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Chapter 983

Chapter 983 Future Son-in-Law

Brody was not showered with envious gazes as he would have expected. Leia gently pinched his armand said with a smile, "Brody, my parents don't like coffee." "Why?" Brody was not embarrassed as hecontinued to elaborate," Appreciating coffee is a necessary skill in the upper circles of society. Everyparty or gathering must have coffee and wine. You'll need to know how to appreciate coffee so that youwon't be looked down on. Also, one should prepare some premium coffee beans at home to serveguests."

As soon as he finished speaking, the living room fell into an awkward silence.

Leia pinched him again. She was getting nervous.

Jack hated people who loved to show off, while Brody was very fond of showing off. She thought thathe had not done that for some time, so why would his old habits return?

It would not have been a problem if he showed off in front of her friends, but they were in front of herparents now...

Leia discreetly kicked him to stop him from speaking.

Brody impatiently pushed Leia's hand away, feeling a little irritated by the pinching and kicking. "I’llbring over some Blue Mountain coffee beans on my next visit, Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Once you try it,you won't want to drink tea or other types of coffee anymore." "It's fine, Mr. Hilton. We don't sleep verywell, and the doctor said that we shouldn't drink coffee too often." Queenie rejected Brody's offer onceagain. She sounded gentle but insistent.

Leia was surprised. 'Is that so? When did that happen?'

Brody was already cursing inwardly when Jack and Queenie had rejected his offer twice. He thoughtthat they did not know how to appreciate the finer things in life.

His gaze fell on the cross-stitch that Bianca had placed on the couch opposite him.

He decided to flaunt his family’s wealth again so that they would feel grateful that they would be gettingsuch a rich son-in-law.

"Did you just take that down?" He pointed at the cross-stitch with his chin.

Jack was already very displeased. Brody was frivolous and disrespectful. Was that how he should treathis elders?

He did not plan to stop Leia from being together with Brody. If she really liked him, he would want her tomarry him so that he could announce to others that whatever she did had nothing to do with theNormans.

He was beginning to change his mind after seeing that man's character.

Leia saw that her parents did not seem too pleasant and thought that they were unhappy about Brody'sshowing off and his tone.

To ease the tension, she smiled and said, "That's a cross-stitch, right? I've never seen it at home. Didyou buy it, Dad?" "Teh," Brody scoffed, "Who would buy that nowadays, or hang it in their house?That's so old-fashioned and cheap. Horses? How tacky."

Jack was livid when he heard that. How high and mighty must the Hilton family be for that young manto say that?

He slammed his teacup angrily. It landed on the table with a loud bang.

The people in the living room were shocked.

"I love horses and handicrafts like that. What about it?" Jack said while staring at Brody.

"He doesn't mean that, Dad," Leia tried to explain.

"That's enough. Our house is full of cheap and tacky stuff, and we're an embarrassment to him. Go getthe toolbox and hang the cross-stitch on the wall," Jack ordered the caretaker.

The caretaker nodded and went to the storeroom.

Brody did not expect Jack to react so violently. He became even more disdainful.

The caretaker brought out the toolbox and got the driver to help him.

Jack wanted to hang the cross-stitch after they had left, but he could tolerate how disrespectful Brodywas.

If Brody did not show him any respect, then he would not show him any either.

The driver drove the nails into the wall. With the caretaker's help, they hung the cross-stitch.

"Careful, this is my favorite piece of art," Jack's resonant voice rang in the living room.

"Yes, Sir," the caretaker and the driver replied together. After hanging the cross-stitch, the caretakerasked, "Is this okay, Sir?"

Jack stood up and carefully examined the cross-stitch. After seeing that it was straight, he nodded insatisfaction and said, "Yes, very good."

Leia shot a glance at Brody. He should have been smarter than that, so why was he repeatedlyoffending her father? He stood up, leaned closer to her father, and said intimately, "That's a beautiful

cross-stitch, Dad. Did Mom make it?" "It's from your aunt," Jack said.

"Aunt? Which aunt?" Leia did not know that she had an aunt.

"It's your sister’s aunt," Queenie said while refilling Jack's teacup.

Leia instantly understood. It was Bianca again!

She knew that her father loves works of art featuring horses, but she attributed the reason why herfather loved the cross-stitch to Bianca alone!

Leia glanced at Brody and explained, "My dad loves horses."

Brody showed a look of understanding and could not wait to flaunt his family's wealth again. "So youlike horses, Mr. Norman. What do you think of oil paintings?" "They're too expensive and will raiseunwanted suspicion." Jack could understand the implication in Brody’s words, and he rejected himdirectly." I have some work to do. You can go on without me."

He had already discerned Brody's character, and he had no interest in continuing the conversation. Hewould let Queenie handle the rest.

She might be a woman, but she was used to such situations.

Brody was feeling embarrassed as he glared at Leia. Leia had told her that her parents were easy-going people, but that did not seem to be the case.

Leia tapped her feet, returned to her seat next to Brody, and spoke to her mother, "Has the IntegrityCommittee been on Dad's heels? Why is he so defensive?"

Queenie knew that her husband was mostly pretending. She was also the same because she was notvery fond of Brody. The Normans did not need a son-in-law from a wealthy family who had no othernovelbin

capabilities other than flaunting his wealth.

"I don't know what's going on in the political scene, but I won't fault him for being cautious. You shouldknow your dad's personality, he wouldn't want to take advantage of anyone," she said.

"But Brody isn't any random person, Mom. I'll be marrying him. He's your future son-in-law." Leia smiledsweetly while hugging Brody's arm.

Bianca was watching the interaction. She could see that her parents were unhappy, so why was Leiaso blind?

If Leia mentioned it now, Queenie would definitely not agree with it.

Queenie did not show her displeasure on her face. She took a sip of tea gently and said slowly, "Whatdo you mean? There's nothing wrong with him being cautious, especially when you're not married yet.Don't you think so, Mr. Hilton?"

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