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Chapter 700

Chapter 700 Thank You, My Wife

When Bianca heard that voice, she felt an invisible hand grip her heart, and the pain caused her totremble uncontrollably.

Tears started to fall. ‘Luke... is that you? Is that really you, Luke?"

The woman's stifled sobs were very soft. Like a wisp of smoke, it traveled through the phone andentered Luke's ear.

It was as though he could see Bianca's crying face in front of him.novelbin

Luke's heart wrenched, but he forced himself to stay calm. "Don't cry... It's me. I'm still alive. Listen tome. I'm in a risky situation now, and I can't contact you too often. Otherwise, you and the children willbe in danger. I can't tell you too much now, but when I get home, I'll tell you what happened to me overthe past two years..."

Now, she was like a flower blooming under the sun, but he could only look at her from the shadows. Hewanted to pluck that flower, but he could not risk exposing himself.

Bianca wanted to stop crying, but she could not stop her tears. "Alright, we'll wait for your return...Luke, do you know that our third child is born? He's a boy, and he looks exactly like you. His nicknameis Tommy. Lanie and Rainie have been very good too. They never let me worry. Grandpa fell sick afterhe knew that you went missing, but he's still healthy. T Corporation is operating normally. I've managedto protect your legacy..."

They were husband and wife, and Bianca knew the things that concerned Luke the most.

Before he could ask, Bianca told him everything that he wanted to know.

"Thank you, my wife." Luke's resonant voice entered Bianca's ear. "Trust me. I will come back to yousoon."

Bianca tried to keep her voice low and steady, but her trembling lips betrayed her emotions. "Where areyou now, Luke? I brought Tommy to Moscow to look for you, and we're staying in Ray's house now. Areyou still in Moscow?"

Luke's expression changed drastically. "You brought Tommy to Moscow?

That's ridiculous!" "Why shouldn't I? You went missing in Moscow, so I thought I could find some leadshere..." Bianca was puzzled.

She felt aggrieved when Luke had responded so violently.

Luke began to speak hastily. ' Listen to me, Bianca. My disappearance two years ago is related to asecret organization of assassins named the League of Shadows. They are cruel and merciless, andthey have taken me captive for the past two years. I only managed to escape from their clutches a fewdays ago, and they've been trying to hunt me down. If they find out that you and Tommy are in theirterritory, you'll be in danger..."

Bianca shook her head in disbelief.

Now that Luke had told her about his perilous situation, her tears started flowing again. "What's goingon? If what you said is true, does that mean you're in bigger danger? How can I save you?"

Luke could imagine how weak and helpless Bianca was right now.

He tried to calm himself down and spoke to her, "You don't have to worry about me, silly girl. I'll be fine.You'll have to take care of yourself and Tommy. Now that you're in Russia, the people from the Leagueof Shadows might already have set their eyes on you. Remember what I'm about to tell you: Ray is a

powerful figure in Russia. Even though I’ve only met him once, I can say that you can count on him.We're considered friends, and you can seek him for help.

"There's also Gordan, that b*stard. He might be frivolous when it comes to women, but you can rely onhim for everything else. If you tell them your situation, they'll be able to help you. I'll try to come back toMoscow as soon as possible, but in the meantime, you should stay with Ray and not go anywhere else.The League of Shadows has eyes everywhere, and I can't imagine what would happen if you fell intotheir hands’"

Bianca sobbed. "Alright, I'll listen to whatever you say, Luke. All I hope now is that you return to mesafely..." "I will return to you. If everything goes well, I will come back to you soon. I can't tell you toomuch when I'm using someone else's phone, but you have to remember what I tell you. I love you, mywife..." "I love you too, Luke. The children and I will wait for your return."

Bianca ended the call reluctantly.

Looking at Tommy sleeping peacefully on the bed, she planted a heavy kiss on his face. "Son, yourDaddy is coming back to us soon. You'll be able to meet him."

A luxury car without a license plate stopped next to the road under a tree.

The window rolled down, revealing a charming and seductive pair of lips.

The woman wore sunglasses, even though it was late at night.

The night wind scattered the woman's blond hair, which made her look cold.

"Have you found out anything about that woman?” Kassy's voice was soft and gentle as she spoke inRussian.

A muscular man stepped forward and said respectfully, "Yes, Ms. Kassy. We have found the identity ofthat woman. Her name is Bianca Rayne, and she is indeed his wife in A City. She is here in Russianwith her son to find Matthew's whereabouts, but I'm afraid that we won't be able to deal with her thateasily."

The woman was silent for a while. "Why?” "Bianca is now staying in Ray's residence. We haven't nowfound out what her relationship with Ray is, but she must be very close to him for Ray to allow her tostay in his residence. Ray, that man, he's a lunatic..."

Kassy lit a cigarette and smiled.

"Heh, what's Ray when we have our godfather behind us?" She said nonchalantly. "Kill that woman, nomatter what it takes! Oh, and, bring that b *stard child back to me. I'd like to see if Matthew will show upif he knows that his son is in my hands! Do this..."

She whispered something in the muscular man's ear.

The man nodded, waved his arm, and brought several men in black to carry out her orders.

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