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Chapter 1106

“Why is he so stubborn? Is he so desperate about being famous?”

“Such a comment is ridiculous! Everyone joins the show for fame.”

“Well, in his present condition, it’s highly unlikely he can perform well on stage. Besides, it’s

unnecessary for him to push himself too hard.”

“Precisely, he doesn’t seem to be able to perform well in this state.

He could even drag the team down.”

The live chat was flooded with comments and varied opinions, but Ariana didn’t have the mood to

engage in the comments as well. She just read them helplessly. ALL her attempts to persuade Tom had

failed and now she was growing more and more worried about him.


Soon, it was Tom’s turn to go on stage. The truth was that Tom wasn’t that confident either. He knew

very well that his body was weak at the moment, and for that reason, he felt extremely nervous, with

his heart pounding in his chest.

He carried his electric guitar on stage and his hand holding the pick was sweaty.

The accompanying band was ready and waiting for Tom’s signal to start playing. However, Tom made

no signals and remained motionless on stage.

The entire studio fell into a heavy silence, and the audience exchanged puzzled looks.

“What’s going on?”

“Is this part of the show?”

“If he can’t perform, why can’t he just step down?”

The live audience whispered amongst themselves. Suddenly, a fan of another contestant stood up and

shouted, “If he can’t perform, let him step down. We want to see the next performance!

“Yeah, step down!”

More and more people started yelling at Tom to get off the stage.

Someone even threw a plastic bottle at Tom. The atmosphere in the studio became chaotic as the

comments online intensified.

Worried, Ariana was about to contact the show’s production team for them to maintain order in the

studio when suddenly, a clear and loud female voice rang out from the audience. The voice was louder

than anyone else’s.

“Tom! You’re the best! Come on!”

A girl in the crowd held up a light sign for Tom. Her face was red with shyness, but she bravely shouted

the slogan of support she’d prepared for Tom.

Tom turned to the source of the sound and spotted the young girl they’d met at the police station the

other day. She stood at the forefront, her voice ringing out with conviction as she rallied the crowd with

her passionate slogan. In a ripple effect, rows of people behind her hoisted their placards and joined innovelbin

the chorus of support.

The girl’s demeanor revealed a flicker of anxiety, her neck and cheeks flushed crimson. Despite her

nervousness, her gaze remained unwavering as she nodded to Tom.

Tom felt a rush of warmth surge through him, as though a dormant energy had been awakened. The

anxiety that had plagued him moments ago began to ebb away.

Drawing in a deep breath, he focused all his attention on the forthcoming performance. It was a

culmination of countless hours spent in relentless training and the memory of over a hundred past

shows. Wasn’t this what it had all been leading to? He couldn’t afford to falter now.

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