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Chapter 990

Chapter 990 She Missed Him More And More With Each Passing Day

Bianca was gentle and lovely. Luke felt a surge of warmth in his heart from her words. He nodded andsaid, "Yeah."

Bianca looked into his eyes and touched the screen. She had been doing it a lot recently. As long asthey were video calling, she could not stop her hand from touching the screen. It was as if she wastrying to touch Luke.

She missed him more and more with each passing day. If she were not caught up with herresponsibilities in A City, she would not hesitate to buy a plane ticket and fly to New York to be by hisside.

Before she was together with Luke, she had never thought of herself as a clingy person. At that time,she lived alone and did not rely on anyone.

However, she realized that she loved being near him after they got together.

Bianca saw Jason appear in the video and asked, "Do you still have work to attend to?"

Luke looked back at Jason and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jason realized that he had disturbed Luke and Bianca's catch-up. He shook his head quickly and said,"No, boss, you can continue."

Bianca noticed that he had a stack of documents in his hand. She smiled and guessed that Jason justdid not want to disturb them, so she said, "I have to go back to the company. You go ahead with yourwork."

Luke knew that she was being considerate. He wanted to talk to her more, but he changed his mind. Ifthings here were dealt with sooner, he would be able to go back sooner.

He replied, “Be careful." "I will, it's not the first day I got my driver's license," Bianca said to Luke andended the call.

Bianca leaned on the back of the chair, adjusted the position of the seat, and opened the photo albumon her phone to look at photos of her and Luke.

For the most part, he was not a fan of taking photos but would still look at the camera when Biancawanted him to. Bianca swiped through the photos with a big, heartwarming smile on her face.

Bianca glanced at the door of the villa. It seemed that Percy was still inside.

She planned to wait a little longer. Suddenly, her phone rang, and it was Queenie.

"Mom, good morning," Bianca answered, knowing that it was likely Queenie had called to talk aboutLeia.

She was not interested in Leia's affairs but she had to pick up her mother's call.

Queenie's gentle voice was heard. "Bea, are you in the office?" "Mom, I didn't go to the office today.What's the matter?" Bianca replied as she glanced at the villa’s entrance.

"We're having dinner with Brody's family tonight. Your dad thinks that it’d be wonderful if you could joinus. Are you free?"

Queenie invited her because Bianca was Leia's sister. Both she and Jack thought that it would bebetter if she joined.

Bianca thought to herself, 'Didn’t Leia cry a few days ago saying that the Hilton family doesn’t accepther? It hasn't been that long ago but they're having dinner together?'

She did not want to go as she knew that this dinner would not be a peaceful one.

"Bea?" Queenie called out to Bianca gently after not hearing a reply.

Bianca sighed helplessly in her heart. Luke had told her to avoid matters as such but no matter howmuch she tried not to be involved, it seemed that drama would come looking for her. She replied, "I’mlooking at my calendar now. When is it?" "The dinner will be in the Westin Hotel at noon today,"Queenie replied.

"Okay, I'll be there. Do you need me to pick you up?" Bianca knew that it would not look great for Leia ifshe did not show up.

The Hilton family did not like Leia so they may disrespect her mother. She had to go because she didnot want her parents to be looked down on.

"No worries, your father will drive me there." Queenie was overjoyed when she heard Bianca say yes.

"Okay, see you then." After Bianca ended the call, she kept looking at the time in her car. By noon,Percy still had not left the villa. She had no choice but to leave for the Westin Hotel.novelbin

After she mentioned Jack's name, she was brought to a private room by the waiter.

Her parents were already there.

When Queenie saw Bianca, she motioned to her to sit next to her as she said, "Bea, sit here." "Dad,Mom." Bianca smiled and walked over to sit down while she greeted her parents. Seeing that Leia andthe Hilton family had not arrived, she asked, "Where’s Leia?" "Leia went for a check-up. She’ll comewith the Hiltons later," Queenie replied.

Jack's expression turned sour when Leia's pregnancy was mentioned." They're late! They need to workon their time management."

Queenie placed her hand on his arm and patted it to comfort him. "It’s okay, maybe something heldthem up." "What could’ve happened?" Jack had gone through hardships when he was younger andwas able to manage his emotions in whatever situation.

However, when faced with the Hilton family, he could not bring himself to calm down.

Queenie was worried that his negative emotions would affect the lunch later. Leia was pregnant withBrody's child. No matter what, the two families would be in-laws. If things went badly, Leia would havea tough time.

She comforted him, saying, "There are so many people in the hospital, so you have to wait foreverything."

Jack was irritated. Even if the hospital was crowded, the rest of the Hilton family should not be late.Brody was the only one accompanying Leia for the check-up.

"Don't be angry. If someone sees this, they might think that you have a bone to pick with them.”Queenie poured him a cup of tea. Her soft fingers lightly pressed on his shoulders.

Although she was not a fan of Brody, it had become a fact that Leia would be marrying him. All shecould do now was support Leia the best she could, so no matter how rude the Hilton family was, shewas determined to finish the meal.

Jack's mood eased a little. Queenie's words still had a certain effect on him.

Upon seeing this, Bianca went along with and said, "I'll call Leia to see where she is now." "No need forthat, I don't care if they come." Jack had been working for the government for so long and had not met

a family that was this rude. His impression of the Hilton family had turned for the worse.

Bianca held her phone and was ready to dial Leia's phone number. When Jack said that, she decidedagainst it.

"Okay, I'm not calling her. Dad, don't be angry. I'll show you some videos of your grandchildren." Shetried her best to make him happy. She opened the gallery app and passed the phone to him.

"Lanie told Ranie that they'll come visit you the upcoming weekend," Bianca said.

"Mm, let me see." Jack put on his reading glasses, held her phone, and looked at the videos thatBianca had taken with Queenie by his side. He looked at the cheeky smiling faces of the kids. Onlythen did a small smile appear.

Bianca had recorded the cute moments of her kids. She did not expect that the videos would be usefulfor times like these.

Jack was no longer sulking after he watched some videos. 15 minutes later, the door of the room waspushed open. Leia and Brody arrived.

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