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Chapter 98

Chapter: 98

He could only curse Ariana out in his mind. Last night, he had too much to drink. He remembered

heading for the restroom to ease himself. But before he could get in, someone knocked him down from

behind. Everything immediately went black. When he finally regained consciousness, he found himself

lying almost naked in a dirty alley. His entire body was aching and his face was swollen badly.

At that moment, he vowed to investigate and kill whoever did this to him.

Brielle was as stupid as always. She didn’t sense that something was wrong after he didn’t come back

from the men’s room. Even though she couldn’t get in touch with him on the phone, she went back

home alone. He could have died last night.

To make matters worse, Ariana was here laughing at him in front of these people. How infuriating!

Glaring at her through his dark sunglasses, Jasper wanted to teach her a lesson there and then. But

more people gathered around to see his swollen eyes.

It was unwise to remain here or do anything while all eyes were on him. As a result, he gritted his teeth

and said, “Don’t be complacent, Ariana. You can’t beat me at this game. Theodore can’t even protect

himself, and his authority in Anderson Group has dwindled. Don’t think he will come to your aid. It’s

only a matter of time before the company and its subsidiaries become mine. You should get onboard

the winning train. Think about my offer carefully before it’s too late. You either become my lover, or get

kicked out of the Andersons’ household with Theodore. The choice is yours.”

“Really? You should be quick about taking over the group. I’m not interested in joining forces with you.

Continue to have that pipe dream, okay?” Ariana sneered and looked at Jasper with disdain.

Blue veins stood out on Jasper’s temples. He was so angry that he looked like a fierce beast.

With Herculean effort, he held back and said, “Let’s wait and see.”

He then turned around and left with Elva.

The onlookers soon dispersed while discussing what they had just witnessed.

Ariana walked up to Sarah and said in a low mood, “I’m sorry Jasper and I have a personal grudge, so

he deliberately did it You lost this rare opportunity because of me.”

“No, that’s not true!” Sarah shook her head and added, “The entertainment industry is a battlefield. It’s

common for people to steal deals because they can. But why is that guy messing with you? Is it a love


Sarah put her arm over Ariana’s shoulders and continued very seriously, “Listen, don’t ever get

romantically involved with Jasper. He’s a notorious playboy. He will only break your heart.

In the past, he hooked up with countless actresses by using his identity. He changes women like

underwear. He has a way with words. Don’t let him fool you.”

“So, he was a philanderer in the past too? I had no idea!”

Ariana’s tone was difficult to read. Although she only looked surprised, she felt betrayed. She wanted to

punch Jasper in the face.

During their relationship, Jasper had claimed that he had never dated any other woman before and that

she was his first love.

Now, she realized that she was just one of the many women he toyed with.

What a shameless man!

“Yes, he’s a dog in human form. He sleeps with everything in skirts. In the past, Mr. Theodore Anderson

was the only one in charge. He worked day and night for the advancement of the Anderson Group and

its subsidiaries. However, Jasper did nothing. He only came around the company to woo new and

naive female trainees and sleep with them. He had his way with a few at that time. Unfortunately, things

have changed now. He’s getting what he wants these days.”

Sarah took out a cigarette and lit it as she spoke with distaste. From the corner of her eye, she saw that

Ariana was still a little depressed. So, she reached out and patted her on the head.

“Don’t be sad, okay? You have already done a lot for me. I mean, you helped me deal with Lynch. That

snake is currently suffering. And I’m really happy about that. That reminds me, I have something to tell


Sarah vigilantly looked around to make sure no one was within earshot. She then whispered in Ariana’snovelbin

ear, “I got an intel from one of my friends in the entertainment circle that Lynch’s rich sugar mommy

abandoned him. He’s now in hot water without any help.”

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