Unexpected Fiancée

Chapter 161: Patrick And Candy Embrace
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Chapter 161: Patrick And Candy Embrace

Chapter 161: Patrick and Candy Embrace

Jane followed Nana's direction and looked into the distance. Sure enough, there was a Rolls-Royceparked on the country road, looking particularly conspicuous.

It was Patrick's car, but why would he come here? Jane squinted her eyes and her unease grewstronger. She quickly told the driver, "Please go up there, thank you!"

"Okay!" The taxi driver quickly drove to Patrick's car and stopped.

Before the car had even come to a complete stop, Jane couldn't wait to open the door and get outof the car.

Patrick's car was parked by a small path at the foot of a mountain. Jane looked inside but no onewas there. Since his car was here, he should be nearby too right?

Jane called Patrick again but it went straight to voicemail.

Nana paid for their ride and hurried over to ask with concern,"Jane how is it?"

Shaking her head in response Jane said,"No one is in his car."

The vehicle was present but not its owner; worry, nervousness and anxiety all mixed together inJane's heart. Where did Patrick go? Is he okay?

"Let's look around everywhere; maybe he's nearby." Nana scanned around before speakingreassuringly,"Don't worry so much; I'm sure that Patrick is fine."

Taking a deep breath Jane turned towards Nana saying,"You go left while I'll check out this side."

"Okay." Nana nodded before heading off towards her assigned direction while Jane walked severalsteps towards her right where she saw an old farmhouse with its door slightly open.

She hesitated for a moment before pushing it open since she wanted to ask if anyone inside hadseen or heard from Patrick lately.


Patrick drove Candice back home.

This poor rural family lived in abject poverty surrounded by bare walls that made everything lookbleak.

Frowning slightly at what he saw through his window as they arrived at Candice's house, Patrickasked,"Candy do you live here?"

"Yes, this is my biological parents' home. I usually rent an apartment in town otherwise going backfrom bars late night would be too far away. If I have time, I'll come back here." Candice lowered herhead biting down on her lip,"Once grandma stabilizes, I'll take them all back with me into town."

Thinking about what Candy just said, Patrik asked curiously,"Where are your parents?"

"They're both at hospital keeping grandma company."Candice spoke softly,"They might not be ableto return until later tonight."

"Alright then, you rest well. I have something else I need attend now." Thinking about both Janes'safety as well as their engagement ceremony tonight, Patrik stood up after speaking these words.

"Paddy, I feel a sharp pain here." Candice pointed to her chest as Patrick was about to leave.

Before Patrick could react, Candice leaned into him and fell into his arms.

"Candy, what's wrong?" Patrick quickly supported Candice.

Candice nestled in Patrick's embrace and lifted herself slightly on her toes. With lips as red as rosesbrushing against his earlobe, she spoke with a voice like an orchid in bloom. "Paddy, do youremember when you said you would marry me?"

Patrick's body stiffened.

Indeed, he had said those words to Candy when they were children.


Jane pushed the door open and saw this scene before her eyes: a disheveled young girl tightlyembracing Patrick with intimate gestures. And that girl even asked him if he remembered saying hewould marry her!

Jane couldn't believe what she was seeing; for a moment, her mind went blank. She had beenworried sick about Patrick and searched everywhere for him. And what was he doing? Hedisappeared for so long just to be cozying up with another girl!

Her heart throbbed violently; it hurt so much that she could barely breathe. Jane took a deep breathand tried hard to control herself while tremblingly asking,"Patrick! What are you doing?"

Just as Patrick was about to push Candy away from him upon hearing the familiar voice of Janecalling out his name - how did Jane find out where they were? - He looked towards the door only tosee Jane dressed in formal attire with an icy expression on her face.

"Jane?" A surprised smile tugged at the corners of his mouth,"Why are you here?"

Didn't he ask Jane earlier today if she could come pick him up? Why is she here now?

And how did she find them?

Seeing how upset Jane looked made it difficult for him not to worry about her feelings at thispoint,"Jane... what brings you here?"

But Candy held onto him tightly despite feeling weak all over from shaking uncontrollably,"Paddy...who is this woman? It hurts so much... don't go."

Feeling Candy tremble violently in his arms made Patric furrowed his brows deeply before lookingdown at her,"Candy... are you okay?"


This name sounded like madness ringing inside of Jane's ears,

The girl who hugged tightly onto Patric- The one who called out 'you promised me'-

Was actually named Candy!

It turned out that it was really Candy!!

No wonder...

Ha ha ha

How ironic!

Today is supposed their engagement day but instead of being by each other side- Patric is holdinganother woman!

And that woman, the one he had been thinking about for years, was still his moonlight in his heart -Candy!

At this moment, Jane's heart felt like it had been splashed with a cup of sulfuric acid, causing herintense pain.

"Patrick, is she Candy?" Jane struggled to make her voice sound normal.

"Jane, you go back first. I'll explain later," Patrick frowned.

He knew that Jane must have misunderstood something. But he believed in Jane's feelings for himand trusted that she would trust him too. As long as he explained everything clearly to her,everything would be fine.

Candy seemed to be in pain now and was probably injured from being hit by his car earlier.Besides, Patrick had just found Candy today after all these years. She once saved him at all costswhen they were younger and he couldn't just abandon her now.

So Patrick's plan was to let Jane go back first while he dealt with things on Candy's side. Then hewould rush over to the engagement party later and explain everything about Candy beforeproceeding with their engagement ceremony as usual.

But in Jane's eyes, Patrick had already shown everything through his actions - holding onto Candytightly right in front of her!

In Patrick's mind and heart, the person who mattered most to him has always been Candy! In thepast it was true; now it is true; and will continue into the future! And as for Jane? She was nothingbut a passing cloud!

Yes indeed! Now that his beloved Candy has returned how could he possibly look at anyone else?

The main character has returned so what business does this stand-in have?novelbin

Jane really wanted to slap Patrick hard or ask him loudly why did he treat her like this? But she heldherself back instead because since he found out about candy again then there's no point clingingonto someone who doesn't love you anymore right?

She wasn't weak enough to crumble just because a man left her!

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