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Chapter 818

Chapter 818 The Sordid Scene

Listening to the rough sounds and the agonized moans of the woman coming from the inside, all themale thugs wished that they could rush into the room.

The sharp-faced thug grumbled unhappily, "Sigh. I wonder when Boss will be done with her. How longis he going to let us wait? He'd better not overwork that little b*tch. We haven't had our fun yet."

Another thug chuckled pervertedly. "What's the rush? It'll be our turn sooner or later, and the later it is,the better. That woman might still be trying to resist. After Boss is done with her, she might be a lotmore submissive. That'll give us an easier time, won't it?"

He could not help but rub his chin. Bianca's slender and curvaceous body and her tender face madehis passions flare.

He had lost count of the women he had slept with, but it was rare for him to encounter a woman thatwas both beautiful and noble.

When the sharp-faced thug heard that, he hurriedly asked, "When it's our turn, should we do it one byone, or should we go all at once?" "I think we should take turns. She doesn't look like she could take allof us at once." "No, I think we should go all at once. That's more fun..."

The thugs had different opinions, and they nearly broke out in fisticuffs. That made Kassy extremelyirritated.

’Are they really that desperate? Haven't they seen a woman before?' "I'm not that interested. Thewoman might be beautiful, but I can't afford to offend the woman in my house. If she knows that I'vebeen messing around with other women behind her back, I'll be sleeping in the doghouse when I getback. Go ahead if you want. I'm not joining you guys." "Me neither. I'm not interested in women..."

The men brought there by the leader of the thugs did not seem very interested in Bianca, while Kassy'slackeys and the few men next to the sharp-faced thug seemed eager. That was about ten men in total.novelbin

'She'll be used goods once they're done with her. Luke won't love her anymore! Haha!'

Time continued to pass.

Kassy glanced at her watch. It had been about half an hour. That b*tch should have been spent bynow.

She narrowed her eyes when she thought of those humiliating words that Bianca had told her.

She did not expect Matthew to betray her stepfather, the organization, and worst of all, her love,because of that woman. After getting the video of that woman being violated, she would throw her intothe sea and feed her to the fishes! i

The mental image of Bianca's eyes glazing over in agony and despair, her beauty and gracecompletely gone, gave Kassy a feeling of catharsis. She had managed to overcome her biggestobstacle to winning Matthew's heart!

That woman was not going to live past today.

Anyone standing in her way to Luke deserved to die!

The sky gradually darkened. Several light bulbs in the factory cast a dim yellow light; Kassy hadordered her lackeys to install those.

She was getting tired after standing outside for so long. She yawned, then sat on an all-terrain vehicleand continued to wait.

Another ten minutes passed.

Kassy's patience was utterly depleted. The leader of the thugs had been inside for so long, and heshould have been done by now. Why was he still inside?

She suddenly had a strong feeling of apprehension.

Her intuition told her that everything had gone a little too smoothly. If she did not deal with that womanas soon as possible, she had a feeling that there would be a lot of trouble.

It would be another few hours if she had to wait for all the men to have their go at Bianca. By then, itwould have been midnight, and too many things could go wrong within that period. She might haveconfidence that she had executed her plan perfectly, but she could guarantee that Matthew would findher in those few hours.

She knew that Matthew had extraordinary reconnaissance abilities.

Moreover, she was in A City, Matthew's territory, and not the Island of Despair.

After thinking about it for a while, Kassy changed her mind. She opened the car door and quicklywalked toward the factory.

Her lackeys noticed that she had come in and followed behind her seriously.

As she walked, she frowned and told her lackeys, "That woman must die now. Also, kill her b*stardchildren too! I can't wait anymore. I'm worried that something might happen."

She wanted to see Bianca's despair while being violated by multiple men at the same time, but she feltuneasy when she was reminded of Matthew's capabilities.

The sharp-faced thug was the first to complain. "What do you mean? We haven't had our turn yet!"

While waiting for his turn, he had been fantasizing about what he would do. Kassy's orders made himvisibly unhappy.

Kassy glared at him impatiently.' Heh, what's so great about a woman? I'll give you all another fivehundred thousand dollars each. That should be enough for you to hire ten women, and they'll be morebeautiful and charming than her."

The thugs were speechless after they heard that, including the sharp-faced thug.

That much money could indeed get them a lot of women. The women in the room might be desirable,but they could get any woman they wanted with that amount of money.

The sharp-faced thug remained unappeased. "Too bad for us, we've waited for so long for nothing."

Kassy glanced disdainfully at him and brought the people into the factory.

In the factory, the leader of the thugs was zipping up his pants. He remained impassive as usual, buthis neck and chin were stained with lipstick.

He looked as though he had his fill.

Bianca was sprawled on the floor. She had a blank expression on her pale face.

Kassy circled her several times and looked down contemptuously at her.

That woman's jacket was tossed on the floor, and her shirt was torn. There were bloodstains on herjeans, as though the man had forced his way in and utterly ravaged her...

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