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Chapter 838

Chapter 838 Framed

Although Bianca's tone was casual, Leia knew that she was cornered. She had to figure a way out.

Leia tried her best to be calm as the four pairs of eyes stared at her.

Leia felt like her scalp was numb and she had heavy shackles weighing her down.

She wiped the beads of tears that fell from her swollen eyes as she said," Sister, what do you mean bythat? Are you saying that I'm secretly involved with Wayne Blatt? Who doesn't know that the Blattfamily has been involved with the military for generations? Victor and Wayne Blatt, the oldest andyoungest of the Blatt family, both joined the army and have been in the special forces. It's not a secretin our social circle in A City... Although I don't know anyone from the Blatt family personally, Charmaineand I are best friends. She loves to gossip and has told me a lot about the Blatt family. Why is itsurprising that I know Wayne Blatt was in the special forces? Sister, I've gone through the mosthumiliating thing that can happen in a woman's life. I was tortured and raped by a man in my ownhome. Not only are you not sympathizing with me but you're even questioning me. How could you dothis to me?! You asked me why I didn't fight back and call for help? Then, let me ask you this, whenWayne Blatt took you as a hostage with a gun to your head and almost killed you, why didn't you callour parents for help? Do you think I didn't want to call for help?"

Leia's tears kept flowing down her face. She looked like a poor puppy that got injured.

She kept wiping her tears, but she could not stop crying. Queenie felt horrible about it and took pity onher.

Bianca was not sure what to say. Leia was good with her words and excellent in acting like the victim.

She thought about what Ms. Lang told her in the kitchen and then turned her attention to Ms. Lang."Leia, there are some other things that we’d like to clarify with you. Ms. Lang, you mentioned that Leiahas been acting weird for a while. You said that Leia would bring a large amount of food into her roomevery day. There would be enough to feed two grown men, but the plates were always sent back clean.You also mentioned that you vaguely hear the voice of a man in her room when you passed by... Ms.

Lang, is that true?"

Ms. Lang was stunned and answered, "Ms. Bianca, it...”

Leia's sharp eyes locked onto Ms. Lang. She said in a threatening tone," Ms. Lang, you should thinkbefore you speak. Otherwise..."

Ms. Lang's eyes met Leia's sinister ones. She shuddered at her threat and tried her best to speak.

She dared not look into Bianca's eyes as she stuttered, "I.

Bianca patted her shoulder lightly and said encouragingly, Ms. Lang, it's okay. You can tell the truth. I'msure you're aware of the severity of what happened today. Wayne Blatt broke into the Normanresidence and killed two innocent guards. My husband suffered a gunshot wound and my mother is inshock... Do you think you can be here safe and sound if not for my husband and father's bravery?"

Ms. Lang was taken aback and took a while to process Bianca's words. She was so nervous that shealmost bit off her lower lip.

After a while, Ms. Lang said slowly, "Mr. and Mrs. Norman, what Ms. Bianca said is true. Ms. Leia hasbeen behaving abnormally for a while.

Sometimes, I would hear the voice of a man in her room. I don't know who it is because I couldn't seeanything, but I'm pretty sure that a man was hiding inside..."

Leia was furious and rushed over to Ms. Lang, wanting to slap her.

Leia looked as though she wanted to gouge Ms. Lang's eyes out as she screamed, "Liar, stop accusingme of things! I'm just a woman, how could I have hidden a grown man at home? Besides, ourneighborhood has strict security measures. How could an outsider sneak in so easily? Also, Ms. Lang,if I was hiding a man in our home for so long, why haven’t my parents noticed it? Oh... I remember now.I lost one of my necklaces some time ago. When I searched through your room, I found my necklace...You begged me not to tell my parents about it. If they learn about your petty theft, you'll lose your joband be kicked out of the Norman residence.

You're slandering me to take revenge for that. I'll call my lawyer immediately. I want to take you tocourt, you liar!"

After she said that, Leia took out her phone and dialed a number as if she was going to call her lawyer.

Queenie stared at Ms. Lang incredulously, her eyes filled with suspicion and disappointment as sheasked, "Ms. Lang, is that true?" "Madam, that’s not the case. Please trust me. I swear, I never stoleanything. It was Ms. Leia who planted the necklace and framed me... I've worked hard in the Normanresidence for so many years. I hope that you can trust that I'm not a thief."

Ms. Lang felt overwhelmed by Leia, the natural liar.

When Queenie looked at her suspiciously, she felt even more choked and suffocated.novelbin

Ms. Lang remembered the scene when Leia threatened her. The events of that day replayed in hermind.

That night, Mr. and Mrs. Norman returned late as they were occupied with work. When she was donecleaning up and returned the vacuum cleaner to its original place, Leia appeared out of nowhere,

scaring the living daylights out of her.

"Ms. Leia, what are you doing here? You... scared me."

Leia was wearing white pajamas. Under the dim lights, she said softly, "Ms. Lang, Angel Tears, thediamond necklace that my mother gave me, is missing. I looked for it in all the rooms but didn't find it.Did you see it?"

Ms. Lang lowered her head and answered honestly, "No, I didn't see it."

Leia snorted and tapped her hand on the wall before saying arrogantly," Oh? You wouldn't mind if Iwent to your room and searched for it then?" "Of course, Ms. Leia, help yourself."

Leia rushed into Ms. Lang's room and searched around. Leia soon found the necklace in Ms. Lang'shandbag and raised it in front of Ms. Lang in a domineering manner.

"Ms. Lang, explain yourself."

Ms. Lang was shocked when she saw it and started freaking out. Angel’s Tears was a birthday giftgiven to Leia by Queenie last year. It was delicate and beautiful. The most important thing is that it wascustomized based on Leia's profile, making it the only one in the world. How did it appear in herhandbag?

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