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Chapter 887

Chapter 887 Intertwined, But Thinking of Separate Things

Nina lowered her head and used her shoulder-length hair to obscure her face.

She did not want anyone to see her weakness, especially that man in front of her.

"Don't you feel any affection for me after being together for so long?" Percy smiled sinisterly as hegripped Nina's jaw and maintained his superior demeanor.

Nina felt her heart wrench.

Her head remained lowered. "Both of us have something we want, and affection doesn't come into thepicture. If I have any affection toward you, it's because I can't find a more generous man."

Nina's voice was soft, but her words were mocking.

Percy's sinister gaze wavered. He turned her around by her shoulders. "Do you like it here?"

Nina tried to swallow her tears, but she could not control them from falling down her face.

She lifted her head to look at the boundless blue sky. When she managed to compose herself, shenodded without showing any hint of her previous emotions. "The sea and the sky are beautiful. I don'tthink anyone would not like it here."

Percy suddenly laughed.

His beautiful face bloomed like a flower in spring.

His thin eyes were transfixed on Nina's face as he asked gently, "Then... do you like me?"

Nina was startled. She suddenly felt uneasy.

She touched his face in bewilderment. "What's wrong with you today, Percy Mallory? Did you... knockyour head on something?"

Nina could hear her heart thump wildly as she stared at his bewitching face and those "soulful" eyes.

She did not want to fall into that man's trap.

She turned her head away to avert his passionate gaze. Keeping true to her personality, she declinedhis advances.

Percy's lips opened and closed as though he only wanted to hear the answer he desired. "Not even theslightest bit?"

Nina brushed the hair next to her ear.

She was not an idiot, and she knew how to give and take.

She tried to regain her composure so that she sounded like her normal self. "Our relationship is nothingmore than employer and employee. Don't you think that it's ridiculous to talk about our feelings? Why,don't tell me that you like me?"

Percy smiled as though he was told a funny joke. "You're a smart woman, Nina. Why would you askthat stupid question?"

Nina took a deep breath and felt bitterness flood her mouth. "I can ask you the same."

She knew that Percy was a heartless man and that she was insignificant to her.

He might treat her nicely, and sometimes he might even give her the feeling that they were lovers, butthat was nothing more than an illusion.

She could not escape the fate of being abandoned, so why should she try in the first place?

If he did not love her, then she did not have to love him either. However, was that really the case?

Percy held her clammy hand with his hefty palm and hugged her in his arms.

She leaned on his sturdy chest.

Percy's cheek rested on Nina's shoulder. He indicated to her to look up." The weather is nice today."

The water was as blue as the purest sapphire, and the horizon glimmered with golden light. The skyreflected the color of the sea, and the seagulls were calling. It was like a dream.

"The weather is nice indeed." Nina tried to forget her worries, and a smile began to bloom on her faceas she looked at the beautiful sight.

Percy gently pecked her cherry lips.novelbin

Nina's body stiffened for a while before she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Percy Mallory..." Nina called out his name.

"Hm?" Percy's profound eyes glanced at her gently, waiting for her to continue.

"Do you know, Percy, that I once bore your younger brother's child in my womb? The baby has becomenothing more than a puddle of blood, and my womb is damaged because of him. If you found out thatthe two of you have had relations with the same woman, would you find it disgusting?"

That was what she wanted to say, but she did not have the courage to say it. She could only bury thatshameful secret deep in her heart.

When they first made out, Nina was happy as though she had avenged herself.

She wanted to see the brothers turn on each other. Now, she felt that she had been so silly. Before shecould carry out her revenge, she had already fallen into his trap.

She wanted to cry, but she had to force herself to smile in front of him.

The man seemed to be able to read her heart. Nina could not hide her emotions in front of him.

She did not want to say another word. She could only climb up his neck and deliver her lips to his.

Percy was surprised that Nina had taken the initiative, but he did not ask any questions. Instinctively,he pried open her lips with his tongue.

Deeper, deeper...

The two bodies became more intimate.

Even though their bodies intertwined, they were thinking of separate things

In the lobby, Bianca sipped a cocktail while chatting with Nina. "Where have you been, Nina? I've beensearching for you. I also tried calling you, but you didn't pick up. I thought that you had fallen into thesea..."

Nina sat lazily on a high stool. "Don't worry. Even if I fall into the sea, I'll drag you along with me."

Bianca chuckled, though she noticed something on Nina's neck.

She gently touched the deep red mark on Nina's neck and said knowingly," Mm? Were you making outearlier? You're not even hiding the obvious evidence..." "What?" Nina slapped Bianca's hand away andtook out a hand mirror from her handbag.

Through the mirror, she saw the deep mark near the back of her neck.

'Percy, you b*stard!'

She cursed at Percy under her breath as she took out pressed powder from her handbag andsmothered the mark, only taking a breath of relief when the mark could be barely seen.

As Nina closed the hand mirror, she caught a glimpse of the repulsive face that she could never forget.

The man was walking amid a bevy of women in their direction...

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