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Chapter 897

Chapter 897 Simple but Full of Love

Bianca massaged her tired eyes. "No. This client is quite picky."

Luke sat down next to her and handed her the glass of milk. "You didn't eat dinner earlier. Have somemilk."

Bianca took a sip and reflexively licked the milk stains on her lips. It seemed quite seductive.

Luke could feel his urges rising when he saw that. He bent over and kissed her.

Bianca cried out in surprise and nearly dropped the glass of milk in her hand. Instinctively, she leanedtoward the man.

Luke's tongue carefully traced the shape of her lips. They tasted the sweetness of the milk betweentheir mouths, which heightened the sensation of the kiss.

Bianca could not resist Luke's passion. He only let go of her when the air in her lungs was almostdepleted.

"Bea..." Luke's voice was hoarse and seductive.

Bianca gasped for air as she leaned on her. She would feel so spent every time after they kissed.

"No." She could sense that Luke was planning something else, and she grabbed his hands. "I still needto work."

Luke looked at the unfinished design on the computer and frowned.

He should not have disturbed her while she was working.novelbin

However, Bianca was as addictive as candy. He wanted to do it right now.

"How long more will you take?" He sounded more clear-headed.

"I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight. It would be great if I can use my previous design," she said infrustration.

Luke handed the glass of milk to her. "Drink."

Bianca took another sip. She had not eaten much while she was working overtime in the office, and themilk gave her some energy.

Luke took her laptop and placed it in front of her.

"What..." Bianca did not want to trouble him.

"If the milk isn't enough? I've also toasted some bread. You can eat it in the kitchen," Luke browsed thechat log with the client.

Bianca felt warmth in her heart. She leaned on his arm and said, "You don't have to help me." "I'm yourhusband. Who else will help you when you're in trouble?" Luke smiled gently. After reading the chatlog, he began to work on the sketch.

"About the virus attack... has Mr. Doyle found anything?" Bianca asked after she placed her head onhis shoulder.

Luke glanced at her. He would not want her to leave if she had not insisted on starting her owncompany.

Otherwise, she would not have offended so many people.

"Is it very troublesome?" Bianca guessed when she saw that Luke did not say anything.

"No." Luke shook his head. "The investigation is almost complete. You'll know the result soon." "I thinkthere's something more to the attack. I always have this ominous feeling." Bianca was guessing fromher intuition.

Luke did not say anything.

Bianca stopped asking questions and looked at him draw.

Soon, Tommy opened the door to the study and ran to her while pouting." I'm scared, Mommy." "What'swrong?" Bianca stood up and lifted Tommy, who was about to cry." Why did you wake up?" "I had anightmare," Tommy said as he buried his head on Bianca's neck." There were so many aliens..."

Bianca was wondering why Tommy would suddenly dream of aliens when he continued, "The aliensfrom Daddy's story appeared in my dream. I'm so scared, boo hoo hoo..."

Luke stood up impassively and took Tommy. "The aliens won't hurt you. Go back to bed."

Tommy reached out toward Bianca and wailed, "I want Mommy. Save me, Mommy. Daddy is bringingthe aliens."

Bianca massaged her forehead. When she was about to take Tommy back from Luke, Luke said, "Letme handle this."

She could only comply.

Bianca was Tommy's only parent when Luke was missing. She showered all her love on himconsidering that he was their youngest child.

Perhaps Bianca had pampered Tommy too much. Tommy's personality was very different from Lanie'sand instead was clingy like Rainie.

Maybe it was time that Luke showed him some discipline.

After a while, Bianca did not hear Tommy's crying, and Luke came back to the study.

"Is Tommy asleep?" She smiled. Luke was quite reliable after all.

Luke hugged her waist and sat down. "Tommy threw a tantrum earlier tonight, so he's already quitetired. It didn't take him too long to fall asleep again." "Did you tell him a story about aliens?" Biancaasked.

"It's a story for boys," Luke said while rubbing her nose, "Tommy is a boy, and you pamper him toomuch. He's like a princess now." "But he's your son," Bianca said helplessly. Why would a father saythat about his son?

However, she knew that Luke's parenting methods were like that.

"I can take care of the children while you're busy." Luke seemed quite confident of himself.

Bianca had no objections. He might be strict, but Tommy was his son after all.

She yawned.

"If you're tired, you should take a nap." Luke took control over her laptop once again, seeing that shewas tired.

Bianca shook her head and gazed at his serious side profile. She knew that she was not going to getthe laptop back, but she did not want to leave." Let me learn from you."

Luke did not try to convince her to sleep anymore. Instead, he told her about his design philosophy.Bianca was quite surprised by his thought process; his design suited the client's requirements more.

As the night went on, Luke did not seem to tire.

On the other hand, Bianca could not keep herself awake anymore. She sprawled on the desk and fellasleep.

When Luke saw that, he kissed her tenderly on her forehead and carried her into the bedroom.

When Bianca woke up the next day, there was no one next to her.

There was no one in the study either, but her laptop screen was on.

She went closer and saw that the design was already complete.

Bianca was shocked. She zoomed into the design and could not help but exclaim in surprise.

Luke was indeed a genius in architecture design.

While saving the design on her USB drive, she glanced at the clock. It was already nine o'clock.

"Lanie! Rainie!" Bianca remembered that she had to send the kids to school. Right after she stood up,she noticed a sticky note.

On it was Luke's handwriting.

"Don’t worry. I'll send Rainie and Lanie to school. Your breakfast is in the microwave."

Bianca felt warmth in her heart.

Previously, she would have thought it was glamorous but troublesome to live with a wealthy family.

To accommodate her feelings, Luke had moved out of Crawford Manor and lived in a mansion far awayfrom society.

That was the life she wanted - simple but full of love.

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