Unexpected Fiancée

Chapter 104: May I Have This Dance
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Chapter 104: May I Have This Dance

Chapter 104: May I Have This Dance

The venue for the party was resplendent, and Jane and Patrick stood side by side in front of therevolving glass door, their images reflected in the mirrored surface.

Patrick turned to his fiancée, his gaze traveling over her figure, and said in a deep, resonant voice,"Shall we?"

After a moment's hesitation, Jane linked her arm with his, feeling that it would be odd for them toenter separately, given that she was his date for the party. Jane's unusual obedience elicited asurprised smile from Patrick.

As the couple walked in together, they immediately became the center of attention. Patrick, in hiscustom-made black suit, exuded an air of charm and charisma, capturing everyone's focus. Jane,equally striking, wore a long white evening gown that complemented her hourglass figure, exudinggrace and allure that seemed to belong to a queen gracing her subjects.

All eyes were drawn to her. Reporters flocked to the couple, thrusting their microphones towardPatrick, inundating him with questions.

"Mr. Pansy, did you organize tonight's celebration for Jane?"

"Is there a wedding on the horizon?"

Morton stepped in, extending his arms to shield Patrick from the onslaught. "I'm sorry, Mr. Pansycannot answer questions at the moment."

Jane leaned in closer to Patrick and commented, "These reporters have so many questions."

Patrick smiled in response. "As the fiancée of a man of my stature, you'll have to get used to it."

Jane was slightly flustered by his reference to her as his fiancée. She had already made her stanceclear, but Patrick seemed to be acting as if she had agreed to marry him. The awkwardnessprompted her to change the subject.

"By the way, how did you find out that Joe was the one who sold the design to Madeline?"

"Morton uncovered it," Patrick explained, his brow furrowed slightly. "Identifying the culprit was awalk in the park. Very few people had knowledge of the Ice and Fire design."

Jane, still puzzled, inquired, "But how is that possible? Joe wasn't involved in the project."

Patrick elaborated, "Cara was involved in the project, and Joe is her boyfriend."

"I see," Jane realized.

"But why would he do it? He must have known it could cost him his job and strain his relationshipwith Cara. Why take the risk?"

"Money can drive a greedy person to do just about anything," Patrick said with a shrug.

Money was indeed a powerful motivator, but Jane couldn't shake the feeling that there was more tothis story.

As they continued to talk, Patrick leaned in and playfully whispered in her ear, "Now it's my turn toask you a question."

Jane was taken by surprise. "What would you like to know?"

"What's the deal between you and Nana? And when did you sign the authorization agreement?"

Jane was astonished. "Why didn't you tell me about it?"

Patrick responded, "I found out after seeing the evidence, and I didn't want to pressure you withquestions at the time."novelbin

Jane struggled to come up with a convincing response, so she playfully dodged the question,saying, "Why don't you guess?"

Meanwhile, Florence, seated at a nearby table, observed Jane and Patrick whispering to eachother. She muttered to herself, "Look at them, being all lovey-dovey. Men are truly despicable."

Erica chimed in, adding fuel to the fire, "They're behaving as if they're in their own little world.Disgusting!"

Florence was gripping her wine glass so tightly that it seemed it might shatter. She glared at Jane,stating, "That woman is skilled at seducing men. But tonight, she will get what's coming to her."

Erica asked with curiosity, "What do you mean?"

Florence whispered her plan to Erica and concluded, "I'm going to expose her tonight, and she willbe humiliated."

Erica's eyes sparkled with excitement as she grasped the plan. "You're brilliant! This plan will allowus to deal with Jane without raising any suspicions."

Florence boasted, "Of course, I'm brilliant. Once Annie succeeds, we'll wait a little while, and thenwe'll send Patrick and the reporters to catch her in the act. Patrick will see that his so-called fiancéeis a... loose woman."

Erica nodded in agreement. "Patrick is a proud man. He would never stay engaged to a woman whodares to engage in public indiscretions. He's sure to break off the engagement right then and there."

Florence, sporting an evil grin, declared, "She'll be chased away, and Patrick will come back to me.Get ready to assume your rightful place by his side, girl!"

Florence scanned the room, growing anxious when Annie was nowhere to be seen. The success ofthe plan hinged on Annie, and her absence was worrying. Had something or someone thwarted herarrival, or had she changed her mind?

Just as Florence began to panic, Erica directed her attention toward the entrance. "There she is!"

Florence spotted Annie entering the venue with Bruce and breathed a sigh of relief. Her eyes,however, gleamed with determination. "Just wait, Jane. Tonight, I will ruin you."

It was around 8:00 p. m. when the party officially commenced. Soft, melodic music played in thebackground as the host took the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Welcome to Pansy Group's celebration dinner. Now, let'sgive a warm round of applause to our CEO."

Patrick ascended the stage amid the enthusiastic applause. Bathed in a golden spotlight, he lookedevery inch the king addressing his subjects from a regal throne.

Patrick cleared his throat and began to speak, "I want to express my gratitude to all of you forjoining us in celebrating this occasion. Today, the Ice and Fire jewelry series was launched, markingPansy Group's entry into the jewelry industry. This achievement wouldn't have been possiblewithout the contribution of a very special person, and I would like to take this opportunity to thankher."

Patrick paused and gazed at Jane with an affectionate look.

"Please join me in welcoming my beautiful fiancée, Jane!" he announced, gesturing toward her.

A resounding applause filled the room, and countless envious eyes focused on Jane, who felt amixture of warmth and discomfort at the public acknowledgment. She couldn't help but wonder whyPatrick was persistently describing her as his fiancée in front of a large crowd.

Just as Jane was blushing and contemplating this, Patrick's melodic voice filled the room oncemore. "Jane, may I have this dance?"

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