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Chapter 24 (Marco)

I wrap my fingers in her hair, eliminating the space between our mouths, our body, and every cell whichconnects us on the plane. I don't pepper her with kisses but shove my tongue in her mouth consumingthat small part of her, so she never wants for another. Her fingers dig into my neck, a sign that herpossession of me will not be one made from softness.

The memory of her, like this, will be fierce, a Queen, fit to lead a group of dangerous and a king, whoonly wishes at this moment to lead her. I rip her skirt open from the side and the sound of it tearingcauses something in me to come alive.

The fire blazes in my body as I take what's mine. She snaps my shirt open, the buttons flyingeverywhere. I am a man, getting ruled by his dick, and his sweet virgin pussy, with the promise of alonger ending, Aliyana is mine. She will remember this moment forever and I will live in this unholyritual of us. Aliyana writhes naked on the carpet.

Her body is moving, she can’t keep still. I slide my hands along her legs, up her thighs as she movesher hips, wanting me to take off her panties. I’ve slept with many women, and a lot of virgins in mydays, and I know to be gentle, I am aware of breaking in unchartered territory.

But seeing her like this, as she takes her dainty fingers and pulls the clip in the front of her bra loose,writhing on the floor, as I slid her white lace down her thighs, I don’t want to break in. I want to takewhat belongs to me without any preparation, I want her to understand the love I give her, will mark hersoul in a way that will be beautiful as it will be binding, and my love for her will hurt.

She must see my indecision, because she grabs on to my arm and pulls me down and just like shewants, I am consumed by her.

Aliyana pulls at my pants and I allow her, to open my zip, before her fingers completely take over,touching an already starving beast. She wraps her hand on the top part of my cock and I move my hips

a bit. But playing is not what I want. My lips take hers in a brutal kiss as I take her hands and hold themin one of mine.

My cock moves to her entrance,

“Mi dispiace.” I say it because what I am about to do is a fucking shame.

My sorry is to her, myself, and my daughter for my weakness. I rub my dick on her entrance, she's sofucking wet. I push in slowly wanting her to relax and just as she loosens up I slam in. She screams inpain as her neck drops back, her spin bends as my hand holds her hands in one and my other behindher shoulder.

The floor is hard on my knees and it just makes me want to lose myself in her. She is tensed, and I kissher, her lips so sweet, but wrong, I drop my mouth to the crevice of her neck, and inhale her sweettainted scent. So innocent, but wicked.

"You are mine now, Aliyana. Mine." I whisper in her neck, as I place a small kiss, right in the centerbefore I pull out a bit, and slam back in, swallowing her cries with my mouth and she reciprocates.


The words slip from her lips, binding us, as I push right through all that makes her an angel, and like allangels getting their wings cut, she screams in pain and agony, but the more I go, the numbness of thepaint blends with the friction of our bodies become one, as I working our bodies, to a rhythm of twolovers uniting after so long.

I taint her, with the taste of pleasure and pain. I grab her long blonde hair, as my dick stretches herbeating, bleeding walls.

She lifts her body to kiss me, and her light glowing skin touches mine. I bite her lower lip as she throwsher neck back, and like the beast that lives on the surface I suck on her neck, branding her in anotherway.

Her body bucks, there is no words shared. No declarations made. When she pulls my ass closer, I startmoving.novelbin

Gliding in and out, I fuck her, getting off on the pain she will be stuck with for days to come. Knowingthat I gave her that pain that will turn into deep pleasure once it subsides.

She is quiet now, no loud noise, a silent yet receptive lover. I don’t hold myself back as I explode deepinside her. Spent.

We lay like that. Blood smeared on us. Our minds both drifted to what we just did.

I wake up, on the floor in the library. Aliyana is not with me, I stare at the blood-streaked on my fingersand the stain on my shirt I used to wipe her. The books mock me from all corners, as the quietness ofthe aftermath of sin sings its sirens call.

A pen falls from my side with my journal which I see she got out of my safe. I smile as I open it.

A letter slips out. Written on the same rough paper.

Dear Marco

Life has not been kind to me. Karma and I have always been enemies. You think I don’t remember theman who stood in the corner of the room when I was 12 and watched me kill a man, but I do. But thatgirl you saw on the rooftop the day WE lost Ren is not me any longer. I am different, darkness hassoaked me up and I am drowning in the aftermath of it all. You say you are the one with all the enemiesbut I am the biggest enemy of them all, I am a traitor to all you stand for.

I will not do what you ask of me, I will not betray my friend, nor will I marry the man who wishes to hurthim. Ren is dead Marco, and sometimes vengeance comes at too high of a price, and we have to stopourselves and ask the question if. And I have made my choice, Mero is too high of a price so you canrest at night. He is innocent, and I am going to prove it.

The choices I am making will not allow us to be together. I have loved you since before I even knewyou, and I will love you even after you forget why you ever cared. Which is why we can’t be. We bothhave our secrets and this one we just shared would be the one that will always be my most precious. Igave you something of me that is more than my heart, and body. I gave you the last of my honor. Now Imust live with loyalty and that loyalty does not extend to a Catelli any longer. I need to find my sister,and I need to avenge my friend, my way. I am sorry we part ways like this, but I won’t have the courageto tell the man who has finally made me belong that he should marry someone else. Marry Camilla, sheloves you and in time your feelings for me would lessen and you would love her just as much and lookafter that kid, and never stop loving her as fiercely as you do, because a father's love is stronger thananything she’ll ever feel. And hold her tight, so she knows that you are safe.

I suggest you put on the news someone has to take the blame for all those deaths. Choose quicklyMarco, the game has begun and Lucca Sanati is first on the list.

Until we meet again

Love Always


I get up and lift the glass ball on my desk and fling it across the room, it hits the wall and shatters. Iswipe everything off the desk and lift the desk up and throw it over. Our scent still lingers in this room,her blood, proof of our union is stained on my very flesh and she has left me, betrayed me, withouteven so much as a fucking moment to talk.

I scream and let all my hurt, anger, the feelings of everything out.

She left me! She is gone.

I know Aliyana and I are not done. I will make her mine, and she’ll pay for hurting me like this. But sheis right, Lucca must be stopped.

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