Unexpected Fiancée

Chapter 44: Who Exactly Is Jane
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Chapter 44: Who Exactly Is Jane

Chapter 44: Who Exactly Is Jane

Jane followed Patrick back to his office.

"What's going on?" she inquired.

Patrick settled onto the sofa, crossing his legs, and gestured to a spot beside him. "Have a seat," heinstructed.

Puzzled, Jane took a seat next to him. "Patrick, what's this about?"

Patrick, in his usual composed manner, opened his lips slightly and calmly questioned, "Youinitiated this, didn't you?"

The initiator? Was he angry? Was he upset about her publicly exposing Monica? Or was hedispleased about having to fire Monica? Was he holding her responsible? Jane glanced at himcautiously and asked, "Patrick, what do you mean?"

His expressionless face pivoted to meet her gaze. His eyes, deep and inscrutable like whirlpools,held her attention. He inclined closer to her.

"You knew in advance that Monica intended to switch the drawings, and you arranged for Joan touncover her plot. Was all of it your doing?"

Patrick already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from Jane herself. It must have beenevident to Jane that Monica planned to frame her, so she orchestrated the setup. Monica not onlygot exposed but also lost her job at Pansy Group. Additionally, it served as a warning to Sherry, aclever two-fold strategy.

Once again, Patrick inched closer to Jane. The space between them virtually disappeared, causingJane to blush with embarrassment. Why did he get so close to her? Was he unconcerned aboutCandy's jealousy?

"So, who are you really?" Patrick inquired, his enchanting eyes filled with curiosity. "Why do youhave knowledge of jewelry design? The drawing software you used today, I believe, was designedby Ada. What's your relationship with her?"

Jane was taken aback. What did Patrick suspect? Was her true identity exposed? Jane promptlyrose and addressed him with a smile. "You already know who I am. I'm your nominal fiancée. Ifthere's nothing else, I'd like to get back to work."

With that, Jane turned and left. Patrick was left with a perplexing array of emotions.

After contemplating for a while, he summoned Morton and issued an order. "Conduct a backgroundcheck on Jane. I want all the information you can find."

"Jane?" Morton appeared baffled. Wasn't Jane the CEO's fiancée? Why was the CEO investigatinghis own fiancée? It was peculiar! When Patrick received no response from the puzzled Morton, heraised his voice, "Get moving!"

"Yes, sir," Morton replied with a start, promptly setting out to fulfill the task.

An hour later, Morton returned with an air of unease.

"Mr. Pansy, I've completed the check."

"What did you find?" Patrick's voice tinged with eagerness.

Morton handed over the information. "I found only this."

Patrick accepted the document, scanning the brief information. Jane, 20 years old, resided in theoutskirts of Georgia City. It provided no additional details about her family or educationalbackground.

"Is that all?" Patrick asked, his displeasure evident, his eyes narrowing.

"I couldn't locate any further information," Morton responded, scratching his head inembarrassment.

"Sorry, sir. There was nothing else to find."

"Very well. You can go now," Patrick said dismissively.

With Morton gone, Patrick reclined and pondered deeply. The fact that Morton, of all people, wasunable to unearth significant information about Jane indicated that his fiancée was far from ordinary.He had no option but to consult his grandfather. Since Jane had been arranged by Mike, heprobably knew her well.

Patrick departed for Mike's residence and discovered him tending to the garden.

"Patrick, aren't you supposed to be at the office? Why the sudden visit?" Mike inquired, visiblysurprised by his grandson's unexpected appearance.

"Grandpa, I'm here to visit. How are you feeling?" Patrick inquired, taking the watering can from hisgrandfather and joining him in the garden.

"I'm doing fine," Mike responded, studying his grandson, who appeared preoccupied.

"Tell me, what's on your mind?" Mike knew Patrick well. If he had taken time off from work, it mustbe for something significant.

"What? Did you finally realize how wonderful she is?" Mike teased with a smile.

"I'm just curious," Patrick shrugged. "She's not quite what I expected."

"You'll have to find out for yourself. All I can say is, despite my old age, I've still got my wits aboutme, and I wouldn't select the wrong girl as my future granddaughter-in-law," Mike asserted, hisbeard stroked with pride.novelbin


Failing to elicit the information he sought from his grandfather, Patrick refrained from further inquiry.He said his goodbyes and departed.

As he left Mike's home, Patrick felt perturbed. Were it not for Candy, he might have consideredJane. A beautiful, intelligent, confident, capable, and bold woman like Jane was highly attractive.But his heart belonged to Candy. He had made a promise to marry her, and he would keep it.

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