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Chapter 849

Chapter 849 His Stern Face Instantly Turned Ashen

Doubtfully, Jack began to unwrap the mysterious delivery package. It was mysterious because therewas no name or address on it.

Ms. Bosch was worried that it might be a letter bomb or that it might contain harmful substances. Shescanned it and made sure that it only contained paper documents before handing it once more to Jack.

When Jack opened the envelope and read the document, his usually stern face turned ashen, and hisbody began to tremble slightly.

He slammed the document on the table, picked up his coat, and rushed back home.

A few days earlier, Luke had obtained several bottles of imported herbal liqueurs.

Bianca gave Old Master Rayne two bottles. She wanted to give two bottles to Old Mr. Norman, but shewas busy with her new business, and she had nearly forgotten about it.

She only remembered it when she happened to glance at the two bottles sitting in the wine cabinet.

Old Mr. Norman was her biological grandfather. Bianca did not have too many interactions with him, butthe kind and wise old man treated her well, and she respected him very much.

That day, Bianca took the two bottles of liqueur and drove to Old Mr. Norman's house.

The old man was still living in his old residence.

His new residence had been designed by Bianca, and it was a major project. Bianca had been busywith handling T Corporation’s matters for a long while, and the project had been stalled.

Bianca felt guilty about that. She wanted to get an experienced designer from T Corporation to replaceher in the project, but Old Mr. Norman insisted on Bianca. He did not mind waiting for Bianca to be freeagain so that work may resume.

Bianca drove the plain-looking Volkswagen through a stately front gate.

Old Mr. Norman's residence was guarded by guards armed with rifles.

The guards saluted Bianca as she drove past them.

A scanner recognized her license plate, and the gate opened automatically.

The wide asphalt road was flanked with pine trees. It seemed that the road had been newly widened.

At the end of the road were several majestic yet aged administrative buildings among blooming flowerbeds and trees.

The car drove past the classic-styled administrative neighborhood. Each of the mansions wassurrounded by a high wall with an electrified fence, and behind the mansions were a row oftownhouses.

Old Mr. Norman's residence was among the row of mansions in front of the townhouses. There was agrape trellis in front of the mansion. Grapes were growing in bunches on the vines; those that werealmost ripe were a tantalizing purple-red color, while some were green like emeralds. It was a livelysight.

Bianca had just parked outside the mansion when someone opened the front gate.

She could hear two sets of footsteps walking out.

A caretaker helped an old man walk out of the house. The old man looked at Bianca endearingly."You're here, my granddaughter. I've been waiting for you." "Grandpa." Bianca felt a wave oftenderness when she saw Old Mr.

Norman. Didn't I say that you should wait in the house? Why did you come out?" She said.

"You've lost weight, Bianca!" Old Mr. Norman's lips trembled slightly as he looked at Bianca from headto toe.

He wanted to go closer to greet Bianca, but the caretaker stopped him. "It's too hot outside, Sir. Let'sgo inside the house, and you can chat with Miss. Ms. Rayne, when Sir got to know that you werevisiting, he'd been mumbling over and over about when you'd come, and he would look at the frontgate. He was so worried that you might suddenly have an emergency and postpone the visit..."

Bianca handed the two bottles to the caretaker and held Old Mr. Norman's arm. "I told you that I'd becoming, and I'd keep to the promise. You should have waited for me in the living room. It's so hotoutside, you shouldn't have come out."

Then, she helped Old Mr. Norman walk back into the living room.

The air conditioning made her feel a lot more comfortable.

The furnishings in Old Mr. Norman's residence were old-fashioned, but the house was kept clean.There was a retro-style couch and a painted wooden cabinet.

Several hanging baskets hung from the ceiling. Below them were several stools with miniature palmtrees as well as a bonsai plant.

Behind the Victorian-style partition was the study.

The study's door was ajar. One could see that a variety of paintings were hung on the walls.

Next to the table was a rack that contained a variety of brushes and oil paints.

Everyone knew that Old Mr. Norman loved painting, and Bianca's mother seemed to have picked upthe habit from him.

The caretaker came over carrying a tray with a plate of cut watermelon and a bunch of grapes. Ms.Rayne, these are the grapes from the trellis outside, and Sir bought the watermelon earlier. They havebeen refrigerated. I hope you'll enjoy them." "Thank you, Ma'am. You should eat some too." Biancahanded the biggest slice of watermelon to Old Mr. Norman.novelbin

Old Mr. Norman wagged his hand and pushed the watermelon slice back to Bianca. "You should eatfirst, Bea. I'm already old, and I shouldn't eat cold stuff!"

Bianca ate two slices of watermelon and some grapes. Then, she took a napkin and elegantly wipedher mouth.

"Where did you buy the watermelon, Grandpa? It's so sweet! It's the sweetest watermelon I've evertasted. Also, the grapes are very sweet too.

They're almost as sweet as champagne grapes."

Old Mr. Norman smiled happily. "Your dad's the one who bought the watermelon. The grapes areindeed a hybrid of champagne grapes, and I've been tending to them for more than twenty years. If youlove it, you can bring some home." "Thank you, Grandpa. You're so nice to me!" Bianca smiled andanswered. She noticed that only Mr. Norman was at home and could not help but ask, "Where'sGrandma?"

She knew that Old Mrs. Norman was not very fond of her, and she would try to get out of the waywhenever she came to visit. Old Mrs. Norman was usually at home, so it was quite surprising thatBianca had not seen her yet.

Just when Bianca finished asking the question, Old Mrs. Norman appeared at the door with Leiaholding her elbow...

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