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Chapter 889

Chapter 889 Kneading Her Body Into His

Bianca felt a sharp pain on her forehead. She touched it and felt that it was wet. The bright red strainson her fingers told her that her forehead was bleeding.

However, that was not the time to care for her wounds.

Bianca was extremely worried, seeing that Nina was about to be taken away. Suddenly, she saw Lukeand Percy coming from afar.


Bianca cried out hurriedly. Luke stopped talking to Percy when he heard his wife calling his name andlooked around to find his wife.

When he saw that his wife's forehead was bleeding, his usually profound eyes were filled with anger.

He walked toward Bianca in big strides, hugged her tightly in his arms, and said, "Who did this?" Hisvoice was like thunder.

Bianca pointed at Pierre with her delicate hand and said anxiously, "Pierre bullied Nina, and he's takingher away against her will..."

Luke's fiery gaze shot toward Pierre, and he frowned. "Did Pierre hurt you?"

Bianca leaned against his chest and bit her lip. She did not confirm it, nor did she deny it. She onlygazed resentfully at Pierre as though her eyes were needles dipped in poison.novelbin

Luke instantly understood what happened, and his gentle demeanor suddenly turned as cold as ice."Looks like it's time for your younger brother to learn a bloody lesson, Percy. I don't mind teaching him

a lesson if you're not willing!"

Percy went ahead and blocked Pierre's way.

His hands were in his pockets, and his eyes gradually turned bloodshot as he looked at his youngerbrother carrying Nina over his shoulder.

He did not say a word, but his imposing demeanor inspired fear from the people around him. Even theusually brazen Pierre began to stammer.

"I didn't mean to hurt her, Percy. She should’ve minded her own business... Nina has been disobeyingme repeatedly, and she nearly sent me to jail. I want her to know that I'm not one to be trifled with, andshe should pay the price for what she's done to me! Mind your own business, Percy!"

Nina had been struggling in Pierre's arms, and she had even drawn blood from biting Pierre's shoulder.When she saw the two brothers in a standoff, she suddenly became quiet.

She stared mockingly at Percy, wondering how he would deal with his younger brother.

Percy was a head taller than Pierre.

He took a step toward Pierre and glared downward at him. "You're not a child anymore, Pierre. Don'tyou feel embarrassed for causing such a scene? Put her down now!"

Nine could not tell Percy's emotion from his voice.

Pierre was not going to obey his elder brother just like that. "I'm not going to, Percy! Don't you knowwhat she did? She..." He shouted exasperatedly.

"I said, put herdown!"

Percy's thin almond-shaped eyes under his thick brows were usually profound and enchanting.Whenever he got angry, he would slightly lift his eyelids, which made him look eerily sinister.

The passengers of the cruise ship stood around and watched the sudden family drama expectantly.

The Mallory siblings were arguing because of a woman. That was sensational news. They weresurprised that the woman seemed unremarkable despite having a rather shapely body. She was notthat special after all...

Perhaps those brothers had unique tastes.

Pierre was shocked by his brother's expression. He did not want to let go of his "prey," but he waseventually cowed by his brother's authority.

He tossed Nina on the floor and said, "Hmph, I guess it's your lucky day today. I wouldn't have forgivenyou otherwise!"

He left angrily with his bevy of women.

Before he walked away, he shot a murderous glare at Nina.

"Nina..." Bianca wanted to go ahead and check on her friend, but Luke was hugging her tightly.

Bianca smiled apologetically at Nina. She wanted to say something, but Nina smiled weakly at her andindicated that she was fine.

Luke led Bianca away. Nina breathed a sigh of relief, but Percy's slender fingers propped up her chinand forced her to look at him.

He towered over her, but she looked at him defiantly.

"Not bad. You've somehow managed to seduce my younger brother while seducing me." He soundedunhappy, but at the same time condescending.

"Let go of me!" Nina wanted to struggle, but all strength seemed to have left her body. Her body did notseem to be under her control.

Percy's finger traced a path on her delicate face and neck. "I don't know what's so charming about you.Your figure is barely passable, so I don't know what my younger brother sees in you."

Nina closed her eyes and ignored his insults. She had nothing to explain to him.

'Heh, how ridiculous.'

Was she the one who seduced Pierre Mallory? That was the funniest joke she had ever heard.

"Why, don't you have anything to say?" Percy took her hand and frowned slightly.

Her palm was not tender like other women's. Instead, it was rough and calloused, as though she wasused to menial labor.

Nina had never hated Percy's gaze on her as much as she did now. He had piled baseless accusationsupon her, and he was inspecting her as though she was an item on display.

The gaze made her feel humiliated. It was not the first time she had been humiliated like this, but shefelt uneasy when looking into his eyes.

She had enough of her current life.

One day, she would eventually break free of his clutches!

In the VIP cabin, Luke cleaned Bianca’s wound with antiseptic and applied some cooling ointment.Throughout the process, his demeanor remained ice-cold.

He was quite rough with his actions, as though he deliberately wanted to hurt Bianca.

Bianca looked at his face and tugged his shirt sleeve guiltily. "Don't be like that, Luke. I didn't mean tohurt myself. It was only an accident. It won't happen again."

Luke wanted to ignore her.

However, when he looked at her pitiable face and the slight bump on her forehead, he could not helpbut hug her tightly in his arms, knead her body into his, and take in her fragrance...

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