Unexpected Fiancée

Chapter 115: Radioactive Elements
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Chapter 115: Radioactive Elements

Chapter 115: Radioactive Elements

Following the security guard, Jane walked to the front gate.

A crowd had gathered at the gate, and many reporters were holding cameras.

Seeing Jane coming out, a man pointed at her and shouted, "It's her, it's her! I've seen her on TV.Jane, the person in charge of the 'Ice and Fire' project."

The crowd moved toward Jane.novelbin

"What's going on?" Jane asked with a slight frown.

Reporters rushed to interview Jane. "Miss North, there are reports that the materials used in PansyGroup's 'Ice and Fire' series are substandard and contain radioactive elements. What are yourthoughts on this?"

"Miss North, is it true that Pansy Group, to cut costs, used materials with radioactive elements,leading to poisoning in people who wore the 'Ice and Fire' jewelry?"

One question after another bombarded Jane. She took a deep breath.

"Ice and Fire" jewelry containing radioactive elements?

How could that be possible?

Pansy Group's raw materials undergo strict scrutiny; such a fatal error should not occur.

Unless... someone deliberately set them up.

But Jane wasn't entirely sure about the details at the moment. Everything had to wait until athorough investigation was conducted to reach a conclusion.

She spoke calmly, "Please, everyone, quiet down. All products from Pansy Group undergo rigoroustesting and are only sold after confirmation of their quality. It is impossible for them to contain anyradioactive elements. I believe this is a misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding?" A stylishly dressed middle-aged woman walked up to Jane, pointing. "Mysister got poisoned after wearing the 'Ice and Fire' necklace. She's in the hospital right now, and thedoctor said if she had come a few days later, she might not have survived! How can this be amisunderstanding?"

"This lady, your sister's poisoning may have various reasons, not necessarily related to ourcompany's products." Jane coldly replied.

"Of course, it's related to you!" The middle-aged woman said angrily. "The doctor has examined mysister, and it's radiation poisoning. The source is your 'Ice and Fire' necklace! I have the test resultshere, proving that your necklace contains radioactive elements!"

The man next to the middle-aged woman held a stack of papers. "Everyone, take a look. These arecopies of the test results. It clearly states that Pansy Group's necklace contains radioactiveelements, causing poisoning. In severe cases, it can lead to death! We spent so much money onPansy Group's jewelry, only to end up poisoned and in the hospital! Pansy Group is sellingsubstandard products, making money without a conscience! "

"That's right, today we must get an explanation for this!" The middle-aged woman and the manechoed each other.

Jane glanced at the test results in the man's hand, unable to determine their authenticityimmediately. The immediate priority was to investigate and find out what had happened.

She cleared her throat and spoke in a deep voice, "Pansy Group will definitely investigate thisthoroughly. Before we reach a conclusion, we hope you can cooperate with us. Why don't you goback for now? I'll send someone to check whether the necklace you purchased has any real issues.If it's indeed a problem with Pansy Group, we will provide you with a satisfactory solution."

"Of course, it's a real issue!" The middle-aged woman pointed at Jane fiercely. "Don't think aboutdelaying. If Pansy Group doesn't give us an explanation today, we won't leave!"

Jane frowned, about to respond when a cold, stern voice cut through, "Pansy Group will definitelyuncover the truth and provide an explanation to everyone!"

Jane looked up and saw Patrick striding toward her with a steady pace.

Reporters surrounded Patrick immediately. "Mr. Pansy, what are your thoughts on today's incident?Did Pansy Group really use substandard materials to produce the 'Ice and Fire' jewelry series?"

Patrick's handsome eyebrows slightly furrowed, and his striking face turned stern. "I can only saythat Pansy Group has always adhered to the principle of putting customers first, striving to providethe best products. We never use substandard materials. As for today's incident, I will investigate itthoroughly. If it's indeed an oversight on Pansy Group's part, we will take full responsibility andprovide a satisfactory explanation to the consumers."

After a pause, his tone grew even more severe, "If it turns out that someone intentionally framedPansy Group, we will make sure they pay the price!"

Faced with Patrick's overwhelming presence, the middle-aged woman involuntarily took a stepback. "Fine, we'll wait for the results of Pansy Group's investigation!"

The security guard kept the reporters outside, and Jane followed Patrick to the CEO's office.

"How do you see this situation?" Patrick asked as he sat down, tapping his desk with his fingertips.

Without hesitation, Jane replied, "In theory, every step of the 'Ice and Fire' production undergoesstrict scrutiny. It's impossible for radioactive elements to be present unless someone tampered withit."

"It's not easy to tamper with it," Patrick said, his voice nonchalant.

Indeed, Pansy Group's factory had strict security, making it difficult for outsiders to tamper with theproducts.

Jane nodded in agreement, "So, I've always thought that the most likely scenario is someone tryingto frame us."

"What do you think, who could it be?" Patrick's voice was clear and deep.

Jane smiled, "With the crisis facing the 'Ice and Fire' from Pansy Group, whoever benefits the mostis the most likely culprit behind it."

Patrick leaned slightly back into the chair, "I agree with you; Love Jewelry is likely behind this."

"Not ruling out that possibility. In fact, with a quick investigation, we should be able to get to thebottom of it," Jane raised a corner of her lips.

This matter wasn't challenging to investigate. Just by checking where the woman's so-called sisterpurchased the necklace, verifying if it indeed contained radioactive elements, and determining ifsomeone tampered with it, the truth could be revealed quickly.

Indeed, at this stage, Love Jewelry was the most suspicious. The previous plagiarism incident hadcaused a stir, and while Pansy Group had triumphed, Love Jewelry suffered significant damage toits reputation.

Now, resorting to underhanded tactics to frame Pansy Group was entirely plausible.

Patrick called in Morton, "Investigate the incident with the 'Ice and Fire' necklace and the claim of itcontaining radioactive elements. Find out what happened."

"Yes, sir," Morton responded respectfully.

However, bafflingly, before Morton could uncover substantial results, several more cases ofpoisoning due to wearing "Ice and Fire" jewelry emerged.

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