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Chapter 755

Chapter 755 Her Period Was Late...

Queenie walked up to Bianca, pulled her by her shoulders, and forced Bianca to face her. Her gentlevoice trembled as she asked, ’ Bianca, what are you talking about? What do you mean you weredrugged? Tell me what happened.”

Bianca looked miserable, and despair flashed across her eyes.

She cried and fell into Queenie's arms as she sobbed. She stammered as she told her mother the truthabout what had happened that night.

After Queenie listened to her daughter's cries, her whole body froze up.

"B-Bianca, how could you be so stupid? How many times have I told you that you can't trust anyone inthis world except for your closest family? But did you listen to me?!" Her mother, who had always dotedon Bianca, raised her hand high due to the regret she was feeling for her daughter not living up to herexpectations.

However, when she saw her daughter's miserable appearance, Queenie finally softened up andreached out to wipe away the tears on the corners of her eyes. "My poor girls. What bad things havethe Norman family done to have such misfortunes befall us one after another? I would rather thosemisfortunes happen to me than to see you girls suffer... Sigh..."

What kind of joke was God playing on her? Her youngest daughter was forced to go to rehab for drugs,while her eldest daughter was drugged by someone with bad intentions. Why did God allow thesethings to happen to her two precious daughters?

Bianca thought that she had no more strength to cry, but there was a foul taste in her mouth.

She really regretted drinking that glass of red wine that day, and she regretted not having Lukeaccompany her when she went to the restroom even more.

Now, she could not show any abnormality in front of that man because she was afraid that he wouldfind out about how she had gotten raped by another man. She was afraid that she would be ridiculedand looked at differently by others...

She regretted even more that she woke up too late that day. If she knew what the man who raped herlooked like, she would choose to leave everything behind and die with him!

Now, Bianca was like a walking corpse.

"Mom, I'm so dirty now! I'm really filthy! I'm not good enough for Luke anymore! I don’t deserve you andDad, and I don’t deserve my children even more. If dying will wash away my sins, I'd rather just die."Bianca's eyes suddenly turned scarlet and crazy as she fiercely slapped her own face with both hands.

Loud and heavy slaps sounded one after another. They landed on her fair face, leaving a trail of bloodon her cheeks.

Queenie was stunned and jumped.

In a panic, she wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter to stop her from hurting herself. "Silly girl,what are you doing? Don't be afraid. No matter what happens, I’ll always be by your side... Bianca, tellme honestly. Did you take Plan B the day after?”

Bianca took a long time to react and was sluggish for a moment. Instantly, she had a sense of dreadthat sent chills down her spine.

'Oh no.' The day she found out that she had been raped, she was in a state of semi-madness. She wasmuddle-headed from all the sadness and pain, so she had forgotten to take emergency measures after

the incident!

Bianca grabbed Queenie's hand tightly, her soulless pupils full of fear." Mom, that day... When I cameback that day, I was in a bad state of mind, so I... I forgot t-to take the medication... What should I do? l-lf I get pregnant... I don't think I can continue living..."

Queenie's face turned as pale as her daughter's. "Bianca, how can you be so careless?! Stay here athome and wait for me. I'll go get you the medicine. It's going to be a big problem if it’s more than 72hours!”

She instructed Bianca about a few things and hurried out without even checking if Bianca heard whatshe said.

After her mother left, Bianca cried for a while before laughing again with her long hair scattered messilylike a madwoman.

It was her fault.

If she had been a little more careful during the banquet, this whole thing would not have happened.She would not be living in such fear every day. She was extremely angry at herself!

The Norman family lived in the middle of the city, near the shopping district. Hence, there were manystores and pharmacies around their place.

Queenie chose the nearest large pharmacy chain and politely refused the salesperson's help. She thenpicked a box of Plan B from the shelf.

The moment her hand touched the box of pills, she heard a devilish female voice beside her. "AuntQueenie? Are you here to get some medicine? How is Leia doing? I was abroad for some time, so Ihaven't talked to her in quite a while. I miss her..."novelbin

Queenie held the box of pills in her hand without moving. She looked up only to see a cool andgorgeous young woman dressed in revealing clothes. She was wearing a hip-hugging mini skirt and apair of really tall heels. Her arms were wrapped around a black man as she looked at Queenie with asmile.

It was Leia's best friend, Charmaine. Leia had spent a lot of time with her previously.

Her companion beside her was tall and strong with particularly dark skin. When he smiled, it revealedhis white teeth. Even though they were in public, he had no qualms about indecently holdingCharmaine beside him.

The moral degeneration of the world was getting worse day by day. How disgusting!

Charmaine had always changed her boyfriends like she was changing her clothes. All men were hertype of men.

A trace of disgust was shown in Queenie’s eyes, but her tone was still soft. "Leia hasn't been welllately, so she's just been resting at home. I'm afraid she won’t be free to meet any guests for now, soyou’ll have to wait until she gets better. Ms. Weish, I have something to do now, so goodbye."

After Queenie said that, she no longer paid attention to Charmaine. She just took the box of pills, wentto the cashier, and paid for it before leaving immediately.

Charmaine looked at Queenie leaving hurriedly and remembered the Plan B she had in her handbefore snorting sarcastically.

Charmaine thought to herself, 'Queenie is old. Although she still looks good, I'm sure she's gonethrough menopause. She probably doesn't need Plan B, so did she get the pills for Leia?'

She could not believe that Leia, who used to think very highly of herself in front of Charmaine and whohad always kept herself clean, would experience such a thing in her private life.

She actually had to ask her own mother to get Plan B for her.

'Heh.' After Charmaine came back from abroad, she knew that she had to meet Leia, who had alwaysbeen arrogant and acted as if she was the queen.

'Let’s see what kind of person she has become.'

Bianca took the pill and spent a couple of days recuperating at the Norman residence. She was in adaze the whole time, so time seemed to pass by in a daze as well.

Queenie was afraid that Bianca would try to kill herself, so she stayed at home with her andaccompanied her every day. From time to time, Bianca's children would also come and cling to her,keeping her company.

In the midst of Bianca's despair, some color slowly came back to her gray world.

She was still not talking to Luke, so every time he came to pick her up, she would just try to piss him offso that he would leave.

Even so, the man was persistent. Almost every day, he would put his ego aside and stay by her side.She always failed to drive him away.

Bianca started to get a little soft-hearted and started to want to go home with him.

When she was packing her things in her room, Bianca suddenly felt a pang of pain in her stomach. Shecovered her mouth and retched for a while. Then, she suddenly panicked and remembered that herperiod was ten days late!

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