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Adele, gripping Ariana’s hand, looked like she was about to cry.

“No, no,” she murmured.

The pang in Ariana’s chest was palpable. She wished she could keep Adele longer, but it was

important for Adele to go back before Sadie got suspicious.

With Sadie, there was no predicting her next move.

Even if it tore at her, Ariana knew she had to let Shawn take Adele away.

Melon hovered near Ariana, disappointment in his eyes as he watched Adele depart. He had quietly

hoped that maybe Adele could be his little sister.

Ariana felt a pang in her heart as she watched Adele recede in the distance. The young girl stirred

emotions within her, reminiscent of the daughter she had tragically lost too early.

It was only when the vehicle vanished from sight that Ariana ushered Melon back into the house.

That night, after ensuring Melon was asleep, Ariana found herself unable to drift off. Restlessness

prompted her to get up and venture out.

She headed to her apartment, aiming to examine the security footage, hopeful she might identify the


Unbeknownst to her, Melon had roused after her departure.novelbin

Quietly, Melon fetched his iPad and dialed the contact labeled “Hero Dad.” Holden’s face soon

appeared on screen, and they delved into their usual father-son conversation.

At the apartment, Ariana swiftly noted that it was intruder-free.

However, men’s slippers lay near the entrance, male grooming products occupied the bathroom, and a

jacket was casually draped over the bed.

Angela’s Library

Her anger surged. This intruder seemed to have no qualms about settling in. She resolved to unmask

him herself.

Opting not to disturb any belongings to alert the intruder, she then discovered fresh groceries in the


It was audacious how this intruder behaved as if the apartment was his.

With rising ire, Ariana hastened to watch the security tapes, eager to put a face to this presumptuous


Ariana hurriedly accessed the surveillance footage, only to face a surprising realization: She had

neglected to plug in the cameras.

She couldn’t help but laugh at herself for such an oversight. In her haste that day, she had missed a

fundamental step.

After meticulously repositioning the cameras, she connected them, ensuring they were plugged in

before exhaling in relief.

But she was still angry about the intruder. From her bag, she pulled out sticky notes, scribbling sharp

messages and strategically placing them on the fridge, coffee table, and bedside table to ensure the

audacious trespasser wouldn’t miss them.

Even after leaving these notes, Ariana’s agitation persisted. The notion that the stranger might return

and occupy her own bed prompted her to wait in the living room for the night, determined to confront


Despite her resolve, the intruder remained elusive. As dawn broke, fatigue set in, leaving Ariana with

shadows under her eyes and no trespasser to confront.

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