Unexpected Fiancée

Chapter 80: The Sweet Deception
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Chapter 80: The Sweet Deception

Chapter 80: The Sweet Deception

The police car raced to the scene.

In no time, it arrived at the lake's shore.

As two police officers stepped out of the car, Melissa hurried over to them, pointing at Jane andaccusing, "That's the culprit, Jane North! She's the one who pushed Monica into the lake!"

The older officer, Bray, turned to his colleague. "Let's take a look, Lisa."

"Alright, Bray," the policewoman nodded.

Bray surveyed the scene, eyes falling on Jane, who was diligently performing CPR beside theunconscious Monica.

"What happened?" Bray asked the group.

Osborn began, "She fell into the lake, and-"

Melissa interjected aggressively, "No, she didn't fall by herself! Jane pushed her. I saw it with myown eyes. My classmate is also a witness."

She gave Merlin a subtle signal, and he chimed in, "Yes, I saw it too. Jane pushed Monica into thelake."

The officers exchanged knowing glances.

Bray inquired calmly, "Is that so?"

"Of course not!" Osborn furrowed his brow.

"You have no business testifying, Osborn. You arrived after Monica was already in the water. Youdidn't witness the events leading up to it. Why are you so shamelessly lying for Jane?" Melissaaccused him.

Osborn retorted, pointing at Jane, "Jane is trying to resuscitate Monica. Why would she do that ifshe pushed Monica into the lake?"

Melissa sneered, "Isn't it obvious? Jane is just pretending. Monica drowned long ago. She's dead,but Jane is acting concerned to avoid arrest!"

Jane suddenly shouted, "Shut your mouth, Melissa! Monica is not dead. She can still beresuscitated!"

She continued performing CPR, and Monica vomited water, surprising Melissa.

Was Monica alive? Melissa realized it didn't matter. Monica would ensure Jane faced theconsequences. Either way, Jane's fate was sealed.

An ambulance arrived, and a doctor hurried over. "Officers, how's the situation now?" the doctorasked, concerned.

Bray explained, "This woman fell into the water."

Jane stepped aside to let the doctor examine Monica. She had exhausted herself performing CPRand took deep breaths to recover.

Jane then explained the situation, "She was in the water for quite some time. I've been performingCPR since she was brought out of the lake. Her pulse was non-existent at first and is still veryweak. Please, help her."

The doctor instructed the medics to place Monica on a stretcher, and after some initial care, theyloaded her into the ambulance, which sped off to the hospital.

Jane breathed a sigh of relief but remained anxious about Monica's condition.novelbin

It wasn't certain she would survive.

The policewoman, taking out a small notepad and a pen, approached Jane, given her dedication toresuscitating Monica.

Jane nodded and was about to explain when Melissa interrupted, "I already told you whathappened. Jane pushed Monica into the lake and watched her drown before attempting to saveher!"

Jane snapped, "Shut the heck up, Melissa!"

She shot a freezing glare at Melissa, who fell silent.

Bray intervened, "Officers, here's the thing. Our company came to Lover Lake to shoot an outdooradvertisement for a brand. When I came here to check this spot for a scene, Monica appeared outof nowhere. She tried to push me into the lake, but she accidentally fell in herself."

Jane calmly recounted her version of events.

Melissa dismissed it, "That's rubbish! Don't believe her. What murderer admits to their crime? Myclassmate and I saw it. Jane pushed Monica into the lake. We are witnesses!"

Bray sighed and cleared his throat, "In that case, all of you will need to come with us to the stationto provide statements."

Meanwhile, Patrick didn't wake up until ten o'clock that morning. The first thing he saw was a crystallamp when he opened his eyes. He sat up abruptly, bewildered. This wasn't his room. Florence, acurvaceous woman in a sexy red silk nightgown, walked in.

"Good morning, Patrick. You're finally awake. Look, I made you breakfast," Florence greeted him,staring at him intently.

"Florence? Why are you here, and where is this place?" Patrick questioned, his handsome facedarkening.

"You're in my room. Where else would I be?" Florence grinned, sitting next to him.

"Your room?" Patrick raised an eyebrow, surprised. How had he ended up here? "Don't youremember last night? You got drunk, so I had to bring you here," Florence explained, her toneflirtatious.

"Candy..." Patrick muttered, thinking of the previous night. Biting her lip, Florence gazed at himaffectionately. "Patrick, I'm Candy."

"What? You're Candy?" Patrick's handsome features tightened, and he scrutinized Florence.

How could she be Candy? Florence nodded confidently, without hesitation. "Yes. Don't youremember when we were kidnapped together many years ago?"

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