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Chapter 993

Chapter 993 For Their Family

After she was done laughing, Bianca began to worry about Luke. It was early morning over there andhe was still working hard. She quickly replied: [ You're still working?]

Luke quickly replied to her: [Yeah, there's a lot to attend to.]

Bianca sighed. She knew that he was working hard so that he could come back soon. She replied:[Work can never be finished. Get a good rest and continue tomorrow.]

Luke replied: [Okay, my love.]

Bianca put down the phone and stopped replying for fear of interrupting his work.

She turned on her laptop and searched for recipes that were good for those who worked into the night.She planned to cook for him when he came back.

Three days later.

Bianca received news that Luke was coming back tomorrow and excitedly asked for his flight number.She wrote it down in case she forgot.

Later that night.

Bianca checked the ingredients in the refrigerator. She would have to go grocery shopping to preparefor Luke's return.

His flight would arrive early in the morning, so she would not have time to go grocery shopping beforepicking him up from the airport. Hence, she prepared the ingredients one day in advance.

She looked through the recipe again and checked the ingredients one by one. Bianca smiledcontentedly at the thought that she would see Luke tomorrow.

Tommy walked over while holding half an apple in his hand. He looked at the ingredients in therefrigerator and said with a cute voice, "Mommy, are these for Daddy?"

Looking at her cheeky son, Bianca touched his head and answered, "Yes, these are all for Daddy."

When Blanche and Rainie found out Luke was coming back, they were very happy and said they wouldaccompany her to go grocery shopping. Hence, they went to the supermarket to buy the ingredientsafter the children's class.

Since they got married, Luke had gone on fewer business trips. Even if he had to go, he would make ita short one.novelbin

"Can Tommy have some?" Tommy looked at her with a blank expression and took a bite of his apple.

"Of course, you can." Bianca grabbed his hand and walked to the living room. She was looking forwardto their family dinner

Tommy was happy when he heard it. He turned around to go upstairs. "I want to tell Rainie and Laniethat there’ll be yummy food for US tomorrow."

Bianca looked at his cheeky face and smiled as she nodded. She glanced at the time and realized thatit was almost ten o'clock. The children should be in bed now.

She held Tommy's hand as they headed upstairs to tell Rainie and Blanche that it was time to go tobed. Then, she took Tommy to wash up and told him a story to help him fall asleep.

Ten minutes later, Tommy fell asleep.

Bianca put down the storybook, turned off the lights, and tiptoed out. She sneaked a glance at Blancheand Rainie and found that they were deep asleep as well.

She picked up her phone and saw that there were no new messages from Luke.

Bianca missed him a lot so she sent a text: [Have you arrived at the airport?


Looking at the time, he should be almost at the airport.

Bianca was lying on the bed and holding her phone. Luke did not reply even after she waited for awhile. She held her phone tightly and scrolled through Facebook, waiting for his reply.

She waited for a long time and eventually closed her eyes, falling asleep.

Three o'clock in the morning.

Luke was carrying a suitcase as he opened the door.

The living room was dark, and the only light that was on was the one at the staircase.

In the past, if he had to come back late because of work, Bianca would always leave the lights in theliving room on.

He came back earlier just to surprise her.

Luke put down his suitcase, changed into his indoor slippers, and went upstairs. He gently pushedopen the bedroom door.

The bedroom was still lit, with Bianca sleeping peacefully on the bed. His heart became warm themoment he saw her. He walked to the bed and looked at her peaceful sleeping face.

Luke missed her every second that he was away. He touched her face gently.

Bianca rolled over when she felt a sense of warmth on her face. She slowly opened her eyes.

She could not believe it! She had been dreaming of him but Luke was now in front of her. 'Am I stilldreaming?’

Bianca blinked again. His hands gently cupped her face, the temperature of his skin letting her realizethat it was real.

"Luke?" she called out to him.

She had just woken up, so her voice was soft and slightly raspy. Luke felt as though his heart wasbeing gently stroked. He could not bear the itch he felt for her and replied, "Yeah."

His voice rang in her ears. Bianca sat up and said excitedly, "You're back?!" "Yeah." Luke looked at hersurprised expression and smiled gently, his gaze softening.

During this period when they were both apart from each other, it had been torture. Bianca held him andcould not believe that he was home. Even if he was just a few hours earlier, she was overjoyed.

"Didn't you say that you'll only be back tomorrow?" She could not suppress the excitement in her heartand started tearing. In the past week, she missed him every moment that she was awake. Every timeshe woke up after dreaming about him, she would feel a pang of loneliness.

"I changed my flight to an earlier one because I wanted to surprise you." Luke hugged her as hetouched her face with one hand.

"Oh." Bianca snuggled in his arms, and she could hear his strong heartbeat.

She could not help but keep repeating to herself that he was really back.

She raised her head and looked into his deep-set eyes that were full of love. When she thought abouthow he had changed his flight to surprise her, she lightly hit his shoulder and said, "You did it onpurpose. You didn't tell me that you changed your flight."

Luke raised his hand and gently held her hands in his. "I wanted to surprise you." "I'm going to cry."Bianca pursed her lips and acted coquettishly.

"Don’t cry, it's all my fault. I missed you so much that I wanted to come back as soon as I could." Lukecomforted her. He was supposed to be on the same flight as Jason, but he decided to take the nextavailable flight out.

Bianca glanced at the time and saw that it was already 3:30 in the morning. She looked at Luke again.Although the bedroom lights were dim, she could still see his dark circles.

She gently stroked his face. He had grown a stubble after the long-distance flight. He looked haggard."Are you tired?" "I’m not tired." Luke had long been accustomed to high-intensity work.

Seeing the concern and distress in her eyes, he said, "I’m not tired at all, my love, but you are."

She had her hands full with taking care of their family and managing her company. He felt sorry for howtired she must be.

"I'm not tired... Look at the time. Let’s go to bed." Bianca felt sad as she looked at his fatigued face andlistened to him trying to be strong for them.

He was working hard for their family.

Luke nodded and took off his jacket. It was late and he decided to take a bath tomorrow. He lay in bednext to Bianca in a white button shirt.

He stretched out his hands, and Bianca lay between his arms while hugging his waist. She took a deepbreath, feeling content.

She had been sleeping alone for the past week and had not gotten a good night's sleep. She couldonly sleep peacefully if he was by her side, making her feel assured.

Bianca felt his breathing, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

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