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Chapter 826

Chapter 826 Why Are You So Obsessed With That Woman?

After Bianca brushed her teeth and washed her face, she thought of putting on makeup.

Kassy had put on her makeup meticulously when she abducted Bianca. She put lipstick on her lips andwore high heels. Bianca wanted to show that she was the superior woman and that she was not one tobe bullied.

However, she remembered that Kassy might have been blinded by now.

Instead, she wore some loose-fitting casual clothes.

When she came out of the bedroom and saw Luke in formal wear, she suddenly felt underdressed.

Luke was sitting on the couch and reading a financial newspaper. She hesitated for a while beforesaying, "Can you wait for me just a little longer?

"Hm?" Luke turned his head and looked at Bianca suspiciously.

"Well, I thought that I should put on some light makeup..." Bianca bit her lip as she looked into his eyes."I don't think it's suitable for me to leave the house like this."

Luke looked at her carefully. "It's fine. You look great like this. You're naturally beautiful." "Ah..."

Bianca scratched her head. She wanted to say something, but Luke had already gotten up and tookher hand. "You're beautiful this way. In my eyes, my wife is the most beautiful woman even withoutmakeup. Let's go."

It was windy and drizzling outside. Bianca sneezed when she stepped out of the house.

Her casual clothes were quite thin, and she could not help but huddle.

Luke frowned when he saw that. He turned around and said, "I'll go and get a jacket for you from thebedroom. Wait for me for a while."

Bianca tried to stop him. "It's fine. I can go like this..."

Luke was not going to listen to her. He dashed into the bedroom. Soon, he appeared with a thick blackcoat in his hands and draped it over Bianca's shoulders.

I'm not going to wear a coat. It's so weird wearing a T-shirt inside and a coat outside," Biancaprotested.

Moreover, he was dressed so formally. She felt embarrassed standing next to him.

Luke started to button up the coat, and his eyes flashed dangerously. "Is your health or yourappearance more important?"

Bianca's face scrunched up and reluctantly allowed him to put on the coat for her. Then, he held herhand, and they walked outside.

They arrived at the factory.

Bianca remembered vividly what happened the night before. She shuddered involuntarily when shestepped into the factory. Meanwhile, Luke's expression turned cold when he remembered her conditionwhen he found her.

He brought Bianca closer to her and comforted her. "Don't be afraid. I’m here."

A few dozen armed mercenaries dressed in camouflage were stationed all around the factory. Theywere patrolling the area.

They saluted Luke when they saw him and Bianca. "Mr. Crawford," they greeted him.

Even though Bianca knew that they were Luke's mercenaries, she felt uneasy when she saw the gunsin those people's hands.

"These people are Percy's subordinates. He was the one who helped me find you in time," Lukeexplained to her.

Bianca felt relieved when Percy's bewitchingly handsome face appeared in her mind. She would thankhim another day.

Kassy's lackeys were tied to steel pillars, battered by the cold wind and rain for the entire night. Therewas not a hint of color on their faces.

Gale and Rain were busy cleaning up the scene.

When they saw Luke and Bianca come in, they stopped working and bowed slightly. "Mr. and Mrs.Crawford. They're all here, not one less."

As they spoke, the people tied to the pillars turned around, pleading for mercy with their eyes.

Bianca remembered how those thugs had brazenly committed crimes in public and tossed grenadeswithout any regard for human life. She did not expect that those criminals were so afraid of death.

Her gaze fell on a woman lying on the cold floor. She seemed barely alive.

From her clothes, Bianca could tell that she was Kassy.

Thick white bandages were wrapped over her eyes, and the smell of disinfectant was thick in the air.From the bloodstains on the bandages, Bianca could tell that her eyes were severely damaged.

Both of her legs were also wrapped in bloody bandages. Whoever treated her legs had done aperfunctory job, as though they only wanted to prevent her from bleeding to death.

Even though Bianca hated Kassy, she could not help but feel sorry for her when she saw how patheticKassy was.

No one would have expected that the noble and arrogant woman would end up like this.

Kassy might have lost her sense of sight, but her hearing sense remained acute.

She heard Luke's voice from afar. Her dirty hands waved wildly in the air, and she yelled hoarsely, "Isthat you, Matthew? Are you here to visit me? I know it. I know that you miss me..."

Kassy dragged her battered body and crawled toward Luke. She was both crying and laughing, andshe looked like a lunatic.novelbin

Even though Bianca felt sorry for her, she remembered that Kassy was a ruthless woman.

When she heard Kassy express her love for Luke, she could not help but retort, "You're still covetingmy husband even though you've ended up like this. You never change, Kassy!"

Kassy was shocked when she heard that familiar woman's voice. Her body trembled. "Why, Matthew?That b*tch has already been violated by another man, but why do you still want her? Why are youobsessed with her? What's so good about her?” "Everything about her is good to me. I don't need areason to love her," Luke replied coldly.

"Hahaha, I'm unlucky to have saved your life. You turned out to be an ingrate!" Kassy cackledhorrifically.

She still could not understand why Luke chose Bianca over her. She was more outstanding thanBianca in every aspect, and Bianca did not seem to have any good points other than her pure looks.Why would Luke be obsessed over that plain-looking woman? i

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