Unexpected Fiancée

Chapter 8: Florence’S Lie
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Chapter 8: Florence'S Lie

Chapter 8: Florence's Lie

Beatrice and Hamilton engaged in conversation, well aware of the longstanding friendship betweenOld North and Mike. In the past, the Pansy and North families had been powerhouses in thebusiness industry. However, Old North had unexpectedly sold his company and retired many yearsago, vanishing from the public eye. While he hadn't been in the limelight, the North family retainedits esteemed reputation.

Hamilton presented the gifts Old North had sent for the Pansys, which included a world-renownedpainting and the deed to a multimillion-dollar plot of land in the southern part of the city, amongother things. Old North was renowned for his generous gestures.novelbin

Jane, despite her disdain for the Pansys, couldn't help but feel a pang of irritation at the lavish giftsher family had bestowed upon them. Still, she was relieved that Hamilton hadn't come to the eventto expose her true identity. Her plan was to leave in three months, and if Beatrice discovered hertrue background, she might be prevented from going. Moreover, Patrick might treat her differentlyupon learning of her wealth.

As Jane lost herself in thought, one of Florence's friends inquired, "The North family is incrediblygenerous. Florence, didn't you meet Old North's granddaughter at a fashion show?"

"The identity of Old North's beloved granddaughter is one of the greatest mysteries today. Therehave been numerous speculations, but no one knows her name, let alone her appearance," addedanother friend.

"Indeed, I remember she gave you her contact information. She even mentioned visiting you whenshe's in Guavo," chimed in Florence's other friend.

"Wow, Florence, you're amazing!"

Jane raised an eyebrow and gazed at Florence with a quizzical expression. Florence, upon noticingJane's gaze, frowned deeply and asked, "Why are you staring at me like that, Jane?"

Jane inquired, "Did you genuinely meet Old North's granddaughter?" Florence nodded, crossing herarms defensively.

Florence's friend condescendingly remarked, "What? Are you envious of Florence? You might sharethe North surname, but you're just a country bumpkin!"

Jane couldn't help but smile at these words, yet she refrained from responding. Florence, perplexedby Jane's smile, wondered why she was grinning. Did she somehow see through her fabricatedencounter with the young heiress? Florence dismissed her suspicions, concluding she wasoverthinking.

Though Florence tried to shake off her doubts, Jane shook her head and left with a smirk.Something about Jane's demeanor unsettled Florence, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.She became increasingly agitated and muttered, "She's far too arrogant for a pauper," casting anannoyed glare in Jane's direction.

During her moment of frustration, an idea took shape in Florence's mind, and her lips curled into asinister smile. Meanwhile, Jane retreated to a quieter corner with her wineglass, seeking solace.

As she massaged her forehead, Jane felt someone's gaze upon her. Raising her head, she lockedeyes with Patrick. Patrick had been unable to look away since Jane's piano performance, ponderinghow a countryside girl could possess such prodigious piano-playing skills and noble temperament.He snapped back to reality as their eyes met, and his heart skipped a beat.

Yet, Jane seemed to avert her gaze nonchalantly, as though he were of no significance. His initialheartache soon transformed into irritation, evident from his deep frown.

Sipping her wine and musing aloud, Jane wondered, "Why on earth is he staring at me?" The mostplausible reason she could think of was that Patrick had harbored expectations of her failing in herpiano performance, as she had defied his assumptions. Despite being a Pansy, Jane couldn't careless about such a self-centered man. "Chill, Jane. You'll be out of here in three months," shereminded herself.

Jane sat in solitude for an extended period as the night wore on. Some guests began to depart, andshe decided it was time to leave as well. Walking outside, she attempted to hail a taxi whenPatrick's annoyed voice suddenly echoed from behind, "Why are you leaving without telling me?"

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