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Chapter 46 (Aliyana)

A message pings on my phone and I slip it out as I poke my finger on the elevator button.

Marco: In one month from now you will marry me, Aliyana. I suggest you use that time to get used tothe idea.

I want to walk back there and punch his face. But I don’t. My father’s words ring in my ears. I know theextent of his crimes, and I know I am overpowered. In one months time I would marry Marco Catelli.

Xander and Salvatore come to fetch me, my father must have told him where I am.

I jump into the Bentley, my heart racing at how my life has turned. I am cursed because I committed asin the day my lips touched Marco Catelli, and I dug it deeper when I walked into that library and gavehim my body, only to leave when I did. A man I once loved.

We both did.

“We need to meet with Aleksie tonight,” Salvatore says from the front.

“Is that pair of clothes still in the boot?”novelbin

“Yes Miss Capello.”

I take in the City lights and I watch the people walk by, doing their thing, clueless of the bloodshed thatwill soon be spilled.

Today my father sold me to my enemy. Soon I will have to marry him. Marco Catelli was once the man Iloved, but he took from me, time and time again. He hurt me.

So, it is only fair I take from him too. An eye for an eye.

I killed Camilla Moretti and I don’t regret a thing.

Leonardo da Vinci once wrote, Black is like a broken vessel, which is deprived of the capacity tocontain anything. I wonder what he thought of the color white. Did he think it was a sign of purity? Ordid he too look upon whiteness as a false brightness, a lie?

2-years-ago if I stood on this very podium, with this man across from me, I would have been smiling,similar to the way I am now. The white dress hugging my body then a promise of honesty and trust as Ismiled with a warmth knotting my stomach walls.

Only then, my smile would’ve been comfortable, wrapped in genuine joy, because then I loved him. Atthat stage in my life, he was my world and I would have laid myself on the floor where he walked withhis blood-stained soles. And I would have done it naked, ready to bare myself to this one man with asmile on my face.

A smile that wasn’t bold, or soaked with the whisper of revenge. My heart would have beat with love,and not in the threat that now lurks outside this Church walls, waiting with finite patience that wouldsooner be over. This marriage is no fairy-tale.

Yes, this entire scene once had the potential to be the perfect imagery of a great folklore tale where thedevil married his angel. But I am not the angel, I’m the bad one.

Since I am going for honesty, I should also point out that this man is not the devil. The devil was oncean angel. Marco Catelli has never known a day of what it feels like to be pure. He only knows evil, hurt,pain, and hatred.

And the only greatness in this entire Church is my hate for this one man, my future husband.

He lifts my hand, enclosing it in his own. I need not look into the crowd to know the women are glaringat me in disgust and jealousy. I am marrying a Catelli. The few PEOPLE happy about this union are oldand might think Marco’s hand over mine means he loves me. But I assure you, love is not the case of

point. He is squashing my hand, his cynical eyes are stabbing me to death, over and over again. MarcoCatelli is showing me he will soon have power over me.

This isn’t a Union of Love; this is the Union of Death. Marco isn’t marrying me for the life he claims tobreed with me in the foreseeable future. He is marrying me to avenge the one he has already claimedas his own. He is slipping this ring on my finger because I am the one with the tools he now needs inhis arsenal to start a war. I am the last choice. His last step into the darkness. And my inevitable earlygrave is the only solace he offers.

My father told me Marco was obsessed with the idea of me. But I know that is not true, Marco Catelli’sonly obsession is feeding his addiction to power. It has blinded him to the extent that he can’t see, thatI, Aliyana Capello his future bride, is his most dangerous enemy.

If he thinks I am going to just allow him to use me, I will relish in his misery when he realizes I am notthe mouse he was so in love with. Camilla Moretti was foolish and whatever led her to her untimelydeath was her own doing. She wanted to play a game with the wrong players and like Ren; they tookher out like a pawn: - worthless and dispensable.

But for me, I have gained Queen status. I am as evil and cunning as Marco’s biggest adversary, LuccaSanati.

The man they all search for. The man who chose to make an enemy out of me when he took someonehe was not supposed to touch.

“Do you take Marco Catelli to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and health, until youboth shall live?” The word no comes to my lips. I should say it. My true-love remains buried in a shallowgrave that is still wet, in the middle of nowhere thanks to this man. I should say no. I look at him, hisclean-shaven jaw, harder than I remember it.

Those obsidian eyes that once burned with so much heat, I felt touched by the sun, now empty, freezeme in that my skin is still covered in Goosebumps from the time I arrived here, 37 minutes ago.

“Yes,” I say it and like a tick of a clock my fake smile drops. It boggles my mind how one simple wordcan have such a life-altering outcome to one’s life. Is that what my existence has now come down to?Is that all that my freedom meant? One word and it is all gone. Sold at a low cost of pride to the manwith the biggest title. How shallow has it all become? And I have said yes, sealed it all, and now I amthe official Mrs. Catelli.

I take a deep breath, as the flashes of last night remind me of why I am here, and I tell myself thatbiding my time is my only option.

The ring my father chose comes into view by my small cousin Bernardino and as I take it my eyes driftto the man sitting in the front of the Church row, my father, my jailer who just gave me away.

A deep throat clears and my heart beats in equal measures of fear and nerves as I face my soon to behusband and hold the hand that just hours ago, left the mark on my neck. Funny isn’t it. What ishilarious is I slip the band on his finger knowing full well that he is not yet done with me.

It is sad that a tear betrays me, as it slips down the side of my cheek. Life can sometimes be a crueljoke.

How did it all come to this? When did I make the wrong choice?

My name is Aliyana Capello, daughter of Consigliere Sartini Capello, and today on June 23rd, 2014, Ibecame the wife of Marco Catelli, The Capo Dei Capi of the 5th State. The man who killed my lover,best friend, and who now wishes to kill me.

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