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Chapter 342

Chapter 342 My Daughter Has Been Corrupted

Terrence knew her thoughts very well. Alexa couldn’t hide anything from him.

Terrence closed the book in his hands unhurriedly. He got up and walked towards Alexa. She pursedher lips.

Alexa said in a low voice, “I know you don’t want me to go, but…”

“But I won’t be able to stop you. Right?”

Terrence chuckled and did not seem to be angry.

“Huh?” Alexa was dazed for a moment. “It means that you agree?”

“But I won’t let you go alone.”

Terrence took her handbag and sighed.

“I will go with you.”

“No!” Alexa declined without hesitation. “Their target is you. If you go with me, you’re walking into theirtrap.”

Terrence patiently explained, “Because their target is me, so you will be in danger.”

He bent down and pinched Alexa’s face.

“Do you understand, little lamb?”

Alexa blushed because of his actions. She mumbled a few words vaguely. She could only compromise.

However, they did not travel with Keyon. Instead, they took the Ramsey family’s private plane.

After boarding the plane, Terrence handled the company’s affairs leisurely, as if it was a very ordinarytrip.

On the contrary, Alexa was very nervous. She wanted to clear her thoughts through sleep, but her mindwas a mess.

“I suddenly remembered that Damar…”

“Don’t worry.” Terrence looked up at her. “I have asked my parents to take care of him.”

“Oh. OK.”

Alexa nodded. After that, she didn’t disturb Terrence’s work.

Alexa looked sideways at the clouds outside the window and forced herself to close her eyes. But themoment Alexa felt sleepy, those painful memories would rush toward her like a tide.

It was a great sunny day, but she felt very cold all over.

Alexa saw a shadow beside her. She turned around in a flash. It was Terrence standing by her side.

“What’s wrong?” Alexa asked after realizing it and forced out a smile.

Terrence said, “I’m afraid you’ll feel cold.”

Then he gently put a blanket on her.

“Thank you.” Alexa held her forehead and wanted to clear her thoughts. “I’m not sleepy. I don’t want tosleep yet.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Terrence sat next to her and pulled Alexa into his arms.

“You can come to my arms anytime you want.”

Alexa smiled and rubbed against his shoulder like a kitten.

“I was just worried that they will harm you.”

The destination of this journey was destined to be unknown.

“They won’t.”

Terrence’s voice was very gentle, revealing a quiet power.

Alexa nodded. Naturally, she believed his words.

With Terrence by her side, Alexa quickly fell asleep.

Terrence picked up his phone and silently looked at the new message he received.

“I didn’t expect you to really come here. Aren’t you afraid of death?”

He did not respond and directly deleted the message.

Two hours later, the plane landed at the airport of Ice Floral Island.

Alexa woke up. Her palms were covered in a cold sweat. She calmed down when she sensed thewarmth of Terrence’s embrace.

“We’ve arrived?”

“Yes.” Terrence nodded, and his tone was still light. “My arms are numb due to your weight. I may notbe able to hold your hand later.”

Hearing this, Alexa immediately blushed and intended to get up.

Terrence held Alexa’s waist and pulled her even closer.

“Don’t go away. Get closer to me.”


Alexa did not refuse. She got out of the plane with Terrence wrapping his arms around her waist.

The moment the cabin door opened they saw a large group of bodyguards standing outside. Alexa alsosaw Christina and Scott in the crowd.

This time, Alexa did not have a smile on her face.

Seeing their intimate interactions, Scott and Christina did not seem very happy.

Then a tall man walked toward them.

“Father, Mother.”

Keyon changed into an ironed black suit and greeted them solemnly.

“I heard that there are important things to discuss in the family, so my sister and… her husband allcame back.”

When he called the word “her husband”, Keyon seemed to have used all his strength.

However, just as he finished, Scott snorted. His face was rather gloomy.

Terrence always had a relaxed smile on his face, as if the person in front of him was not a veryimportant character.

“We need a room,” Alexa said crisply. “And no unrelated people are allowed to disturb us.”

“Alexa, you should come back to the manor with us.” Christina reminded her with a fake smile. “Afterall, you didn’t have a wedding in front of the family. It’s not good to stay out.”

Alexa said, “As I said, I don’t care about the family.”

“Pay attention to your words in public.” Scott reminded her with an angry face. “What are you talkingabout?”

Alexa replied, “I don’t like to listen to nonsense.”

Alexa smiled faintly and grabbed Terrence’s arm.

“Since we can’t come to an agreement, there is no need to talk about it. Let’s go.”novelbin

Terrence replied, “Yes, Madam.”

He nodded obediently and even enjoyed the feeling of being protected by Alexa.

Terrence had reached his current position step by step, and no one had ever supported him in such asimple and direct way.

“Stop.” Scott couldn’t take it anymore and said to his assistant. “Take them to the other courtyard.”

“Yes, Mr. Duran.”

Hearing this, Keyon winked at the person beside him. Then Keyon’s driver came over.

Alexa held Terrence’s arm and got into the car without a word, not even bothering to look at herparents.

When the car completely disappeared, the anger in Scott’s heart instantly exploded.

“Not even a word of thanks.” He gritted his teeth in disbelief. “My daughter has been corrupted by thatbrat!”

“Scott, forget it.” Christina tried to persuade him. “Alexa finally came home. This time, we should notscare her away.”

“She actually brought Terrence here!” The more Scott thought about it, the angrier he became. “Is thisfamily so unbearable to her?”

Christina said, “Anyway, he was the person she personally chose.”

When she heard Terrence’s name, Christina’s tone became colder. It was clear that they did not have agood impression of their daughter’s husband.

“I’ll send someone over to take a look,” Keyon said.

“No need.” Scott turned around with his hands behind his back. “Anyway, they are on the island. Theycan’t go anywhere. Keyon, invite Irvin to our home.”


At this moment, the driver had taken Alexa and Terrence to the gate of the other courtyard.

Alexa got out of the car with ease. She seemed to be very familiar with this place.

“This is where I used to live.” Alexa introduced. “It’s very quiet. Let’s go.”

“Tsk. Hi, you two. What a coincidence.” They suddenly heard a strange male voice. “Ms. Duran, what asmall world.”


Terrence subconsciously pulled Alexa behind him and stared at the man in front of him with hostility.

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