not your concern. Disappear, and 111 take care of everything else.”

With a dismissive flick of her wrist, Skylar pulled out a check from her bag and tossed it lightly on the table. “Consider this my contribution to your startup!”

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