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Chapter 165

Chapter: 165

When she saw Ariana, her eyes widened, and she apologized in a trembling voice, “I’m sorry, Ms.

Edwards. The mechanic accidentally broke the water pipe and the heating is busted. I’m afraid you

can’t use this room any longer.” @

Ariana snapped back to her senses, looked around the flooded room in alarm, and shouted, “My


“Don’t worry. It’s here.” The forewoman quickly wheeled out her suitcase and explained, “I took the

liberty of packing your things when the pipe was broken. I’m afraid you’ll have to share a room with

your husband for the night…”

Ariana gritted her teeth in frustration. She gazed around at her situation, at a loss. How ridiculous!

“You are a couple. Staying together shouldn’t be a problem, right?” the forewoman added quickly when

she saw the unwillingness on Ariana’s face. She was trying desperately to alleviate the situation.

Ariana clenched her fingers irritably. She didn’t want to go anywhere near Theodore, let alone stay with

him. But now she had nowhere else to go.

“Ms. Edwards, please. To make it up to you, our hotel won’t charge you for your previous cost, andnovelbin

from now on, we’ll even offer you free meals a day!” The forewoman clasped her hands in front of her

chest, her lips trembling. She looked like she was going to get on her knees and beg any second.

“Okay. Let me think.” Ariana’s mind felt like it was sloshing around in the cold water. She was

desperately grasping at every straw she could think of to find a solution.

“There’s no need to think about it, Ms. Edwards. This is the best and only solution. Other hotels must

be full by now.” The forewoman couldn’t wait any longer. She seemed to be anxious to get Ariana out of

the room and settled. She grabbed the suitcase and approached Ariana hastily.

Before Ariana could react, the forewoman grasped her firmly by the shoulder and steered her toward

Theodore’s room. Ariana stuttered for an excuse which the forewoman didn’t seem to hear.

Theodore seemed to have telepathy and opened the door right as they arrived.

“That’s it then! I wish you two a good night,” the forewoman exclaimed with forced enthusiasm. She let

go of Ariana and her suitcase and promptly walked away.

Theodore looked surprised to see her, and then frowned. He gazed at the miserable, sulking woman in

front of him and asked, “Why are you here again?”

The word “again” was like a rough stone grating on Ariana’s last nerve. She puffed up her cheeks in

annoyance and glared at Theodore. She had made up her mind to leave.

But Theodore had already moved his wheelchair aside and gestured her inside. “Come in.” @

Ariana stood rooted to the spot. Her mind was racing, considering all the options she had, but none of

them was feasible. @

Theodore moved his wheelchair forward, going deeper into his room. When he heard no sound of her

entering behind him, he glanced back.

Ariana was lost in thought, hesitating and biting her lower lip.

Her delicate face scrunched a little in frustration, which he found endearing. He didn’t show that,

though. @?

“What are you waiting for? Isn’t it cold outside?” Theodore asked impatiently.

His words jerked Ariana back to the present. She rubbed her nose with a sniffle and muttered under

her breath, “It’s cold.”

Theodore softened his expression. He quietly turned the wheelchair around and pulled the suitcase

beside her into the room.

“Come in,”

he repeated, a little gentler this time. When she still refused to move, he sighed, reached out to take

her wrist, and pulled her inside.

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